Tour a Sleep-Away Camp in Maine... Make it a Vacation!
March 8, 2012
The summer is flying by and it’s already time to think about your plans for next summer. If you are planning to send your child to overnight camp next year, the best insights on whether or not a camp is the right fit come from touring camps while they are in session. So plan your tours now! The concept can seem daunting, but with the help of Maine Camp Experience, you can easily schedule a camp tour AND experience a wonderful Maine vacation while you’re there! “Maine is the Eden of camping. Maine sets the bar,” says Jim Gill, Director of Camp Fernwood Cove who suggests planning your tours/vacation mid-week if you can because it’s a little quieter and less crowded. According to Peter Kassen, Director of Camp Hidden Valley, “The best time of day to tour is the morning when the campers are there. You can even sit and have a meal with them to really get a feel for the community.” Full of useful tips, the Maine Camp Experience website offers the following advice to prospective camp families: SCHEDULING CAMP TOURS
- Always call the camp first to inquire as to availability and best times to tour
- Our summer camps provide personal tours and the directors want to spend time with you
- Organize your questions ahead of time
- Ask how long the tour will last COMBINING SUMMER CAMP VISITS
- Call ahead for driving times between camps and your hotel
- Book one tour in the morning and one in the afternoon
- Dress comfortably! You’ll be doing a lot of walking and will spend much time outdoors
Once you figure out the locations of the camps you’d like to tour, start planning your vacation! 26 million people vacation in Maine each year. You can find a list of recommended hotels on the website as well. When you click on the “explore” section, you can learn more about the top places to vacation in Maine including Portland, Freeport, Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Camden, Kennebunk and Ogunquit, just to name a few. Acadia National Park offers a treasure trove of amazing experiences for the entire family. Do not miss watching the sun set on Cadillac Mountain. The views are incredible and the kids will love climbing the rocks. Two more must sees in Acadia National Park – Jordan Pond – where you can go on a nature hike and then relax at the restaurant where you’ll enjoy the best popovers in the state. Then, take a drive through the park and stop at Thunder Hole – where you can listen to the waves that crash into rocks made of granite and the sound that erupts bears a striking resemblance to thunder. Or you can check out Freeport Maine, home to the original and largest L.L. Bean store and fabulous outlet shopping. Parents and campers love to go there and explore the area. The website also provides a list of tourism links. Whether you make the road trip part of the journey (which many families love to do), or hop on a quick flight, you will learn why it is easy to get here, but so hard to leave Maine! Don’t just take my word for it. Read these true stories from camp parents and alumni who are all in on the secret…summers and camp belong in Maine!