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Memories of Camp


I love it here. I cant wait to come back next summer and the seniors are so tall, and cant belive that will be leading services. And if you’re reading this and you’re a camper or counselor I miss you.


I remember my first year at camp. I was so scared that I wouldn’t make any friends. I have never slept more than two days away from my parents, but the second day at camp it was like I had been Fernwood Cove forever. The girls and the counselors are all so welcoming. They care about each individual camper and make a great summer experience. The activities are amazing and the camp layout is so organized and friendly for all ages. Though this is the only Sleepaway camp I’ve been to, it is the most amazing one. The food is terrific and the special events are unforgettable. Best camp on Earth!


I’ve spent eight of the most transformational summers of my life at Tapawingo and even after all this time, I don’t think it will ever feel like enough. The community here is unparalleled. Yelling out to say “hi” to campers and counselors you spot walking around, spending every last second possible saying goodnight to the younger campers before inevitably being kicked out of the bunk by their counselors, and singing and banging on the tables during meals are examples that only begin to scratch the surface of what a normal day at Tap looks like. I have had the opportunity to connect with girls who have quickly transformed from complete strangers to people I could never even imagine myself living without now. They continually push me to be the best version of myself and are people I can rely on even from hundreds (and in some cases thousands!) of miles away. This past summer I was a CIT and our counselor will organize group FaceTimes where it genuinely feels as if we are all transported back to CIT bunk, sitting on the couches in the spots that became known as ours for the summer. At the end of every seven weeks I am always left in tears saying goodbye to my summer family and I only wish that every girl could experience the magic of Tapawingo.


Pleasant Good Afternoon Camp Nashoba North! If I may be honest, I was extremely terrified of my daughter’s first time experience with a “sleep away” camp. However, after exiting the car, once we arrived and having walked down a slight hill to sign in, etc., I’d never be terrified again. Camp Nashoba’s “Welcoming Committee” was/is truly AMAZING!!! Amazing to the point where I felt like the camper and I wanted to stay. My daughter was absolutely blown away too. She really loves the staff, her camp family, the food, the experiences, etc. here at Camp Nashoba. Sarah, Bob and the the entire staff are just wonderful human beings. They have your child’s/children’s best interest at heart all of the time. They’re great listeners and that requires a special skill. My daughter was so melancholy when it was time to temporarily depart from her Camp Nashoba family. However, despite the distance, she and her friendsare still writing letters, emailing, Face Timing,sharing on Instagram, Snap Chatting and calling each other often. She’s proactively planning for her 2019 Summer experience from now. “Full speed ahead mom”, she says! Thanks Camp Nashoba North for making our first (1st) experience as “sleep away campers” the most memorable, enjoyable, exciting and most inviting ever! You rock!!!


Tapawingo is truly a place of joy. I spent 9 wonderful and life changing summers there as a child and 2 years as a counselor. I can honestly say that my life is changed for the better because of my years at Tap. To describe the culture at Tap is to imagine the most comforting, caring and warmest hug! The bonds and friendships that I formed over the years are incredible, strong and lasting. Tapawingo prides itself on beautiful traditions including singing, campfires, song meet, team competitions and so much more. Tapawingo is truly a summer home and I feel beyond lucky to have the Tap experience!


How to put the Tapawingo experience into words?! Magical, empowering, fun, just to name a few. As a former camper, counselor and now as a Tap parent, I can honestly say that Tapawingo was the greatest gift my parents gave me and one I am so thankful I can give my daughters! My time at camp is foundational to who I am. Aside from the many life skills I developed, the biggest piece of Tap I carry with me to this day, are my friendships. I cannot imagine my life without the girls, now women, I met when I was nine years old. My oldest daughter attended camp for the first time last year and is counting the days until she can go back! After four weeks, she returned home more mature, confident, self-sufficient and full of so many stories of adventures with her bunkmates and big sister. My hope is that both of my girls not only experience the joys of Tap for years to come, but that they create and build the friendships that will carry them through life too!


Tapawingo is a very special place. Having spent over 13 years of my life there, I can say without hesitation that the nurturing of campers, sense of community, and lifelong friendships are central to the Tap experience. Through its activities, once-in-a-lifetime trips, and wonderful traditions, Tap creates a safe place to push kids outside their comfort zone and build independence and resilience, which is so very necessary in today’s world. It has always been a down-to-earth camp where kindness is paramount. Tapawingo is the type of place we need more of.


Each aspect of camp altered me for the better, but three components of Tapawingo impacted me beyond comparison. As a child, I depended on my parents for everything from waking up on time to having simple conversations. I relied on their constant supervision and found myself utterly lost without their guidance. Therefore, when I entered the camp environment, the amount of responsibilities overwhelmed me. I was expected to maintain a tidy area, develop strong eating habits, arrive punctually to my activities, and put myself to bed without assistance. This transition forced me to develop independence and self-sufficiency, crucial skills that I apply each day. Now, when presented with a problem, I attempt to find a solution on my own, instead of searching for help. The trust I now have in my abilities is apparent in every element of my life, and camp not only unlocked this confidence, but taught me to utilize it. At the basis of each camper’s experience is Color War, where every girl spends their summer battling for victory. Since I had never encountered this type of rivalry, I believed that participating in sports would be as unpleasant as plunging into ice-cold water, yet it was more like a warm bath. The team leaders and counselors celebrated my efforts despite my lack of athleticism, and through this, I uncovered my love of competition. This newfound ambitious spirit and determined outlook set me apart from others, yet the true impetus to never cease fighting is my desire to make those around me proud. I spare no efforts in each game; however, I leave everything on the field and walk away with girls on the opposing team, supporting each other despite the outcome. Camp has provided me with an abundance of insight, but the most significant message I have taken away is what family looks like. Without the distractions of money, technology, or school, I chose friends purely because of their personality, allowing me to create life-long bonds. I determined that a real companion appreciates me in all stages of my life and plays a part in my growth. The girls at Tapawingo have remained by my side for over five years and evolved from strangers to sisters. In and outside of camp, I have learned to disregard ethnicity and race, social class and sexuality, and to instead concentrate on the person at heart. Tapawingo, through its traditions and people, helped me transform from a timid little girl into a confident young woman.


Is it June yet?? We have two daughters returning to camp this year and they can NOT wait. My oldest (11) daughter is returning to Camp Tap for her third year. Her first year was a bit of a trial run: she was 9 years old and had never been to a sleepaway camp before—we live in Utah and camps like Tap are not the norm. She was nervous. We were nervous! She had a hard time that year but came home with some independence and confidence—she was clear to us that she HATED it despite the friends she made and the fun she had. And despite her interest in returning. Unfortunately, the following year was a no-camp year because of the pandemic. Fortunately, the year off allowed her to become more comfortable in her own skin and she returned to camp in 2021—this time with her sister—and thrived. We called on her birthday in July expecting to hear tears, but we heard, instead, some story about pirates, being ambushed by counselors hiding in the woods, improvisational singing, and victory. She was laughing so hard it was difficult to make out what the heck was happening. We decided she was FINE, not missing us the way we missed her, and then we cried ourselves to sleep. ;) Throughout the summer, her letters home were all about her friends, horses, camp slang we couldn’t understand, and how much she loved camp. We were worried about (and missing) 8 year old, too, but all there is to say about her can be taken from her first letter home to us, which read (in full): “Hi, Mom, I love it here! See you!!” She was no doubt upset to learn she had to write more letters than that—each was shorter and covered in more hearts than the first. Both girls ended 2021 summer camp season devastated to come home. We were so glad to have them back with us, but the experiences with new friendships, sports, drama, canoe races, camping, horseback riding, and firesides returned them to us happier, more confident, more independent, and more helpful. Camp Tapawingo claims to be a family—and it is. The long-time leadership of the camp by Jane Lichtman set a tone of LOVE for the camp, the staff, and each camper. Now run by her nephew and protege, JD, the feeling of love is very much alive. The ongoing presence of a devoted core staff, unbroken traditions, and excitement for each new year keeps Camp Tapawingo feeling like home—and like a bold new frontier. I benefit from knowing the camp (from a distance) for over 30 years because my dad has been a camp doctor there since I was in high school—this long perspective has allowed me to see, through him, the stability, strength, and adaptability of the Camp Tap culture. This year, my daughters will get to go for the full summer. I’m almost as excited as they are—there’s not a better place for them to be.


I had two fantastic summers in 1976 and in 1978 at Camp Cobbossee. I will never forget these two summers and I have encouraged several of my friends - both women and men, to go to Camp America. I do hope I will return to Camp Cobbossee one day and see how the Camp looks like to day. I have some of the best memories of my life during these two summers.


I was a counelor in the Junior camp for three seasons in the early 1950’s. The impact of the experience has lasted me all these intervening years. I retired as Dean of Electronic Technology at DeVry University in Phoenix, Az. I worked on the Apollo space program as an Instrumentationm engineer. I was a tech instructor at Military facilities across the country and now am surviving my retirement life which all started at Winona with my 8 weeks as a counselor at Junior Winona. Who knew?


My son started his Winona experience in 2019 as one of the youngest campers. He jumped right in and enjoyed every minute with his new friends and the counselors. He talks about it often now that the school year has started and cannot wait to return next summer. I am thrilled about his joy for this special place and think he will have a chance to try even more trips, activities and experiences as he grows up at camp. He loves the choice he gets every day, the special events and the games available during free time. As an active kid who likes to run and play, this is perfect place for him. He did not miss technology or home because he was so busy being joyful and present in what was going on at camp. Thank you to the Winona staff who are all such excellent role models!


This was my son Jalen second year and once again he had an amazing experience. We love Camp Nashoba North and we recommend it to everyone who has children that wants to have a wonderful summer.


I knew my daughter would be a true camper once she got over her fear of going but the experience she had at Somerset exceeded our every expectation. My daughter truly became the best version of herself at camp and that is something we will be forever grateful for. Somerset is just magic. I have no specific words or cannot describe their exact formula but when magic happens, greatness ensues. It was a home run, a slam dunk and then some!!


I don’t know where to start with how pleased we were with our daughter’s experience. She had the best time and gained some independence. The communication from Josh and Kate was wonderful. Keep up the good work!


My son had such a different view of camp after his stay that it was as if he were a different child. He was very reluctant to attend as this was his first experience at sleep-away camp and he also did not want to leave his devices for all that time….. but then, he was very reluctant to leave after the great summer he had! It was awesome to see how much he relished his camp experience and even more so to watch him animatedly relate every little detail of camp and its goings-on. he never once mentioned his devices or their varied apps and ended up confessing when I did ask how it felt, that he never missed them at all. I loved that he was able to engage in most of the activities that he found interesting, even those he had never tried before. He loved the concerts, the friendships he made, the way he was cared for by camp personnel, sharing space, ideas and experiences. He got the opportunity to try new activities, food and more and really explored. And I loved that he was able to do all that. Thank you Sarah, Bob and the entire CNN staff. My son will never forget this!


This was my son Jalen first summer with Camp Nashoba North and he had an amazing experience. He met many friends from different countries and bounded with the staff, when he first arrived home he said it was the best camp ever and he wanted to go back next summer. I would like to thank Camp Nashoba North for giving Jalen an unforgettable summer experience.


One of my many favorite camp memories is laying in my hammock in the pine trees outside my cabin, laughing and talking and just hanging out with my friends. I’ve met so many great friends at Wyonegonic. We were doing a lot of nothing, but I’m so busy all school year that it felt so good to just hang out with such special people in such a special place. I love Wyo so much and can’t wait to get back there.


This was my son’s second year at Camp Nashoba North and he enjoyed it just as much as the first. He has made more great friends and they are already planning for next summer. Camp Nashoba North taught my son to live outside his comfort zone and try things that he would never dream of doing at home. You can imagine my surprise when my shy, quiet son told me he was in a dance recital and that he had 4 roles in the camp’s rendition of the musical Mary Poppins. Sarah, Bob and their staff are amazing and make every effort to communicate with the parents and help calm any fears on may have about having thier child/ren so far away. Can’t wait to do it again next year!!!


I began my lifelong relationship at O-At-Ka when I was 12 in 1951 and I spent two summers of 8-weeks each. I was a nature lover even the and still am but my love of nature was greatly enhanced at the camp. The camp life evolved in me a greater sense of independence of a young boy. Hikes along the Appelanchain Trail, canoing on the Saco, and other various opportunites were a challenge and and opportunity to learn: blazing trails, woodcraft, some sailings, lifesaving skills. I particularly enjoyed morning Vesper services before breakfast. Well I went on through school and earned my Ph.D in Geology and Hydrology (No wonder) Now at 78, I have visited O-At-Ka many times over the years wem I was in the neihborhood and usually in the off-season. I sent my three sons to O-At-Ka and they still wear their O-AtKa T-shirts. All three of them have become highy successful in their own right from an owner of a national strategic communications firm, to a high school drop-out who is now the Director of Emergency Medicine in Phoenx, to a Hollywood screen writer. All are self directed and all have as love for nature from hiking to scuba diving. And, finally my grandson Zander has attendedCamp O-At-Ka for the past two years. And, if I live long enough I may see a 4t Generation of Turner’s attending O-At-Ka and building their own character. Signed: A Happy Camper


If you are looking for an amazing summer camp that will help your child/teen grow and have fun, then look no further because Nashoba North is the camp for your kid/s. Beautiful lakeside setting, very clean and well maintained property, a wide selection of activities, ROCK STAR staff (Sarah and her dream team). This is my daughter second year at Nashoba, she returned from camp only few days ago and is already planning for year #3. The life skills that the kids learn and confidence gained while having fun doing so is immeasurable. You can entrust your kids under the professional guidance and care of Sarah and her team and be comfortable knowing that your kids are in the best and very safe environment. A very BIG thank you Camp Nashoba North for another amazing summer-my daughter loves being away at her home away from home.


When I met someone name Alexia p. And now she is my bff.


If only I could go back and enjoy another summer at TLC. The late 50s and early 60s was a magical time to be at TLC. Enjoying a wonderful summer in Maine instead of a hot, humid summer in Houston was a fantastic gift. I will forever be grateful to my parents for giving me that opportunity. Making friends from all over the country was an experience that enriched my life and formative years. Young ladies, consider your self lucky to enjoy this privilege. You will have wonderful memories for many years to come.


I attended MTC for four years and I can confidently say that it was the best four summers of my life. I gained so much insight on my passions and who I am. I made some of the best friends I’ve ever had and still talk and hang out with them if I can. Being able to meet people from all over the world makes it such an all enveloping and encouraging environment. Its such a magical place and I wish I could stay there year round. The counselors are amazing and the heads of camp are the best! If you are considering attending, JUST GO! You will not regret it.


After finishing my final summer at Pinecliffe I am beyond grateful for the opportunities I have been given. The 7 summers I spent at Camp Pinecliffe were the best summers of my life. The girls I’ve met along the way are my sisters, my age group is my family, a collection of the most beautiful, strong, talented, hilarious, kind women I’ve ever come across. Pinecliffe taught me how to take risks, be creative, become an individual, and allow myself to be hard. I was able to try things I never could’ve dreamed of – hiking a mountain, water skiing, creating my own jewelry, and white water rafting.


My girls have been going to Kamp Kohut for the last 5 years. This will be the fifth year for Jeanne and her younger sister, Justine, will be her 3rd year. Justine was only 7 years old when she joined the Kamp Kohut family. Some people might think she was too young to leave for 2 weeks. I also thought she was too young and wouldn’t be able to be away from home. Was I wrong!!! Justine was to stay only two weeks but ended up staying the whole session, just about 4 weeks. When came time to pick up Justine, we got a phone call from Lisa letting us know Justine wanted to stay 2 more weeks. We knew she was having the time of her life after seeing all the picture Kamp Kohut had posted and her letters where always filled with Wow! Cool! But two more weeks!!My baby girl was growing and was having an amazing summer. I wanted to see her but I had to let her learn and grow. She wanted to catch more fish, play the drums, have fun with her new friends, be part of the Kohut family. How could I say no? I’m proud of myself for sending my kids each summer to Kamp Kohut. It’s one of my best decisions I’ve made for my girls. They are part of an amazing family with great values. Thank you Kamp Kohut!


For the last 4 summers, my daughter Justine watched with envy her sister Jeanne leave for Kamp Kohut. Every day, Justine would look at all the pictures sent by Kamp Kohut. She would constantly ask us when she would be able to go to camp. When we told her she would be going to Kamp Kohut, she was so excited! I was reluctant at first, wondering if she was too young to go to camp. My 7 year old baby would be gone for 2 weeks. How would she manage without her mommy? Would she be able t communicate with others since she only spoke French? Silly things like, would she know when to wash her hair? I was worried!!! Lisa reassured


I love campsunshine i will go there everyday it so beautiful and the volunteers are wonderful my three boys love it and the staffs and the sponers are wonderful thank u everyone see u next year


I wouldn’t be who I am today without Mataponi. Aside from learning how to be better at soccer or photography, I learned how to be a good, caring and compassionate friend to others. The fondest memories of my childhood are those summers where my best friends and I would just sit on the hill, look out at the lake and realize how truly lucky we are to call this place our home.


To me, Camp Walden is fundamental to who I am and also to some of the most important relationships in my life. As a third generation Waldenite, the shared Walden experience created a special bond, allowing me to connect from an early age with my mother and grandmother in a way few of my peers could. Walden was also where I developed as a strong, independent, leader: first as a camper and later, serving three years on staff. Serving on the staff affirmed everything I believed about the power of Walden. I have experienced nothing more rewarding than watching the campers build lifelong friendships, develop confidence in themselves, hone their skills, and experience absolute happiness. And these experiences happen every day, at every activity, and in every bunk. Walden’s welcoming, encouraging community is pervasive throughout camp from the leadership down to the youngest campers. Walden provides an opportunity for girls to develop into strong, inspiring women while making lifelong friends and memories.


From the moment I arrived at Camp Walden in 2011 and inhaled the smell of the sweet pine needles, I knew that I would love this magical place forever. Walden is beautiful – beautiful physically and beautiful because of the people who inhabit it. Everyone at Walden is special. We are a family at camp. We all know each other well and go the extra mile to make sure that everyone is always smiling. For anyone that’s been to Walden before, you can fully attest to the positive vibe that surrounds our world in the woods. I believe that our uniform and technology-free zone are part of why our camp is so unique, but the people that Walden attracts makes camp unlike any other place in the world. My first summer I was signed up as an optional four-weeker, but the very first morning of camp I told Kathy that I was going to be staying for seven weeks. Why? Because I fell in love with the people surrounding me. This past summer was my last summer at camp and it was amazing. Every summer at Walden beats the one before it. Each year you build on leadership responsibilities and strengthen friendships, in addition to creating new ones. There are 23 other girls in my age group and each and every one of them is my best friend. I know that I can count on any of them for a good laugh, hug, or cry at anytime, and most importantly, I’ll have these friendships forever. Walden provides you with a lifelong family and I can’t thank camp enough for that. I can’t imagine feeling as happy as I do at Walden anywhere else in the world.


The idea of having our daughter go to overnight camp was always exciting. The idea of having our daughter enjoy the beauty of Maine in a safe, friendly, inspiring, camp-setting is coming to fruition, because of Josh and Kate! The reality of my daughter going to Somerset is so comfortable and exciting for us because we know every detail of each day has been thoroughly planned by them. They have gone beyond what we had ever hoped for in a camp. We couldn’t be happier or more confident with these 2 and their staff taking care of our daughter and giving her this experience! Yeah, Somerset 2018!


I have watched Daisy’s growing devotion to Fernwood over the years and her corresponding growth into a capable and confident young woman. While her school experiences (and I hope her life at home) get part of the credit, her mother and I believe that Daisy’s innate strengths are the critical factors in her development. But there can be no doubt in Daisy’s mind–or her Mother’s–that her five summers at Fernwood have both given her great joy and aided her growth. I am writing you to confess that I had not, initially, had a solid belief in Fernwood’s likelihood of providing a geographically and socially diverse group of campers. I saw camp as an opportunity for Daisy to experience a very different group of people from her daily Upper East Side Manhattan life. Well, I was wrong. I say this not just because Daisy LOVES her time at Fernwood and wouldn’t change it for any other summer experience. Beyond her wise–for her age–judgment, I have become convinced by my own now-extended interactions with her camp friends and their parents that you have somehow created a group of campers who are almost entirely kind, caring and nurturing to each other. This fact is far more important than my half-baked earlier assumptions about the socio-economic backgrounds of the campers. I want you three to know how I have joined my truly special wife in believing that Fernwood IS a truly special environment and to thank you three for working so hard to keep it that way.


It’s rare to find everything you want in a camp for your daughter. Camp Somerset has done it! Smart, energetic, warm/sincere directors. A mission to empower, encourage, and inspire girls. Beautiful lakefront. High-quality, clean, and safe facilities. Flexibility of schedule. Nice, friendly, active girls. Traditional sports, outdoor adventure and leisure activities. Go Somerset!


I can’t think of a better duo of Directors to define the values, program, and future of a new camp. Kate and Josh’s passion and enthusiasm can be seen in every piece of communication, the building designs, and the way they’ve already begun to blend new ideas with old traditions. Starting fresh provides such a unique opportunity to do it the way it should be done, rather than the way it always has been done. My daughter can’t wait to be part of the very first summer and many more to come.


It’s safe to say I’m having serious camp withdrawals. Everyone at home just doesn’t get it that you have to sing a song for everything! Walden is by far the best experience I’ve had. I’ve even gone so far as to call it my second home, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be myself, to be crazy and weird and get away with it. Thank you for giving me the chance to meet some of the kindest, most loving and sincere girls on this planet, they really do mean a lot to me. So thank you!


Camp Walden has played an integral role in shaping me to be the woman I am today. My heart is so full when I think and talk about Walden. Walden is a special part of my family; my mom went to Walden in the 1960s and my sister went to Walden in the 1990s. During my 6 summers as a camper at Walden, my sister was a counselor for 4 of those summers. Needless to say, the values that are instilled in Walden community are an important part of my family. I am so grateful to be able to share Walden with my mom and sister and to see how we are able to connect with so many other Waldenites. As a Walden camper, I learned how to be a leader and how to be truly spirited. I had the pleasure of working at Walden as a bunk counselor and swim instructor for 2 summers and then for 3 years in a leadership position. Being able to watch campers and counselors enjoy Walden in the ways that I did and to hold it close to their hearts was incredibly special for me. I’ve grown so much through my experiences at Walden but I’ve also been able to see Walden grow in ways as well. The amazing thing about Walden is that as it continues to grow and improve, camp never loses the foundation in tradition and the honor system - fostering a summer for campers to learn, create friendships and have experiences that are impossible to replicate outside of a camp setting. Walden will always be such an important part of my life both in reflecting on the chapters spent at Walden but also the lifetime friendships I have and the skills I’ve gained from Walden.


With the upcoming August 21, 2017 solar eclipse, we at Cobbossee experienced a total solar eclipse on July 20th, 1963. The path of 100% totality passed through Bangor. They herded us into the mess hall and hung blackout shades so that we wouldn’t come home with incinerated retinas. But we could peek and see what was going on. Went from brilliant sunlight to midnight black than back to daylight again. Unforgettable.


Having my daughter spend her summers at Walden like I did is the most special shared experience I could have ever given her. Walden made me a better friend, woman and person, and I see this in my own daughter at the end of every summer when she returns home. Walden’s core values have not changed and I feel so fortunate to be able to give my child this experience. Besides being active, having fun and making life long friendships, she is learning to be an independent thinker and compassionate citizen of the world. There is nothing I look forward to more all summer than Visiting Day, when I see my girl and her silly friends and I get to see some of mine as well! The best place on earth with the best staff and people on earth. Walden will always be a huge part of who I am and I can already tell that my daughter will feel the same way!


2016 was our daughter’s first time at sleep away camp and she had such an awesome time. She’s so excited to go again this year. She tried so many cool things that she wouldn’t normally get to do.She took care of farm animals, became a stronger swimmer, tried her hand at kayaking and playing the drums just to name a few. Their days are jam-packed with fun filled activities where they get to work as a team with their cabin mates and fellow campers. She got to meet kids from other countries,learn about different cultures and try new foods while having the time of her life. I can think of no better way for your kids to spend their summer.The camp staff is very professional and caring. If you have any concerns or questions, they always respond in a timely fashion even while having a busy schedule.We also appreciated the Facebook posts that gave us a glimpse of the awesome time she was having.Also there’s no technology allowed so your child literally gets to unplug!THANK YOU CAMP NASHOBA!


I was a camp counselor there in 1969…had a handful of young girls in my cabin that I absolutely learned to love. I will never forgot that summer. One of the other counselors was Argie.


Camp Walden will always hold a special place in my heart. As a third generation Waldenite, I feel fortunate to share my love for camp with the women in my family. In the warmth of Walden’s close-knit community, I gained self-confidence, made lifelong friends, and developed an appreciation for the outdoors. My camp experience undoubtedly influenced my decision to go to college in Maine, and ultimately led me to return to Walden as a counselor for five summers. To this day, when June comes around, there is nothing I want to do more than put on my brown and white, sing camp songs at the top of my lungs, and relive the magic of my days in the Walden woods.


I think about Walden every day. It comes across my mind in a million different ways, for a million different reasons. I can’t seem to shake it, and I hope I never do, because Walden has made me who I am. That means a lot of things, but when I really try to narrow it down, I think the biggest thing that Walden gave me is confidence. It taught me how to trust myself and my abilities, whether it was reciting my lines in my bunk show, or starting a campfire, or getting to the top of a literal mountain (as opposed to a figurative mountain, which I am also confident I can climb). Walden is steeped in tradition, and runs by a code of conduct we call Honor System, which is essentially the golden rule. Every summer the same events take place, from campfire on Sundays, to trips canoeing down rivers and hiking up mountains, to Denmark Fair at the end of the summer. And within the comfort of repetition, girls begin to grow into the strong, smart, independent, collaborative and compassionate women they will one day become. I can’t speak for the experience of attending other camps, and I know that everyone’s experience is beautiful and valuable. But I can say that Walden is the community that has given me the most of my people, and taught me the most about how to be a good person in the world. I’m now a lawyer in Washington, D.C., and I co-host a podcast about summer camp with two of my camp friends (Happy Campers) — and Walden had everything to do with all of those things, and more. I don’t know how to end a testimonial like this, except to say that if you want a camp where your daughter will not only have a great time and meet the best people, but where she will also learn the value of respect, trust, and confidence — then Camp Walden is the one.


My son was eight years old the first time we dropped him off. He was nervous - but the counselors picked up on it and made him feel right at home. He had an amazing four weeks - tried everything you can imagine - windsurfing, woodshop, tennis, even riding! The letters home raved about life in the cabin and he could not say enough about how much he loved the food. The director was responsive and had wonderful resources for me as a first time parent. He is now heading into his fourth summer - Nashoba is magical.


We are just back from a fun-filled spring break trip to Costa Rica. As a family, we went white water rafting, sea kayaking, hiking, repelling, zip lining, etc. We were amazed at how easy and natural each activity came to the boys. They were comfortable and competent at everything BECAUSE of their experiences at Winnebago. We couldn’t be happier that our city boys could “hold their own” in the jungles of Central America. As we were huffing and puffing up the mountain sides, we could hear the boys talking continuously about all things Winnebago. It was a reminder to both of us what a cherished and life changing experience camp has been for them both.


I appreciate the Winnebago experience more than ever. You have managed to build and maintain something special in a time of extreme creature comforts and helicopter parenting. That can’t be easy, but you’ve succeeded. The proof is in the way the boys respect that certain something and feel possessive about it; it must be earned, and it’s theirs forever.


The summer far exceeded any expectations that we could have had for Andrew. When we visited last year, I knew that Winnebago would be a good fit for him. Who knew it would be such a perfect fit? Thank you for the environment you create, the values you instill, the lessons you teach, the goals you set, and the fun you have at camp. Andrew is fortunate that there is a place like Camp Winnebago.


For the last four years, my daughter Justine watched with envy her sister Jeanne leave for Kamp Kohut. Every day, Justine would look at all the pictures sent by Kamp Kohut. She would constantly ask us when she would be able to go to to Kamp Kohut. When we told her she would be going to Kamp Kohut this year, she was so excited. I was reluctant at first, wondering if she was too young to go to camp. My 7 year old baby would be gone for 2 weeks. How would she manage without her mommy? Would she be able to communicate with others since she only spoke French? I had to trust Kamp Kohut and my daughter. She had wanted to go to Kamp Kohut for such a long time. It was now her chance to be part of an amazing family. Justine helped out packing and made sure shw brought all her favorite stuffies with her. When we arrived at Kamp Kohut, Justine was all smiles. She was trilled to meet her bunkmates and counsellors. I helped her settled in and gave her all the advice a mom could give her baby girl. Time had come for us to leave our girls. We would be picking up Justine in 2 weeks and Jeanne in 4. Both girls were excited to have the best summer ever! No tears from Justine! I wasn’t expecting that!She told us to have a safe drive home and off she went with Jeanne to greet the buses arriving with the campers. Early each morning, I would read the Kamp Kohut’s newsletter filled with loads of pictures. This made us feel like we were with our daughters and seeing them having fun at Kamp Kohut was so reassuring. We knew our daughters would come home transformed. The 2 weeks went by so fast! It was time to drive down to the States to pick up Justine. All day, I was planning our trip to the States Sandwiches and snacks were in the cooler. Passports were in my purse. Butterflies in my belly! Couldn’t wait to see my girls! Well Justine had other plans! Lisa and Justine phoned us in the afternoon to let us know that Justine wanted to stay 2 more weeks. We were so surprised! We couldn’t believe our baby girl was ready to stay the whole session. I wanted to see my girls so badly! As a mother, I realized Justine was growing up and needed others to teach her. You might have heard the saying: It takes a village to raise a child. Well, Justine needed Kamp Kohut to help her grow. I put aside my feelings and let her stay 2 more weeks. She wanted to catch more fish, play the drums, have fun with her friends, to be part of the Kamp Kohut family. How could I say no? I’m proud of myself for sending my kids each summer to Kamp Kohut. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made for my girls. They are part of an amazing family with great values. Thank you Kamp Kohut!


It was my fifth summer this past year at camp. I return to camp every summer because of the amazing girls and kind counselors. The memories you make at camp are sure to last you forever. Camp is the place I can be my true self while having the best time with my best friends. The second camp ends, I count down the seconds until I can return next summer. The people at camp are the kindest and friendliest ever and looking back, I cannot believe that I survived without my 43 sisters in my division. Camp is the most amazing place in the world and I love it so much.


I’m going into my jungle summer here at Pinecliffe and I am very excited. This year we get to plan TDC and be in JR which will be an unforgettable experience. Pinecliffe holds very special place in my heart. It has taught me so much and I have so many amazing memories here. Pinecliffe is my home. I am so grateful for all the summers I have spent here at Pinecliffe. The friends I’ve made here will be with me for the rest of my life. Anyone who gets to come to this camp is very fortunate and I strongly recommend CP. It will leave you with unforgettable bonds and memories that will stick with you for a lifetime! From the day I get home I start to count down the days until I will be back in the 04040. 44 days! There isn’t one dull moment at camp. This place gave me 200 new friends and 30 new sisters that I talk to year round and am beyond close with. Pinecliffe is the best place on earth!


I have no words for how much of my life I have devoted to Camp Pinecliffe. It hits and helps in every aspect of my daily life, even back home. It has provided me with life long friends, memories, tears, smiles and laughs. With only two years left, which will go by in the blink of the eye, I encourage you to spend the time of your life in this beautiful place. You might come to camp crying of homesickness but I can guarantee you leaving in tears because of camp sickness- the feeling of missing camp. These 7 weeks are something I look forward to all year- and there is no other event that has this type of hype. There is not a single moment I have not cherished here. If you are looking for a tight knit, tradition based, fun camp- Pinecliffe is that and more. Hope to see you here!


My favorite memory is seeing my son enjoying camp and knowing that he is having fun in a safe place. And the last day of Camp, how sad he was to leave and talking about all his experiences for days and days. We are glad he has the opportunity to be part of the Nashoba family.


I first went to Camp Nashoba three years ago and when I first got there I was completely uncertain about the whole sleep away camp thing. But I jumped right into it, I spent the whole summer there . I took the opportunity to learn all kinds of things, the first summer left me wanting to go back for more. My second summer was all I expected it to be and more, I shot for a North star and got to know the lay of the land better, I also became more fond of the water sports offered at camp though I was not good at any of them at the time. My third year at camp was by far the best and most memorable, I stayed the whole summer and so did most of my cabin, in this same summer I decided I wanted to try wakeboarding and got much better as the summer progressed, I also developed more in lacrosse too, overall I think that Nashoba has great staff that helps you reach any goal.


My son had a wonderful experience at Camp Nashoba North. The camp is beautiful, on a lake in Maine. We are from NYC and Camp Nashoba provided our son with the perfect summer, carefree days spent swimming, kayaking, playing volleyball and making new friends. The camp is diverse, our son met kids from all over the world. We love the camp and can’t wait for next summer!


Pinecliffe has been my home away from home for 6 summers. The girls there have become my sisters and I truly know that I would not be the same person I am today had I not gone to CP. Pinecliffe has shaped my moral compass and I have learned so much here. The best memories of my life have occurred at camp. Heading into my last summer at this magical place, I am devastated that I will not be returning to the 04040, but I know that I am a changed person because of my experiences here. I am so extraordinarily grateful for all that this camp has taught me and the amazing bonds I have created. Once a CP girl, always a CP girl. I would STRONGLY recommend this camp. With activities ranging from waterfront to drama to landsports to arts to hiking and everything in between, Pinecliffe offers a tremendous variety of offerings and caters to girls with a wide range of interests. The friendships created here are unbreakable. The supportive counselors serve as mentors and friends. The directorship is in the best of hands. The food is delicious and offers many options. Special events like color war and age group-led surprises spice up the schedule! Older and younger campers have strong relationships, especially strengthened by the camp sister program. Founded in 1917, the camp is rooted in tradition but has flourished over the past 99 years. The facilities are wonderful; the campus is gorgeous. Emphasis on values such as kindness, spirit, strength, and honesty shapes girls into independent, adventurous, and compassionate young women with exemplary leadership skills. Most importantly, brown & blue is the best color combo!


On the first day of my last summer as a camper at Mataponi, I was late. My flight had been delayed several hours from Florida, and I felt sick with anticipation. The most important part of the summer would be walking down the hill with all of my bunkmates to the first dinner line up, outfitted in our Senior sweats that we had designed months prior. By the time I got to camp, line up had already begun. I could see all my bunkmates sitting around the flagpole, all dressed in their sweats. An already nervous, awkward fifteen-year-old, I burst into tears, knowing I had missed that one moment I imagined for 7 years. I dejectedly made my way toward the flagpole, when– in an instant, I was swept into a hurricane of polyester and fleece. Of course, it was all 33 of my bunkmates, who upon seeing me, jumped up and tackled me to the ground in front of the entire camp. That’s exactly what it feels like to be at Mataponi. Whether it’s literally or figuratively, when you arrive at camp, you’re instantly enveloped in happiness, overwhelmed by friendship, and inundated with a sense of pure, unadulterated wonder. It’s all part of the magic of camp. As a kid, I used to spend ten months out of my years consistently conforming, trying to find where I fit among my peers. Mataponi taught me that if I am where I belong, I don’t have to try to fit. I just will.


As we drove away from the Fernwood gates last month, perhaps (but hopefully not) for the last time, it dawned on us that something more than a hug and “thanks for everything” was in order; a Parent Senior Service if you will. We know you are aware of how much Fernwood has meant to Sophie and Clara, but we’d like you to know how much it has meant to us as parents. When we put our 10 year old on the camp bus back in 2003, we knew she was in for a great adventure. As passionate campers ourselves, we expected that our daughter would have a summer of fun, newfound independence and friendship. We were not prepared, however, for the level of care you put into every aspect of camp, and how that unwavering commitment to Fernwood and its values serves to mold the characters of so many fortunate young women. From bunk assignments, to the no-electroncis policy, to the prohibition on excessive shopping on senior trip, your careful and constant stewardship has not gone unnoticed. In addition, we are truly amazed by your ability to really know and understand each girl and provide her with just the right opportunity for growth and character development. As we’re sure you’re aware, our daughters can be so alike yet so different. You have helped Clara to step up and take increasing leadership roles and, ironically, provided just the opposite for Sophie - a place to step back, listen to others and let them take the lead. There is a prayer we say every Yom Kippur as we review the past year and recite all the ways in which we have “missed the mark”, promising to improve next year. One confession we parents make is for hte “transgressions of teaching” our children everything but what is truly important.” Thank you for teaching Sophie and Clara what is truly important. We could not ask for anything more than to have two daughters with Fernwood deep in their souls. With deep appreciation, admiration and love. Lisa and Dan


As you know, the return home after Senior summer is really rough. Our daughter came home with a mixed bag of emotions - sadness that her Fernwood experience ended, and utter joy for having spent 7 wonderful summers there. We wanted to take a minute to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our daughter’s Fernwood experience. The values, infrastructure and environment you create provide the framework for making meaningful and lasting friendships. We recognize what a unique and special place Fernwood is, and feel so grateful that our daughter was able to enjoy the experience. Every summer she came home and thanked us for sending her and allowing her to participate in camp. We will truly miss our annual visit to Fernwood, hearing hte joyful singing and just breathing in the fresh Maine air. With deep gratitude. Jen


I just finished my senior summer at Fernwood. I have spent 8 summers at this amazing place and it is even hard holding back my tears and emotions writing this. As i entered the Fernwood gates for the first time in 2008 as an eight year old, I knew no one and I had no idea what to expect. 8 amazing summers later, I can confidently call Fernwood my home and the 32 girls in my age group my sisters. Fernwood girls know of the “magic” at Fernwood that draws you in even as a small and shy first year camper, and I am still under the spell. Each year I count down the days until I can go back to my safe haven; away from all the boys, drama and stress of the school year and when I return, it’s like I never left. Now that I know that my time at Fernwood as a camper is finished, I realized that I have truly grown so much from camp. My first summer, I learned independence from my parents and many skills to make new friends in a new environment. As I moved through the bunks, I gained responsibility and became a role model for younger campers. This summer, my Senior Summer, my age group and I led the campers while planning amazing surprises for the summer. At the end of this summer, when it was time to depart for the final time, I felt the fear of not finding another place quite like Fernwood, and I know I never will. I felt the devastating pain of leaving a place that has such a special place in my heart and I know that I will always have a place to call my home. It is truly an unique place and I cannot describe in words how much it means to me and so many other people. I guess I am writing this as a ‘thank you’ for all that Fernwood has done for me and so many others because there is really no place like it.


When I came to camp four years ago, I never imagined that it would make such a big impact on my life. Every year I count down the days until I go back. My favorite camp memory is my first day of camp, turning onto Island Pond Road excited to get there. Once I got to my bunk(whimbrel) all the girls were so friendly. They all bring you into your bunk family whether your a returning camper and you have a bunch of friends or if your a new camper who doesn’t know anyone. Everybody instantly welcomes you with open arms into your bunk family. I treasure every moment at the cove, from the first day to the best(last) day. Each year I go to camp knowing I am going to be changed and impacted by all the moments at Fernwood Cove.


I was recently in the Sebago Lake area and it brought back many great memories of Camp Sunshine. My family and I were guests almost 20 years ago, as my son was diagnosed with leukemia the previous year. I remember how it was so relaxing to get away from the ( almost ) daily hospital visits and the stress of seeing my son going through his treatments, and to be able to spend quality time with his older sister, my eldest child. I’m happy to say he is doing great to this day and Camp Sunshine definitely helped us get through that trying time


Good morming buenas noches os felicito por el trabajo También mi amiga de colegio irlandesas de leioa Patricia ilarduya gandarias bonjour muchísimas gracias por trabajo Goodbye Iñigo Amann Acarregui


I remember on my first year of camp, I didn’t know anyone. All the queens were cheering and screaming. I did not know where i was. Little did i know that this place would be my second home. I have made a lot of memories with my summer sisters. Every year i meet new people. I dress up in pink and purple, and get into the spirit,and college league. Cheering at dinner, and at our bunks. Doing many activities! i love this place so much, that i would do anything to go there every day.<3


the very 1st New Zealander (Kiwi)to work at camp Manitou, it was a great summer and made a very good friend with the Ranger, was very sad to learn of his passing, the food was great, kids even better still and I was shocked that only the English guys knew where I came from but hey that is ok and I think that lots learnt a bit about a fun crazy kiwi. Manitou had 3 kiwis there in 1979, my parents and myself. I am hoping to get back to the 70th reunion but if I can’t I will be think of you all. Rod PS Loved the lake, it is small as I grow up not far from Lake Taupo, which is a volcano 25 mile wide by 27 mile long. if any one there remembers me , I can be contacted on Jean I am still slim and in good shape


One of my camp memories was when I first stepped into Wyo, in the summer of 2014. I had that fluttery feeling in my stomach, yet at the same time couldn’t wait to make memories in this beautiful place. In a few minutes I had friends and felt like this had been my home forever. The counselors are like big sisters who comfort you and get to know you in every way they can. Days pass by quickly at Wyo, with all the activities and special events. Sometimes you have twinges of homesickness but it leaves just as quickly as it had come, because you’re having too much fun to spend time thinking about it. Everyone there is so nice and they are all like family, Wyo is everyone’s second home. At the end of the session you and your friends cry your eyes out and hope to see each other again. You share memories and hug and cry some more and then that session is done. You make so many memories at Wyo that you will never forget. Wyo is a great place for any girl.


I love Wyo! It is one of the best choices I ever made. My best memory was actually the last night of first session, when my friends and I cried our eyes out, realizing how close we were and how strong our friendship had become. The counselors, CIT’s, ACs, and staff just made our friendships stronger through the session. I totally think that any girl would really enjoy Wyo.


I have been going to camp for the past 6 years (this is my seventh now) and I can honestly say, it was the best decision I have made so far in my life. The friendships I have build up here, and the counslor and just the general home like and opening environment has let me grow up to be the person I am now, and has impacted me positively in so many ways. The first time I’ve heard the saying “home away from home” I never quite understood how there could be such thing, but over the years, I can say that Camp Laurel South has really grown to be my home away from home, my safe place, the place where I can truly be myself and be surrounded by amazing and open people With only a couple of weeks to go before I get to return to my home away from home one last time, as this is my CIT year, I feel looking back this is the perfect time to reflect on the summers I’ve spent at Camp. Since I was born and currently live in Europe, I wasn’t entirely sure how I would fit in, if at all.. but I have never been more wrong about something like I have about that. Not only are the campers super open to everyone but counslors and especially Roger and Dagni do everything they possibly can to make sure everyone is having the time of their life. I truly treasure all the memories I have made at Laurel South and can’t wait to return one last time as a camper, and looking back there if no other way I would have preferred to spend my last 6 summers.


I am writing about my Mom who attended Pinecliff in the 1940’s. Pinecliff was such an important pRt of her life. She shared all her memories and pictures with me. Pinecliff was pure, wonderful joyous for my Mom. Thank you for everything.


My favorite memory is from the summer of 2014. One of my best friends started using her things as “doctor supplies”. She set up a sign up sheet for our bunk if we wanted a “check up”. Next think you know our counselor is covered in blue sunscreen blotches!


I will never forget the two Color War weeks that I was a part of as a counselor. To see the passion and heart that was put in by all that were involved was inspiring to see and I wanted to do my best as an official to call a fair and correct game. But the best part was seeing the kids at the end all coming back together as one camp to celebrate another amazing summer.


Fernwood Cove is so much more than just a camp. It is a home, a safe-haven for everyone who enters, and most importantly it is a break from the worries and concerns of the ordinary world. This coming summer will by my 7th summer at the Cove, and I can’t begin to express how much this place means to me. Not only are the directors kind and welcoming, but the counselors are as well. But, the best part is the campers. They are really what make camp so special. They are all so unique and kind and their constant energy is what gives camp its extra spark. And, although the facilities are immaculate and the programs are high quality, it is the feeling that you get at FC that makes it truly extraordinary. There is so much love and enthusiasm at Fernwood Cove. Whether its singing at morning announcements, performing at Performance Night, or screaming your lungs out at campfire, 350 Island Pond Rd is an extraordinary place for all who have the opportunity to travel down its dirt road, and I wouldn’t trade any of my experiences there for the world!!!


I will never forget the first time my husband and I attended visiting day. We had sent our daughters to Camp Matoaka sight unseen. We had met with Jason and a friend’s daughter already attended camp there so we did not have the need to visit until visiting day. We had heard the stories, horror stories, of visiting day at other camps in other states. We heard about the getting on line at the crack of dawn and the rush of people so they would be first to see their child, first to make their stake at an area for their family, if a story was out there we heard it. Visiting Day at Camp Matoaka was nothing like we had heard visiting day to be at Non-Maine camps was. It was organized and special. No crazy parents running. We casually walked to camp line and awaited our daughters emergence from the dining hall. Then they were there. My beautiful girls full of tears in their eyes and huge smiles that proved what we so hoped to see. We made the right decision. Camp in Maine was like no where else. Camp Matoaka was their summer home. The day was filled with activities, amazing food, and an opportunity to leave campus. Not that we were aching to leave. The counselors were so eager to tell us how amazing our girls were doing and my husband and I, who never had the desire to go to sleep away ourselves, were running to register our girls for the next summer. The skills they have learned, the new hobbies they enjoy, the positive gains they have made are endless. We count the days, as they do, until they leave. Not because we are excited for them to leave us but for the reason that the experience they indulge in is not like anything we can provide them at home. The true joy of being at camp is worth every bit of the 7 weeks we are not with them. I mean it when I say “ Sleep away camp for our girls was not what we ever planned on doing”, but at this time I can not imagine them anywhere but in camp at Matoaka in Maine.


We sent our girls, ages 8 and 11 to Kamp Kohut in Oxford, Maine during the summer of 2014. To phrase it simply: It was a WONDERFUL experience for them and for us. Kohut is situated an hour from our home on Thompson Lake. The grounds are pristine and vast, the facilities are clean, well maintained and have both a modern feel and classic camp style. The process of looking at camps started when the director, Lisa Tripler met with our girls and discussed what camp life was like. Lisa also discussed camp “readiness” and the culture of Kohut. We knew that her kindness and responsiveness set the tone of the overall milieu of the camp. Kohut felt like and easy choice for us all. The camp experience extended beyond the weeks they were away from home. The directors paired our 1st-timers with seasons camp veterans who contacted them via phone and snail mail. Our girls loved having a pall to connect with on arrival day. That same pen-pal became am ambassador for other new friends and helped our girls navigate day-to-day camp life. The counselors were all well spoken and gregarious. We appreciated that they reached out to us to make us feel comfortable in letting our girls “go” as we helped them unpack. Kohut’s directors choose a diverse and well-educated group of leaders for its counseling positions. Our girls were encouraged to try new activities each week and we were thrilled that they both enhanced the skills they had ( swimming, crafts, dance and singing) as well as tried new activities (water-skiing, mountaineering, fishing). Kohut’s culture is one of connection, caring and warmth. Our girls made terrific friends and were treated with great respect and mutuality. We knew our girls were in great hands. They loved the time they spent away and were so happy and full-of-life the day we came to pick them up. Their time spent at Kohut only strengthened their beauty (inside and out). We highly recommend Kohut to any family searching for an ideal place for well-rounded growth and fun for their children.


Kamp Kohut is an AMAZING experience that will stay with our children for a lifetime. We have sent our three oldest children to Kamp Kohut and we have greatly valued the happy memories that they have shared (hoping our youngest will soon will have Kohut memories of her own!). They fondly remember laughter with bunkmates, sailing on Lake Thompson, and trips around the beautiful state of Maine. Every part of Kamp Kohut was a positive life-forming event for our children. They met bunkmates and counselors from around the world, developed life-long friendships, and accomplished goals large and small. Among the great activities were fantastic sports and crafts instruction, GREAT FOOD, the College Days competitions, and group activities that fostered positive relationships with their peers. Our oldest son (now in college) attended Kamp Kohut for seven years and the friendships with his bunkmates continues to grow. Our other children who attended have the same experience with friendships that began at Kamp Kohut.


I have been going to camp for 7 summers and this summer will be my eighth. I am a senior now (the oldest age group at camp) and I can’t even explain what an impact camp has had on me. I arrived at camp in 2009 as a shy eight year old who cried every time I had to swim in the lake and only talked to my Big Sister. Now, seven summers later, I spend most of my time on the lake, I can call anyone in camp my sister and the only time I cry is when I have to leave. Camp has been one of the best experiences of my life and I am so grateful every day for it. It has shaped me into the independent, caring and outgoing girl I am proud to be today. Thank you so much for everything.


Finding my home. Meeting my best friends. Falling in love with my husband.


It’s funny how “home” can be found so far away from home. We call MTC home, not in the sense that we grew up here, or simply because smiles never vanish, not even because happiness experienced at camp changes us in ways we may never know. We call MTC home, because home is more than just a location, home is even more than where your heart is. Home is where barriers of emotion and thought are nonexistent, it’s where you feel secure, it’s where you feel loved and accepted, where you have people who support you through thick and thin, and it’s where you spend the best days of your life. However, exclusively to MTC, home is where we all come from the closest and farthest reaches of the world to forget all that is behind us, to make eternal memories and friends by our natural abilities to be social, and to utilize perhaps one of the only opportunities we will ever have to reinvent ourselves, yet also discover more about ourselves. Most important of all, it’s where at some point or another we realize you cannot always be at home, but you can always feel at home. It’s why MTC is home for me, for you, and for all campers and staff to come.


My boys have spent 3 BRILLIANT summers at Camp Modin and they absolutely LOVE it! - This year my 10 year old is “camp-sick”, infact, the minute he came home the countdown for the next camp began! Camp Modin has so much to offer, my kids named a few (and I’ve added): beautiful, tranquil surroundings, state-of-the-art equipment, great friends/life-long friendships, time to chill, lots of sports, fun activities, the best counselors, art stuff, field trips, color war, wilderness trips, performances, parties, an impressive waterfront, tight security, time to feel connected to their Jewish heritage, a supportive environment to grow, experiment & explore, just to name a few… Special thanks to camp directors, Lisa & Howie Salzberg and their incredible team for creating such an extraordinary camp/summer home for these lucky kids!


Kamp Kohut has been the most wonderful gift we have given our daughter. She values her Kamp Kohut summers more than anything else and considers her “campies” among her best friends. From the moment she stepped onto the Kohut bus almost six years ago she has appreciated every day she spends on gorgeous Lake Thomson. She treasures the friendships she has built, her relationship with the Kohut directors and staff, the opportunity to try new things, and the chance to slow down a little and be a young girl enjoying the simple pleasures in life- fresh blueberries, a dip in an emerald watering hole, a camp fire, talking with bunk-mates at sunrise, or a sail in the early evening. I have saved every letter from my daughter and each one is filled with joy. As time goes on, I continue to see what a special place Kohut is for Francesca. She writes about her Kamp experiences in English class throughout the year. I truly believe Kamp Kohut is the best gift I could have given her.


My three summers at Fernwood were the most magical times of my life. Even though I came as an older camper, I was instantly welcomed into the family. Fernwood is more than magical, the friends you make and every moment there will stick with you forever! Everything is amazing there! The campers, the counselors, the activities, the amazing spot on the shores of lake Thompson, and above all the memories.I can’t even put into words how much I love this place. Fernwood really shaped who I am today and I can’t wait to come back as a counselor!


We arrived and felt immediately at home. After taking care of paperwork, we made my daughter’s bed and tacked up a few photos on her wall. Having been at Runoia for all of 20 minutes, my daughter (a first-time camper) then bid me a “Toodle-Oooh” from her top bunk. A quick hug followed, and I shambled back to the car, a mixture of worry and sadness. Needless to say, she thrived for 3 1/2 weeks. She is eager to return, and I’ll know not to stress over whether she is enjoying herself.


My 9-year old daughter attended Camp Wyonegonic for the first time this past summer and had a fantastic time. We did get a few letters with twinges of homesickness, but the guidance and information the camp staff provided to us reassured us it was normal, to-be-expected emotion. The communications from camp were so professional yet personal. I loved seeing my daughter in the photos Wyo posted each week for parents to enjoy – her smile made it clear she wasn’t TOO homesick! Even though she knows she’s missing some of the summer fun at home with her local friends and attending sleepaway camp hundreds of miles away isn’t typical for our region, she can’t wait to go back!


My oldest son signed up for ½ a summer 2 years ago. On our first call, he asked to stay for the whole summer, which of course we agreed to. On visiting day, his younger brother asked, “Can I stay too?” The following summer, both boys stayed the entire summer! Camp Modin was the best camp experience for both of them.


My daughter is the third generation at a Maine camp. It all started with my Parents meeting at Camp Lown in Oakland, Maine over 57 years ago. And 42 years ago I started at Camp Naomi in Raymond, Maine where I had the best 11 summers of my life. My daughter, Jordan has been at Camp Micah in Bridgton, Maine for the past 3 summers and is looking forward to her 4th summer there. It is so wonderful to have her share the same memories of camp that her past generations have. Jordan considers Camp Micah her second home. She has learned so much at camp and every year she returns home more grownup. When my husband and I go on visiting day it is like we are visiting her home. We are greeted by the director and all of the staff with a hug. This is a family and we are welcomed into their home for the day and I never want to leave! One of the many aspects I like about Camp Micah is their quality staff. Not only do they believe in training their own campers to be staff but they have an executive staff team that is connected with your child. If needed they are always available for Parent’s conversation. Jordan is making lifelong friends. Her Grandparents and I are still in contact with our camp friends. I will never forget when I started at camp, a friend of my Parents said that I might meet my future husband at camp. I never did but you never know if Jordan might. (And that would be ok with me!)


Our son completed his 5th summer this year at Kamp Kohut. When we pick him up - his first words are: “I cannot wait till next summer!”. The positive life changing experience that our son has every summer is truly amazing. The structure of the camp allows him to become more independent, schedule oriented yet he has fun every minute of each day. One of the most important things that Kamp Kohut does is they pick quality counselors. Kamp Kohut makes sure that each kid is paired with counselors that share similar interests. The camp does a wonderful job to make sure that each summer my son is paired with past bunk mates as well as new bunk mates. Kamp Kohut makes every effort to keep friendships strong while encouraging new friendships. Kamp Kohut is to our son his second family! We love it and we know that he will have many memories/stories to share when he grows up.


Summer of 2013 was my last summer. Although thinking about the fact that I did not return last summer and will not return this summer is painful, I would not trade my seven summers at Vega for anything. It is hard to put into words a place that has made me who I am today, where I have created incredible friendships, and a place I still call my home. While I sit here thinking about my fondest memories of this magical land I simply cannot bring any distinctive moment to mind. For me, it wasn’t necessarily Olympic breakout or water skiing on the surreal lake, but the nights where we stayed up together in our bunks just talking and having fun or the random walks we went on to “explore” Vega. It is the little moments that really make Vega a special place because these little memories can’t simply be created anywhere else. For this I am truly grateful for Vega and everything it has taught me and given me because I have used every single lesson moving forward and have really learned to live in the moment because time does fly by.


My son goes to Camp North Star, has for 5 years and will continue to do so until they lock the place up. The experiences, interactions, creativity, friendships, confidence––it’s all amazing, and in the truest Maine fashion, the greatest facilities, in the woods, on a lake….just ideal in every way. People talk about “camp”, but they should literally trademark the word, CAMP should be exactly this, not some summer program at a shut down Community college with kids living in dorms and eating in a closed cafeteria and doing some specialized sport that they do all year anyway. CAMP means just that, woods, lake, archery, ropes course, stained glass, boating swimming, games, songs, campfires—all of it, and friendships and knowledge of people from all walks of life who will share these memories for a lifetime. I love it.


Camp was, to me, the greatest gift my parents could have given me….from the experiences I had (seriously? Playing soccer, picking blueberries, mastering a ropes course, going on an overnight hike, writing songs—all in the same day??) to the deeply lasting friendships I developed which are still a huge part of my life today, to the confidence and skill sets I learned, to the respect and love of the true beauty of nature that only Maine can provide, it was indeed the total package. I was at Camp Wekeela as a camper for 6 years, and as a counselor for 3 more, and my son now goes to Camp North Star nearby…there is absolutely nothing I would have changed, or expect to change for my son’s experience…..many facilities label themselves “camp”, but CAMP should be exactly that, not some sports programs at a closed-for-the-summer Community college, living in dorms and eating in a school cafeteria…camp should be CAMP, in the woods, on a lake, with kids sharing new experiences all together from all walks of life. I love it.


I was a camper at Camp Kippewa for 3 years, but I have memories from camp that will last a lifetime. I learned so many new skills from archery, to waterskiing, to pottery. I learned disciplinary skills and life responsibilities such as cleaning up after myself, waking up early, and setting the table for meals. I had amazing teachers and counselors who taught me, guided me and made me laugh and smile. Everyone at Kippewa supported each other and it was always a place of love and kindness. I also made friendships with the greatest girls who made me so happy and made my time at camp so incredible. The teachers, staff, and my camp friends really helped make me into the person I am today and I am so grateful I was able to spend my time there. I will never forget the summers that I spent at Camp Kippewa. They were some of the greatest years of my life.


I was recently camping with my 2 young boys, ages 5 and 2, at a state park complete with tent platforms, bathrooms, showers, and even an electric outlet. My first thought was how different an experience this was, compared to the many canoe and hiking trips I was able to experience at Birch Rock Camp. Most memorable was a 10 day canoe trip down the Wild River (which earned it’s name honestly). With two highly experienced, adult counselors, 5 boys age 13, canoed over 30 miles, made camp in completely wild terrain, portaged around waterfalls, cleaned our tins in the river, and did all of this this without cellphones, GPS, any possible contact with the outside world, or any luxury we take for granted today. It gave me a sense of independence, ability, and pride early on, that translated into an life that I’m certain I would not have been fortunate enough or adventurous enough to explore without those formative experiences. My boys will certainly experience the same.


camp mataponi has made me who i am today and i love camp so much! the friends I’ve made here are unbelievable and i am so lucky to call them my best friends! i look forward to camp every summer and there is no place id rather be! peace love mataponi!!!!


My sister and I have worked at Camp Wekeela for 5 years between us, I have worked for 3 years. We kept going back for more because it was so good. We would still be going if it was not for the fact that our now, full time jobs do not allow for it. We were both UK high school graduates and had a vast amount of experience and skills to offer the camp. In the UK we learn how to be independent and are taught many life skills before we leave school. Camp was an amazing experience which built on those skills. We have both made friends for life there and it was an experience we will never forget. The environment was safe, well organised inspiring and inclusive, one which allows children to develop, make friends and learn how to integrate, without the interference of technology. There are many opportunities for the children to get involved in so many different activities and skills, something for everybody & every type of character. They’ll have a summer to remember and make friends for life.


Transformation and Thank You– those are some of the words that come to mind as I write to you about Julia and Hayden’s Apprentice Summer. There is something about Modin that is truly unique, we felt it when we visited 13 years ago and we feel it every time we visit camp or when our children returned each summer. You are brilliant for continuing the camping experience into the summer leading into the junior year of high school. And the Apprentice program is special, with it’s combination of traditions, responsibilities, and privileges, making this culminating year as a camper such an extraordinary life moment. All four of my kids have been transformed by Modin and in particular by their Ape Summer. For Julia and Hayden camp is a place they are free to really be themselves. The relationships with their friends, who they have grown up with, are like sibling relationships, real, intense, honest, and so much fun. Every summer you ask the kids in your questionnaire, “ what would you like to learn or try this summer?” I think since they have been teenagers, they have not answered that question at all. What they don’t see, but we do, through pictures and stories is Julia trying every sport during Mo and Din (something she would never do at home), Hayden singing on stage, dressed in a bunny suit or painted for July 4th wearing a tutu (I can guarantee neither would happen at home). You see, Modin is the place to step out and step up, to fit in and to stand out. When Julia and Hayden came home this summer, they were peaceful, confident, fulfilled. Yes, it’s their friends, yes, it’s being away, but it also is the way you run your camp. The programming is outstanding in its diversity and inclusion. The Jewish elements draw the children together and lock in their identity as Jews for a lifetime. The safety and strictness that is such a priority to you, and drives the kids crazy, is another important element that makes Modin special. Parents demand it, and kids need it. Your staff is the best of the best. My kids talk about their counselors almost as much as they do their friends. David and I are grateful for all of the wonderful years that Anna, Ethan, Julia and Hayden spent at Modin. Thank you for for giving our children such a spectacular place and time for transformation. Love to all, Lauri


As this incredible experience comes to a close with our very own APE 2014, we know he will be coming home with a heavy heart and soul. Love, support, calm, patience and understanding will be offered with the knowledge that nothing we do or say right now will bring much of a smile. It’s that final confirmation that Modin was undoubtedly the right choice a decade ago. There is nothing we could have provided each summer to compete with all that Modin added to his life. These intangible and tangible experiences and friendships went from formative to indelible. Thank you for helping us raise our son better than we could have done alone.


This coming summer will be my eighth, and unfortunately my last. While I am devastated to be leaving, I am bringing all the values Vega has taught me and the bonds I have created with these amazing people. I can honestly say that Vega is the most amazing place in the world, and I wouldn’t trade any minute of my time there. My mom sent me and my sister there thinking it would be a fun experience for us, and that maybe we would only go for three or four summers. She didn’t know what she was getting us into. Vega is this surreal place that I have grown up in. The life lessons that it has taught me are ones that I will carry through the rest of my life. Honestly, words cannot describe my love and appreciation for Vega. It’s my home. One particular memory does not stand out to me- it’s all the memories that make the summers there unforgettable. My first marathon could be my favorite memory. Marathon is the most amazing day, for the three oldest age groups to bond and express their love for Vega.

Lodge 2014

I’m writing this on behalf of my 29 best friends with whom I have just spent my final amazing summer at Camp Androscoggin. Throughout the summers we spent as campers, for some of us as many as 8 and for others as few as three, there was no doubt that Androscoggin was the place where we formed our favorite memories. Every summer we returned home to the beautiful campus, the green grass fields, the calm blue lake, the brightly decorated bunks. It is not lost on us that there are other camps with similar facilities as Andro, however, it is impossible to replicate the emotion and tradition at Androscoggin. To be honest, it is really difficult to put into words the feel of Andro, but to put it simply, it’s defined by the smile that creeps onto everyone’s face when they spend time at Andro. It’s the hugs from counselors, the high-fives from friends, and the little things that are all so perfect at Andro. Truly, the only way to comprehend it is to experience it. As we have had to say goodbye to camp for the last time the tears we have shed have been innumerable, the empty feeling of knowing we can’t return has been unavoidable, and the daunting task of moving on still looms over us. However, eventually, the pain will subside a little and all that will remain will be the millions of memories, fragments of years at a place which became our home. And this will justify the fun we had, the jokes we shared, the time we spent together, because it will make all of our years everlasting as the best of our lives.


Manitou ROCKS! Summer 2014 was definitely THE BEST SUMMER EVER!


Bobby is home safe and sound. We can see that Bobby had a wonderful summer at Modin. His tears and intense good bye hugs to friends and Counselors said it all. He was singing Jewish songs on the way home. And he said he got better at basketball and soccer (though he did say he wishes there was even more sports at camp). He seems filled up in a way I can’t describe in words. But, I’m sure you guys know what I mean since you are the masterminds behind Modin. There is a spirit, a warmth, a sense of Jewish identity, a sense of kindness that I feel throughout the entire Modin community. Thank you for taking such good care of Bobby this summer.


I am the first in line to appreciate Camp Fernwood. Maya had such a wonderful summer - we could see it in every part of her on Visiting day and when she came home. You might say your camp is all about “living simply”, but your camp life is some kind of magical, complex, thoughtful, effective mix of people and process. We could not be more impressed. We look forward to next summer!


I’m so grateful for the opportunity I was given this summer to work at Modin. Not only did I enjoy the connection I made with my fellow counsellors, I feel like I’ve learnt new skills for my career in teaching. The time spent with the kids and the relationships we formed is something I will never forget. Once again, thank you for the time I got to spend at Modin this summer. It exceeded all my expectations and I couldn’t imagine having done it anywhere else.


Days like these where I’m stuck inside, cold, and miserable, I can’t help but think about the beautiful summer days I’ve spent in Maine. I hate the fall. I don’t drink pumpkin spice lattes, turtlenecks look awkward on me, and I hate the smell of orange yankee candles. I’d rather be drinking water from the natural spring, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and smelling freshly cut grass. On an ominous day like today, I daydream about hot summer days and the mid afternoon breeze that comes off the lake. After spending 12 summers in Maine, I’ve got the “mid afternoon breeze” down to a science. It’s around 4th period, roughly 4 o’clock, where the breeze captures the sweat down your check and underneath your hair. My friends and I love it. And the best way to enjoy the breeze is by sitting on one of camps many adirondack chairs. (Although made of wood, they are the most comfortable chairs). Then I like to laugh with a friend and remark, “oh what a great sailing day it is” even though it’s at the lakes choppiest time. On a rainy day like today, I’d rather be at camp in Maine.


Whenever I step foot on the property of Camp O-AT-KA, an instantly recognizable calm sets in. Put quite simply, it is the place on Earth where I feel most whole, most complete, and most at peace. For over ten years, Camp O-AT-KA has been my “check-in” point. After the worries and expectations of the school year have subsided, I always return to Camp O-AT-KA in order to “check-in” with myself and remind myself of who I truly am. Indeed, Camp O-AT-KA was where I discovered who I truly was. Camp’s winning combination of an outstanding location, selfless staff, and rich tradition make it the perfect spot for any boy who is eager to grow and have a summer adventure that he will never forget. In fact, that first summer is often so memorable that he returns for another summer…….and then another……and then another………and then another……….


I first came to Camp O-AT-KA when I was 14 years old, at a time in my life when I was unsure of my place in my hometown and the world at large. Camp O-AT-KA changed all that. During that first summer I was challenged and grew in ways I would never have thought possible before, all the while learning invaluable life lessons about how to live harmoniously with others and what it means to be part of a community. I still cherish my memory during that first summer of looking out upon the gorgeous lake Sebago as lightning arced across the horizon, watching the shadows dance upon the faces of my cabin mates, as one of the fondest of my life. My summer as a Counselor-in-Training when I was 16 was a particularly important summer for me, and to this day I consider it to be the defining experience of my life, the time when I began in earnest the shift from boyhood to manhood. It was my firm conviction then, and after five years as a counselor at O-AT-KA this conviction has only grown stronger, that the rhythms of camp life, the variety of activities available for children to learn, the nature of sharing a cabin with fellow children, and simply living among the lake, trees, and wide spaces of the fields that make camp can provide for a truly unparalleled opportunity for personal growth, reflection, and just good old fashioned fun. I can only hope that if I ever grow up to have sons that they too will be able to have the same experience I had here.


Thank you, once again, for “the time of our life!” When our kids leave for Modin, our minds are so calm knowing that they will be safe and well cared for . We know that your safety and security measures are top of the line and that everything is well planned and executed. We love that! We love that our children are in a nurturing family-style environment that mimics the values we have at home. Respect, kindness, and acceptance are the norm and their camp friendships are held in the highest regard. Our kids count the days until they can be at camp again. And during the year, they take every opportunity to visit with camp friends in every city, as often as possible, because the bonds they have created are so strong. On a personal note, our entire family wants to specially thank you for the uncomparable priviledge of being color war captain. We understand this to be the greatest compliment and honor that you have bestowed first on Josh, and then to Andrew. We cannot thank you enough for respecting our children and giving them a change to lead and respresent their friends at their most favorite place on earth!


Dear All At Maine Teen Camp I wanted to write to you all to thank you for giving Robert the experience of a lifetime. He has come home a much more mature and contented young man, and I feel that he has learnt an enormous amount from his experiences at camp. He has forged unique and special friendships that will sustain him through many years to come. We have been listening to all the wonderful things that he did during his stay and it sounds completely amazing - I am jealous. He has matured and grown this summer and I know he feels blessed to have had this experience. Thank you all for your kindness, enthusiasm and patience - MTC is a unique and wonderful place and long may you continue to provide such life changing experiences to the teens that visit you. Robert will be back…… Thank you. Tracy


The best camp memory is when a Main Idea when we do mission impossible and we get candy and then seeing them at casco days


My best camp memory was my first time ever skippering a sailing race against other camps. I had learned to sail and race at camp and although I had been a crew in the boat for the while, it was my first time skippering. I was able to race to 1st places which boosted my confidence as a sailor and made me love the activity even more.


I have been at Camp O-AT-KA for thirteen summers of my life, I have had the blissful experience of growing up on the shores of lake Sebago. I have experienced O-AT-KA in three different lights, as a camper, staff member and as an alumni family member three generations strong. As a alumni family, Camp is always here for my family and we always feel welcome and included in the vibrant life of O-AT-KA. As a camper, O-AT-KA was my Never Never Land, my escape from the pressures of home, school, sports and girls. Camp was the one place where I felt like I could be my true self and express my individuality and personality. O-AT-KA allowed me to learn many new skills and abilities while also teaching me independence and values which have become my personal moral center. Now as a staff member of six summers I experience Camp in a very meaningfully different way. I get the privilege of being the instructor and counselor for these young boys and men and to foster their own experience here at O-AT-KA. The campers and staff are one big camp family, and I have had the pleasure of building life long relationships with not only other staff members and alumni, but with the wonderful campers that I have worked with and seen progress and grow up into young men. Camp O-AT-KA is not just a summer camp for boys on a beautiful lake, surrounded by tall pine trees and wide fields; Camp O-AT-KA is a way of life.


I was at camp in late fifties and loved every minute. I cried every year when I left. I would love to reconnect with my friends from those days if anyone reads this evie’ finkelstein’jane cooper and many others. Please email me. Thanks


my sisters and i were campers at camp mataponi in the late 1950s and i always feel so proud when i tell friends and people i just meet that i went to camp mataponi in naples, maine. it always starts a conversation! the funniest thing is that my step-grandchildren AND my granddaughters attended and attend the camp. i loved camp. i loved the girls in my bunk and although i’m 70 now (gulp!), i still remember the girls,their names, where they lived, their habits (why couldn’t i be neat like evelyn), and the sports they liked. i loved tennis and loved the instructors (counselors from australia) who taught it. my granddaughters chloe and harley are as in love with camp mataponi as i was. what a wonderful feeling. those are the thoughts and memories from GRANDMA JOANIE OF BOCA RATON, FLORIDA


I have many favorite memories of camp, but honestly nothing can beat just hanging out with your best friends and spending time together. These girls are not just my bunk mates, but they’re my best friends. I know them like sisters. These people are the ones I live for and the ones who I can be myself around. I would do ANYTHING to get to spend every second out of every hour of each day with these girls at the place I call home. Mataponi is a magical place and the friendships and memories you make there will last a lifetime. I love camp!!!


My greatest camp memories revolve around my athletic developments over the 7 years that I attend Camp Cobbossee. Each summer the talented counselors extended my abilities. I vividly remember the first time I threw a curve ball, water-skied barefoot and hit my first bullseye with a bow and arrow. While not my proudest moment, I was on the losing color war team my first six years at camp. Being on the winning team for my seventh and final year at the camp was the perfect ending to a campers career. Looking back on the late nights by the camp fire, gathering wood for the rope burn or playing a late night basketball game under the lights are memories that will never be forgotten. While I will envy them, I’m eagerly looking forward to sending my boys to Cobbossee when they are old enough. Nun way! Jonathan


How can I choose just one memory from seven of the best summers of my life at Skylemar? One singular memory that stands out: the walk back to the bunk from the Rec Hall with my bunkmates on our last night as campers. We started the walk in smiles, then sobbed like babies at the thought of leaving a place that had really become our home, and ended the walk in bittersweet smiles again. Thanks to Skylemar, I met the greatest group of guys in the world. I’m always going to be thankful for my experiences there and for those who made those memories possible.


MTC is literally heaven on earth, my four years at Maine Teen Camp; ,2008, 2009,2010, 2011 were the best experiences of my life. I have experienced so many life changing experiences in my years at maine teen camp. I had many friendships many of which I am still in touch with today. From the ropes course and spaghetti ropes, to the chance to be in a band and record music in a recording studio, to wake boarding, waterskiing, waterfront, to all the land sports, evening programs, hanging out in the lodge with all of camp during a storm. Evening meetings, morning meetings, off camp trips. There is not a single thing that I could favor over another. Maine Teen Camp helped me grow as a person, as a individual and helped me to realize the bigger and better things about life and what having true friendships mean! I don’t regret anything about my years at Maine Teen Camp and I would recommend it to anybody in a heartbeat!


I have gone to camp for five summers so far. My first summer I was a very homesick and shy person, but on the second night, an older girl came up to me. She helped me feel much less homesick while telling me how amazing my next few weeks and summers will be. The next day, I had the time of my life and the older girl is now one of my best friends in the entire world. Every year I count down the days until camp and once I’m there it feels like I am in paradise. My closest friends in the entire world are at camp and from color war to marksmanship to canoeing and more, I could not imagine my life without camp. Fernwood is truly the best place on earth and I am so happy I could spend 5 years there. Even on my first summer, I cried on visiting day, not because I missed my parents, but because that meant the summer was more than halfway over. THANK YOU FERNWOOD!


Rebecca had a truly amazing summer and to thank you so much for the obvious thoughtful and deliberate preparations and accommodations that you made to ensure it. As im sure i have told you before, we picked Fernwood because we felt that it was exactly the environment where Becca could flourish and we were confident that you and your staff would always be focused on helping her on every level. Frankly I dont know how you do it for so many girls, but the success can be seen on every smiling face. Becca has returned each year more comfortable in her own shoes, not to mention waterskis, more confident in who she is and more excited about the next summer. Anyway, we both really wanted to let you know how thankful we are for your support and contributing to Becca’s personal growth.


What you do, and what you have done for our daughter goes beyond what we could articulate. We knew immediately we had made a good choice in Fernwood and as I continue to be reminded….life is about the decisions you make. Thank you so much. Please let us know if we can return the favor Happy new year!


Sitting around camp fires and singing songs with my best friends!


my best memory was getting to go visit my boy cousin at camp Androscoggin. his face would light up like a xmas tree when he saw me. fernwood was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I wish I was young again and could go back.


When we pranked our counsler at night.


I was only a camp counselor, never attended over night camp. My daughter is an only child living in NYC. Not the best place to be in the summer and to be at camp, a sisterhood for a girl that loves to be with other kids is heaven.


Playing tetherball between every camp activity with friends. Who knew playing tetherball could be so fun.


Our daughter has been attending Camp Vega for the past five years. We love that our NYC girl has had the wonderful opportunity to spend her summers in the beautiful and serene surrounding of Maine. Vega is her second home where she has met true friends whom have become her sisters. It doesn’t get any better than Vega and Maine!!


While I didn’t know it at the time, Camp Skylemar helped make me the person I am today. What I never thought; however, was how great the experience would be for me to send my son to Skylemar, and watch him grow and experience what many people believe is “The greatest place on earth!” The campers believe that they work 10 months in school to live 2 months in Maine! Being one of the only boys from central New Jersey, my son has been able to create his own identity at Skylemar. 2014 will be his fifth summer in Naples, and Shep and Arleen Shepherd have certainly carried on the fine tradition of founders Lee Horowitz and Herb Blumenfeld, along with adding many of their own, making Skylemar a fun, nurturing and safe place to learn and grow each summer. My son has developed such confidence which I feel is a direct result fostered by the friendships he’s created and the people he’s come in contact with at Skylemar. There’s a saying that at Skylemar, you don’t just sign up for the summer, you sign on for life. It’s certainly the case!


Camp Caribou made me learn a lot of life and sport skills.Camp Caribou was the best thing I ever did in my life.Camp was like my second home where my “family” was.All campers and adults there are so nice and it sicks that it is over, I felt like I was going to cry when I had to go home because it is so amazing there.I live in New York City and being in Camp Caribou in Maine is just awesome.The reason why I went to Camp Caribou is because my cousin Gisani Noel has been going to Camp Caribou for the past four years and I just wanted to try and see how it is.This was my first year there and I had a blast.I met so many people because of Gisani. I almost knew the whole camp.My best sports at camp was archery, riflery, hockey, ropes, and basketball. I got an award in riflery and archery, “The Comer Award’ in archery and “The Commando Challenge” in riflery I can go on and on about Camp Caribou. Next year I want to go the full seven weeks so I can get the full time there.It will be amazing going there and making all those friends and I loved the food.I love to go back to Camp Caribou. “It’s cool to be nice at Camp Caribou”.


Camp Kippewa is amazing. Before then, you can ask anyone I was this shy girl sitting in the back of the class then only talking during recess. But the girls there are so nice and so accepting that it’s impossible almost not to make friends. I’ve met many many amazing campers and staff members there who I will never forget. They also have many activities to choose from :D


I am not only a camp parent but an Alumni. Camp Mataponi is a magical place where girls blossom into young women who discover the meaning of deep and lasting friendships and stretch their personal growth and self knowledge. My daughter is a legacy camper. Each year when we visit I am taken back to a time etched in my memories - a time of joy. laughter and exploration on multiple levels. And each year I cry as I leave - I cry not because I miss my daughter, as I know she is in the place she longs for all year long, but because I am leaving this idyllic setting that envelopes me in its warm embrace. Mataponi is eternal youth, forever friendships and essential opportunities for self-discovery.


My daughter fell in love with summer camp in Maine when we first went to tour Camp Runoia. That first summer she jumped in with both feet doing every activity camp offered. She continues to look forward to Runoia every summer and has fallen in love with Maine as she begins to have opportunities to explore Maine - most recently hiking Mt Katahdin. There are many happy memories of Camp Runoia but my most special memory of her camp experience began with some family sadness. This particular summer began with my mother finally succumbing to her 10 year battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. She was in Hospice care when it was time for Grace to leave for camp. Grace said her good-byes with mixed emotions. The plan was that we would pick your up for the services. Grace also decided that she wanted to know when Grammie died. Pam Cobb supported Grace in this decision and provided the love and support that she needed at a difficult time. What I remember most about this time is when we brought her back to camp after a difficult wake and funeral for a 9 year old girl. She ran back to loving staff and friends like she was coming home. This is why my husband and I have worked so hard to provide a summer camp for all our children. Camp provides a safe, supportive and loving environment allowing children to develop confidence, independence, resiliency which will carry them far in life.


As a parent, seeing your child try new things everyday all summer long is priceless. Receiving letters from our daughter, telling us how happy she is and how excited she is for the next day. Her wolrd is Camp Matoaka 365 days of the year.


We love visiting Noah on Visiting Day at Camp Skylemar—to see him run, carefree, with all his campmates reminds me of the special experience that camp brought for me. Noah’s favorite part of camp is Color War––when he came home from camp, it took him days to agree to not wear his Color War ribbon. His team didn’t even won Color War but the bonding, hard work and teamwork was such a unique experience for him.


I will always remember the look of joy on my daughter’s face as she got up on long rope on Visiting Day. To be able to show her Dad the new skills she had learned at camp was priceless. That they loved the same activity and both learned at summer camp was a bonus. She lives 45 for the 7 weeks on Sebago … year in and year out… and the time with her girls!


My daughter wrote her first homework assignment about how it felt to be sitting in assembly waiting for visiting day to begin… her excitement to see us mixed with her sadness that camp was half-way over. It brought me right back to my days at camp and made me feel so fortunate to be able to provide this incredibly formative experience with my child.


The last night of Wyo is amazingly special for campers and parents alke. The younger girls file onto the docks carrying a candle, singing camp songs. The seniors paddle in from two different directions, forming an arc around the docks. Thoughtful words are spoken, memories invoked and songs fill the air, echoing across the lake. The gaudy sunset painting the sky behind the girls puts the whole scene over the top. How lucky my girls are to have spent time at Wyo.


The letter I received from my daughter this summer telling me she had become a vegetarian. She spent so much time at “animal care” at camp with a calf and goats that she came upon this decision herself and has stuck to it ever since.


This was Jackson’s first time away from home…EVER! And I can not express enough what I wonderful experience it was, for him and for me. I’m not sure who was more nervous, me or hime, but when we arrived on the first day, the counselors made us feel so taken care of, it made the transition much easier. Of course I still cried like a baby, but at least Jackson took it like a champ. You might of thought I’d won the lottery when I got my first letter! Oh the joy! It was a very brief note that I took a picture of an shared all over Facebook and with anyone who would listen! It simply said, “Mom, just wanted to say I love you and I’m more home sick than I thought. I am also having a awesome time. Love Jackson” I carried that note with me for the rest of the month. Mid-way through the month his camp counselor sent a post card letting us know Jackson was doing very well, winning awards, loving rock climbing & kayaking and that “everyone knows & likes Jackson, literally”. Jackson’s second and third letters also expressed some home sickness but I couldn’t help but notice that almost every picture of him on FB was with some lovely young lady with a huge grin on his face, somehow I don’t think he was feeling all that bad! Jackson came home a very different young man, which I think was my favorite part of camp…A few days after coming home, out of the blue one evening, he asked me if he could help me with the dishes!?!? I nearly fell over, it literally took me a minute to figure out how to answer. He emptied the dishwasher and loaded it up! UNBELIEVABLE! Thank you Camp Nashoba North for taking such great care of my little buy and growing him up into a fine young man.


As you know it was our first ‘sleep away’ experience and we were blown away with the professionalism and care of all the Modin staff. Thank you both so much for making our son’s summer one that will be remembered for all time. His first sleep-away experience was wonderful and he absolutely loved all his experiences at Camp Modin. From the outset we knew he was in very good hands. Every element of camp preparation, communication and then camp life was so well organized and ensured all the kids were well looked after and were having the most fun! Our young boy returned home with many new stories, a greater level of maturity, a wider respect for others, new sport skills and a huge sense of achievement. Thank you for enabling this wonderful growth. He is eager to return to Modin. Many thanks again.


Close your eyes little ones, Rest your head with the setting of the sun, and remember no matter how far it seems, You can visit Wekeela in your dreams. Far away you may roam, Still this place is home. Underneath the stars so bright, We say goodbye tonight. Underneath these stars, The memories made are ours. As the campfire burns and ends, It’s so good to be here with our friends. Where pigeons sing at night, Around the campfire light, Where Green Ghost and White Skeletons are friends, There’s a wish that summer never ends. So a few months away, We’ll be back where our hearts stay. So remember no matter how far it seems, You can visit Wekeela in your dreams. So go to sleep little ones, Rest your eyes with the setting of the sun, And remember no matter how far it seems, You can visit Wekeela in your dreams. Ed Wilkins, Head Wekeela Chef


Our very warmest thank you to each of you and the entire Modin team for our son’s third truly exceptional summer at camp with you. He had an absolutely phenomenal time at camp these past weeks and very much feels that Modin is a “home away from home” for him. Not only did he experience a fun-filled first session with you with all of the incredible activities you run, but - significantly - his emotional growth and development is also evident to us in a multitude of ways. His confidence and sense of himself have been nurtured at Modin these past summers and these past weeks as an Eagle have provided to him wonderful new growth opportunities. He feels very much actualized as himself at camp and greatly cherishes the many different bonds he has been able to forge with his counselors, bunkmates, other campers and specialists. He also feels a warm ease with each of you for which we are also very much appreciative.


I think Justin would say his favorite part of camp was using the beautiful fields at wildwood.. He loved playing baseball on the field of dreams. Can’t wait to go back!


The best day of the summer of 2013 began with the beaming smile on my son’s face as I watched him cross the court to greet me on Visiting Day at Camp Manitou! After the hugs and “I’m so excited to see you!” began a tour of the ‘best’ places on campus… the lake, courts, College League team meeting area, baseball fields, ping pong tables, his art hanging on the studio wall, oh… and the lake. The lake was the central point of Garrett’s stay at that part… the place where he learned to waterski, swim ‘for real’ and gather every Sunday for the ‘best breakfast’! Garrett told of how he and his friends rushed to the lake each afternoon to cool off and exchange stories from the days’ events. That the lake provided a perfect setting for the Fourth of July parade and fireworks, for fishing with friends, to connect with their counselors. Then the magic words were spoken “Waterfront is open!” The rest of the day was spent with my boy, jumping in the lake, swimming in the lake, diving, flipping, and cartwheeling into the lake. How happy he was to be sharing the lake with me! And how thrilled I was to be sharing his love of camp with him!


We just wanted to shoot over a quick email to let you know how much we appreciate all you do at that camp to keep the kids safe and happy. Both of our kids had nothing but smiles and positive things to report about camp! Both have returned with some “Modin” blood as they emphasize how important it is to be respecful and kind in order to get to become an Apprentice (teen leader) and counselor. The operation you run is more than I could ever imagine and a place I look forward to sending my kids year after year to continue to grow and have fun in a way that we feel fortunate to have found. Thank you again.


My husband and I continue to be so incredibly overjoyed with how happy our childen are at Camp Modin. Not surprised one bit, just overjoyed. It is without a doubt, their happiest place on earth. Their voices are full of happiness, contentment, excitement and peace. And they feel safe and loved. What a beautiful way to spend the summer. I got an email from our friend last night who said that she spoke to son (a first time camper) and he was the “happiest she has ever heard him. What and unbelieveable camp”. I responded … “Yep!


I need to say thank you. My son has been at Modin since he was eight years old and is now sixteen. It wasn’t always easy to persuade him to go to camp. He called me the other night and told me that he is having the greatest time of his life and he doesn’t want it to be over. I replied now you understand what an amazing experience camp can be. Modin is a magical camp for campers and counselors and I really commend you for creating such a special place that kids learn to love and grow. Once again thank you all.


Just a note to thank you. As we conclude our daughters’ summers as campers, we are deeply grateful to you for being partners with us in shaping their lives. Their modin experiences have changed their lives – and ours–for the better. Thank you for your many kindnesses and your consistent professionalism.


Hey everyone!! So I’ve just started my freshman year at University and my English teacher assigned us to write a personal essay about ourselves and include something interesting. I thought I’d share with you all the first paragraph because I wrote it just a couple days ago and I really miss camp. You all have prepared me for this experience more than you’ll ever know and I’m so grateful to have met each and everyone of you this summer!! “Do the things you love and you’ll find the people you love” -Unknown. I believe that life isn’t necessarily based on how much money each person makes or by what car a person owns, but more importantly, who life is spent with and what is being done to better ones self. My name is Valerie Rose Campanella, born and raised in Bethesda, Maryland. I’m currently eighteen years old and have just started my freshman year at Towson University. Something personal about myself is my love and dedication to sleep away camp. I’ve attended Camp Wekeela, a summer camp in Hartford, Maine, for ten years now and it is something I love to do. For the past two summers, I have worked as a counselor for kids ages 11-12 even though Wekeela is made up of kids ranging anywhere from 6-15. I’ve attended this camp as a camper every summer since the age of nine, where I left home for the first time and experienced something that I never knew would change my life. People at camp are there to enjoy each others company, without the worry of being made fun of, but to also step out of their comfort zones and do things that may not be what they are used to. Although I am planning on majoring in Business Management, I would love to further my education and possibly work with children. I have a brother who is twenty years old who is going into his senior year at the University of Maryland, College Park, but I never had the opportunity to have a younger sibling to watch over and care for. My love for children comes simply stated, from the children themselves. Kids can be themselves, be other people, be silly, random, adventurous; the list goes on and on. I’ve always wondered why as people grow older, they feel the need to lose the child within them and become what some may call “mature.” Kids have the ability to make friends within seconds, not really caring about looks or social cliques, and that is something that even myself do now as I’ve become older, but does that actually mean that I’m developing to be more mature. Maturity comes from experience, both failing and succeeding, and if I don’t take what I learned as a kid and use it to better myself and the people around me, then I don’t think I’m maturing at all. Not only did I learn from my campers, but I learned from every other staff member at camp when I see that anyone can be friends with anyone, whether you’re from Glasgow in Scotland or Miami, Florida and it’s important to surround yourself with people who love the same things you do. Without camp, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.


For the record, we were hoping the boys would hate camp so they wouldn’t want to go back. We grew up in WI and didn’t go as kids, but thought we had to give the boys the opportunity to try. The rest is history… They have even convinced us to let them go full session. While our summers of family time and travel will forever change, we couldn’t be happier about their passion for Modin. Thank you doesn’t seem adequate to show our appreciation to you and your team.


Recent letter: “I love camp! My favorite part is College League, it is so awesome!…. I am trying to eat so healthy, and doing am awesome job! Energy in the morning with carbs or cereal, lunch is turkey sandwich or something and dinner is really healthy. The only thing not healthy is canteen, and my friend and I made the awesomest smore! Cookie in the oreo is the grahman cracker, the oreo creme is the marshmallow, and the Hershey bar goes in between the cookies of the oreo! It is called, THE SMOREO!! :) Awesome, right? See you, DANTASTIC !! :)


College League!


My daughter went to Camp Matoaka without knowing another camper. She watched the website and fell in love with the many different activities like water skiing, rock wall climbing, ropes courses and sewing. Since being at camp, she has made MANY friends from all over the US and different countries. It was a great place for her to try new things and make new friends.


I first visited Camp Manitou last summer for the father son weekend. I had the best time! It was awesome. My uncles and great uncle went to Manitou. So this summer I’m a camper! I LOVE it!


Jolie has been going to Fernwood Cove for 2 years now, and it is truly as extraordinary we hoped it would be. Once we visited the camp we could tell how special it was and how great all the directors and counselors were. I can’t say enough about Fernwood Cove, amazing experience for our daughter.


I loved visiting my son this summer during visiting day and watching him patiently talk his younger brother through trying out the BMX course for the first time. I hadn’t seen that much before his summer at camp!


Every year, when we head to Maine for Visiting Day at Camp Matoaka and Camp Manitou, we make a longer trip out of our stay. We have done everything from a schooner trip off of the coast of Camden, to amazing hikes at Acadia National Park, to hiking Mt. Katahdin, to a lobster boat tour off the coast of Kennebunkport – and lots of stops in between. And of course we eat our way through the state! Fore St. restaurant in Portland has become one of our favorite all-time restaurants, and the lobster rolls and fresh lobsters everywhere else???? YUM…need I say more?!?


I love how my son counts down the days until camp all year. I love how he has made lifelong friends from all over the US and the world. I love how campers and staff return to camp year after year. Camp has become his second home and we couldn’t be happier about it.


Some of my favorite memories of camp involve Color War. The camp is divided into two teams for 3 1/2 days of intense competition. The camaraderie that develops during Color War is intense. The joy in victory, and the pain in defeat cannot be replicated. The best part however is how the camp comes back together at the closing ceremonies. You are just left with friendships and stories that you then share over the years.


Seeing photos of my daughter lobster fishing for trip day.


waiting at the gate on visiting day with all the other excited parents and hearing the cheering beautiful voices of 200 girls. Then, slowly starts the stampede of the 200 girls, all wearing blue and brown, mostly with long pony tails and and its a sea of girls and we can’t distinguish one from the other searching for our daughters!! Until suddenly we are grabbed and hugged and all is right.


This is our sons first summer @ Wildwood and each day for him is sheer joy. He loves all the activities, his fellow campers and the counselors. Wildwood is such a tight knit community that our young son has friends not only his own age but many years older. He loves the non- stop action on the ball fields and at the waterfront and is getting terrific instruction combined with endless fun. We are so thankful to Mark & Lisa and Peter & Esther for taking care of our son and treating him like he is one of their own. We feel very lucky to have found Wildwood. It is a truly special place. Our son told us on visiting day he wants to be a lifer!!


My favorite memory - so far - is how my 12 year son’s top priority on visiting day was to show his 10 year old brother around the camp, and to introduce him as a future camper (though no commitment had been made to that point, the 10 year-old made his decision right there). He clearly loves camp and feels proud of being part of the community.


I was a camper at Tripp for six summers and now my oldest daughter is enjoying her second summer at TLC. It is such a gift to be able to share this experience with my daughter and know that all of the traditions I experienced during my childhood summers are the same ones she is experiencing today. Singing camp songs, screaming out cheers, talking about Olympia, KP, Team Feast, Sing Song and Friday Night Services have strengthened our bond and created a sense of sisterhood that goes beyond the mother-daughter relationship. I can’t wait until my two younger daughters get to experience summers at TLC with their big sister. Tripp provides the perfect environment to create lasting and meaningful friendships, to gain independence and learn how to work together as a group and to find your true self. I am so thankful for my experience as a camper and am thrilled to be able to provide this opportunity for my girls. There is no place like TLC!


We looked for a solid year for the “just right” camp for our son. We received a camp packet from Laurel South but nothing could prepare us for the warmth of the people and the beauty of the place. He’s only 14 and is already planning to go back to be a counselor. He doesn’t want his summers in Maine to end! It’s been a perfect fit:)


I am a parent as well as the Kitchen Manager. My fondest memory of my daughter and all the kids at camp is during one of the Kohut Olympics. Everyone was going about their daily routine and the sound of a helicopter filled the air. All the campers looked up to see where the helicopter was. The looks on their faces and the excitement in the air just exploded when the helicopter came to the front of the dining hall and hovered over their heads. The door opened and the “Joker” stuck his head out and proclaimed the opening of the Kohut Olympics! The shouts and cheers of excitement where tremendous.


Visiting with my Mother and my daughter. My mother attended in the 1940s, and it was very special having her point out her favorite places at TLC to my daughter, who is currently attending.


I went to a Maine camp over 30 years ago. (Camp Naomi) I am still in touch with my camp friends. They are family to me. My parents also met at a Maine Camp. (Camp Lown) My daughter is going to Camp Micah for the whole summer this year after half a season last year. She feels the Camp Micah is her second family. The best gift I can give to my child is going to overnight Camp in Maine!


Some of my most fond memories are sitting around the camp fire singing songs that have been sung for generations at camp. forty years later, I still remember those songs and still sing them with my camp friends when we get together. My daughter is going to camp for the first time this summer, and she’ll be ready for the camp fire sing alongs too–with all the songs we’ve sung together since she was little.


There is simply nothing more special than summer on a lake in Maine. A lifelong camper myself, nothing gives me greater joy that being able to share that experience with my daughters. On opening day I turn them over to Wyo, excited, nervous, and slightly jaded from the school year. Returned to me on closing day (along with some rather stinky laundry) are respectful, grounded, independent, adventuresome girls with a lifetime of stories to tell, lessons to teach us, friends from all over the country and world, and 10 infinitely long months in the calendar to check off before they can return again to the shores of Moose Pond.


I loved the golden feather. Even though me and my friends would not win, we still had lots of fun watching!


We chose to send our daughter to camp in Maine because of the wonderful variety of activities that were offered (and intrinsic to Maine) - lobster fishing, gem mining, berry picking, mountain climbing, rock climbing as well as arts and crafts and the “traditional” camp activities.


We’ll never forget the overwhelming feeling of walking onto Camp Mataponi’s incredible and beautiful property for the very first time on the gorgeous, crisp and clean Sebago Lake. Each summer, we tell our girls to make sure they take some time every day to sit in front of the lake, and take a picture in their mind of the beautiful scenery that they are so lucky to enjoy every summer. Maine is truly a special place! We would not want our girls anywhere else but Maine where they will learn to water-ski, tackle an amazing ropes course, swim, horseback ride, play sports, and make the best friends of their lives.


I have had two girls at Camp Runoia for the past several years. I send them to camp so that they can experience living outside of their comfort zone: challenging activities, friends from other parts of the country (and world) and no parents! They come back home to me better off for having had the experience; more independent, confident and a bit more comfortable in their own skin.


Sailing a boat by myself on Great Pond at the age of 10. Liberating and empowering for a young girl!


I remember my brother and I sailboat racing together and we won! And we got chocolate bars! Yummy!


seeing my daughter after her first extended time away from home, how she matured and changed, though the few short weeks in Maine…and how she insists on being signed up to return the next summer prior to leaving at the end of her month are worth the price of admission


I cried watching my son leave for camp. Even though I knew it would be a wonderful experience for him, it was still difficult as a parent. He went away for 4 weeks and called asking if he could stay all summer! I cried again, but I let him knowing all the wonderful things he was getting to do and how he would grow and mature as a person.


I am a camp parent but have also served as the Nurse at Camp Wyonegonic. My kids started camp later in life than many girls. They were afraid of not fitting in and having trouble making friends. Within 2 days they had friends they were inseperable from all summer and keep in touch with to this day. In the 3/12 weeks they spent there they went on incredible life altering trips, such as the 5 day Allagash canoe trip, hiking Mt. Pleasant and sleeping in a yurt etc. They became much more independent and confident and could experience freedoms that they do not have at home, because they were in a safe environment. They could let their guard down in a way they are unable to do in their home town. They got to truly be kids, experience the thrill of getting a letter in the mail and learn to live without technology and instant gratification. It was the best decision I ever made to give them that experience, and was worth all of the 16 hour days I worked, because I also grew both personally and professionally and loved just disconnecting from the world outside and embracing the great outdoors! Lynda Savlenable


Waiting for pictures of Olympics on the nightly emails.


When I went to camp in Maine, I got the opportunity to try different sports and activities that I never would have experienced otherwise. I even learned how to horseback ride and jump!!


I spent seven fabulous summers at camp in Maine as a kid, and it so amazing to share with my daughters as they now attend Camp Matoaka as second-generation campers. The pink bunks are the same, and all the love and Matoaka Magic is the same! It warms my heart to hear my 8-year-old talk about her “home away from home”, as I have thought of Matoaka since my first summer as a 10 year old!


Being chosen as a candle holder for the bunk because of character and behavior.


My favorite memory was when i met Will Virden we became best friends. This will be Me and Will 6th year going but its not Uncle Al We are all going to miss you Uncle Al Forever and always


I know that all of my friends in my bunk love camp, but seriously, NO ONE is obsessed as I am. My friends would agree that I am totally crazy about camp. I mean, I LOVE it so much. I dream about camp at least a couple of times a week. I’m not always a great sleeper so my mom will actually say to me if I am having a hard time falling asleep, “just dream about camp.” She knows that makes me smile. About a month ago I told my mom that we had to start packing for camp. She thought I was crazy - said “no way - it’s only March!” But packing for camp makes me feel all happy inside. It’s like camp is real again and even thinking about camp gets me all excited and giggly. The first moments of arriving at Mataponi are the best. I remember my first summer and not knowing anyone - literally not one girl. I watched all of these older girls running and hugging each other and leaping into each other’s arms. I wondered if I would ever do that. And then last summer, that was me! I just couldn’t wait to see my friends. Those first moments at camp were amazing. I mean every day at camp is awesome, but getting off the bus from the airport and running to my friends is the best. Those first moments are really special - everyone is crying and hugging. It’s so emotional, but in a good way. It’s the beginning of summer again. I feel sorry for the seniors because it’s their last summer. I know they get to do so much cool stuff that final year, but then it’s ove. I’m happy that I have many more summers at Mataponi. I just can’t wait for camp!!! Lexi Sachs


Camp Matoaka is truly a remarkable camp. No words can describe how appreciative that i was able to attend such an amazing place. I started going to camp when i was 8 and loved every moment of it. The friendships you make are ones that last forever. I started camp in bunk 8 and went through my queen summer with my summer sisters and best friends. My camp sisters are there for me at any time and I wouldn’t have been able to go through the pain of not being able to go back to camp without them. I still talk to all 60 of my queen sister everyday and they are there whenever i need anything at all. Camp Matoaka is my home away from home, my second home, and where i met all my summer sisters. Camp Matoaka has become a part of me and not being able to return after my queen summer was the worst feeling in the world. I have a bulletin board hanging in room filled with camp pictures, friendship bracelets, awards and the camp calendar from 2011 (my queen summer) and my crowns placed on their own special shelf. I dream of going back to camp every day because nothing is like it. Camp Matoaka is heaven on earth and has made me who i am today. Yes, saying bye to being a camper at the most amazing place on earth was devastating, but I am so thankful to have spent as much time as possible at Camp Matoaka. It will always be a part of me and I am counting down the days until I can become a counselor. Only 785 days left until i return home.


CAMP.IS.EVERYTHING. This is my daughter’s mantra. And as it may come as no surprise to my parents and friends (after all, apples don’t fall far from trees), I can’t say that I ever thought I’d have a daughter who would be as passionate about her summer camp experience as I was, and continue to be. Attending Vega in the 70s and 80s WAS everything: It was the only place I ever felt 100% confident. I was inspired and empowered by staff, I was led and followed by friends (who, nearly 35 years later, are my closest confidents), and I was exposed to the awesomeness of the state of Maine. My best memory? There is no best memory. (Though, a few things stand out…truly learning to appreciate and embrace the great outdoors while climbing Mt. Katahdin every year as a senior camper; being voted Olympic captain; getting my first kiss at a social… ) Camp life taught me the obvious, like how to “get along with others”, how to make hospital corners; but it also taught me about myself. It was the first place that gave me life lessons. It was the first place that taught me to Lean In, starting me on the path to personal development and exploration. Today, camp traditions are as important as they were since the beginning of time. My daughter and I bond over our shared (AND different) camp experiences. So much of the physical plant has changed, yet so much remains the same: the smells, the instant feeling of being “at home” when you pass through the gate, the warm smiles from staff, the cold lake! CAMP.IS.EVERYTHING.


Tripp Lake has been the best thing my parents have ever given me. TLC has shaped me into the person I am today. I cannot imagine my life without my best friends that I have met from camp. No matter how far away we live from each other, Tripp Lake Camp has brought us together and forever we will be. The lessons that I have learned will help in my future life. I am confident to say that without camp, I cannot even picture the person I would be. It is a magical place and it is truly the promise land. I feeling I get when I first step off the bus on the first day and indescribable. Tripp Lake Camp is the most amazing place in the world and I know that all campers truly think it is their “home.


After spending my summers as a camper at Tripp Lake, I was so excited to bring my daughter up to visit Tripp the summer before she was to attend. When we arrived, I walked into The Promised Land and it felt like a dream. It was magical! All of my long ago memories flooded my mind and warmed my heart. I cried just to be there again. Now it is years later and my daughter has aged out of camp. On our last visiting day up at Tripp, we sat under the trees together overlooking the beautiful grounds, the tennis couts, the stables, the basketball courts and most importantly the lake. We both cried. My daughter would be saying goodbye to camp in only a few weeks and I was having to say goodbye to camp all over again, that day. Now, 2 years later, we talk and dream about our next generation that will have the opportunity to experience the best summers ever. To make the best friends a girl could ever dream of, to have the ability to realize potentials that were never known, to be able to overcome challenges and have a confidence instilled that could never exist without camp….it’s all priceless. The next best thing to being up in Maine at camp yourself is to be able to send your child up to camp in Maine. I thank my lucky stars every day that I have 2 sons still enjoying the best summers of their lives up in Maine. I’m able to continue living the dream vicariously - I still get to visit every summer!


The second year of camp, stepping off the bus after arriving at camp, with such excitement. Knowing it was going to be best month of my life. With friends I only get to see in the summer. I love the anticipation before arriving at One Great Place!


Matoaka is my daughters home away from home and a place where they can be themselves, unwind’, and share special memories with their Matoaka “sisters.” Their favorite camp memory each year is College League where they compete in summer long challenges and share special bonds. Crazy dress-up, competitive sports, scavenger hunts and the emotional culmination with “the sing” make memories forever.


how courteous all of the staff were on drop off and pick up.


My daughter loved the climbing wall at Camp Nashoba North last summer. She was obsessed with getting to the top of the hardest wall.The smiles and sense of accomplishment lept through the page on the letter she sent when she told us that she had finally made it to the TOP!


A camp memory from a proud Kippewa father… My most memorable camp memory is finding a garter snake the day before camp was to end for the summer. Since I was too scared to pick it up, my counselor picked it up for me and put it into a small box. I took it on the bus and when we arrived back in NY, I showed it to my parents. Since they hadn’t seen me in 8 weeks (except for visiting day), they didn’t want to disappoint me and said I could keep it. The only condition was I had to take care of it. Naturally, I said “yes”. Sure enough, a few days later, the snake escaped and the next thing I hear is a scream from my mother who found the snake on the basement steps. She told me to pick it up, but I was too scared and we had a stand off right there on the basement steps. After about 5 minutes my 5 year old sister wanders in, sees the snake, picks it up and that was that. We deposited my short lived pet in the woods and that was the last snake see the inside of my house.


Two experiences I have witnessed my daughters at camp are,one, I love the independence they gain from being away at camp. When my husband and I visited on camp visiting day and it was lunch time, my initial instinct was to get two plates and help my daughters pick out a plate of food. But instead I was told, “Mom, we got this. We do this every day at camp.” I was blown away by their confidence and self esteem. Another experience I would like to share is their desire to participate in social action and giving back to the community. When they returned from camp this past summer, my daughters wanted to emulate a service project they did at camp for children with disabilities for another organization locally in our community. I believe that camp gives my daughters the self esteem, confidence and empathy to successfully navigate in today’s world as they grow up.


Our first visiting day, seeing my girls so happy, dirty, and enthusiastic. It was so great to see them in the flesh, but even better to hear from all the adults at camp why a smash hit they had been in the camp musical The Little Mermaid, playing identical eels. Hilarious.


Seeing a smile on her face in every camp photo!!!


Camp is a fun and welcoming place for me. I was twelve my first year of camp, so most other girls in my year already knew each other. Even as the newcomer, I was immediately welcomed and accepted, which was an amazing experience. Camp is a place where I can let go and have fun with my friends, without worrying what they think of me. I think that everyone should have the experience of a completely safe place where you can just let go and be you.


One of the biggest lessons that I try to instill in my daughter is to cherish the gift of life! Cherish it by not taking it for granted, by conquering your fears, by celebrating and having reverence for all living things, and by embracing new experiences. All with the ultimate goal of living life to the fullest. When deciding to send her to camp, I did not know that she would be encountering all of these in one summer! Let alone, in one place! Firstly, she noticed how hard we worked to make sending her to camp financially viable. As a result, she showed appreciation & made sure not to take it for granted. Secondly, she conquered her fear of swimming! She passed the final swim test which involved swimming from shore to buoy & back! No small feat for a once non-swimmer. Next, she celebrated various forms of life by taking a course in caring for farm animals. This tactile adventure helped to solidify her veterinary career goals. As for the human life form, she befriended & learned from other campers from all walks of life, countries & cultures. The bonds & connections forged with the other campers showed her that we are more alike than we are different. This alleviated her angst of meeting new people. And lastly, she blissfully embraced the new experience of learning to ride a horse! Aside from her exhilaration, she garnered more confidence with this newly acquired skill. All this within the wondrous realms of nature! The kind of individual that the camp experience fosters is truly priceless. The positive effects of camp are noticeable long after summer is over. This is precisely why I send her. Of course, for her it’s just plain ole fun. But for me, it’s an invaluable encounter that will help her happily & formidably navigate through life and, basically, last a lifetime!


Last year was the first year that our 2 boys and our 2 nephews were all together at Andro for the summer. They live far from each other and it means so much to us to have them all be together and build memories that they will share forever.


I loved the camp communication and pictures that we received from camp everyday. I thought it would make me sad and miss him more to see pictures, but it was just the opposite, it made me so happy to see how happy he was. It was also great getting an email from the director learning what the kids were doing everyday. Both the pictures and the email helped you feel connected to your child which was wonderful!


The huge smiles on our girls when we arrive for visiting day that not only reflects the happiness to see their parents, but the smile that they are having the best summer ever and want to show us everything that they are doing and experiencing. It’s priceless, but confirms to us that they are are in the the perfect environment to foster growth, experiences, friendships and accomplishments. Would not send my girls outside of Maine for sleep away camp.


Receiving all her camp letters last summer, written almost daily, filled with details of all the activities and friendships.


I’ll never forgot dropping my oldest off for his first “proposed” four week session at Camp Skylemar. I got into the car and looked at my husband and told him, “Zach isn’t coming home after four weeks. He’s staying the summer.” And he did.


My 3 boys all attend Camp Micah and it is fantastic. When they come home they are like best friends with no arguing for 3 weeks and they continually talk of their camp memories and activities, even singing. Their favorite definitely is color wars and other all camp activities. The camp is one big happy family and they are able to be themselves and have fun, like they should!


When looking at camps we were struck by the beauty of the Maine camps. We could envision Samantha participating in the activities. When we arrived for our first visiting day we ere anxious and excited. To see how much she had grown in 4 weeks was incredible – she mastered the ropes course, learned to waterski, made new friends. It was everything we had hoped for snd more bt


I remember sitting on the “singing steps” after every meal at my camp when I was 7 to 9 years old. I couldn’t wait for those meals to be over to spend the time with my friends, singing camp songs that I still remember!


When I first went to camp to camp I was a little scared, but then i meet the BEST people on earth. I count down the days until I go back to the best place on earth. Being away at camp has helped me grow up and become more independent. I learn to solve problems on my own and work out differences with my friends. I think this makes us so much closer. Also, the counselors encourage me to try new things like water skiing. Now I can’t wait to get back to camp and go water skiing. It is so great to be with my “other” family…I love my camp and Kyle, Emily and Linda make it feel like my second home!


My daughter will attend Camp Vega this summer as her last year as a camper.I am both excited for her and melancholy because I have so enjoyed visiting Vega and sharing memories with her of my years at Vega as well.Traditions are just that, traditions, and they remain intact and provide a wonderful foundation for the girls to develop life long freindships,self esteem and empowerment, and wonderful happy memories that will never leave them. After 35 years the sights and smell of the grounds of Camp Vega instantly create a feeling of calm and joy for me. It truly feels like a home, like a backyard you once played in. All of the activities were great then, and great now, my favorite being waterskiing and sailing. For my daughter, riding, ropes and waterskiing. But the bunk life and sisterhood is most important take away from our camp experiences.


Coming from California..we do not have camps like Maine. Camp Vega on Echo Lake is so beautiful. My daughter counts the days until opeing day. She has made incredible friendships and has had an experience of a lifetime.


Picking my daughter up from camp. confidence, character, leadership, and a smile all beaming from my child’s face. Knowing she would never forget her experience, and there would be many more after this one.


The two summers I spent working at TLC were amazing! Tripp Lake is such a special place, and the time I spent there and the friends I made will always have a special place in my heart <3


My favorite part of camp is the friends I made there over 30 years ago. These are still some of my closest friends today!


I spent almost every summer at a camp in Maine from the time I was 12 until I graduated from High School. My first summer I met a girl Named Sheryl from South Africa. She told me all about Apartheid - I had vaguely heard about it probably from the news or parents talking but to learns about something like that first hand was incredible - my whole world opened up and I became more aware of the fact that there really was an entire world of different places and cultures that existed. I grew up more in that first summer than I can ever put into words. Living and playing with people closely, some from the US and some not, was an experience I am so grateful for!


I spent almost every summer at a camp in Maine from the time I was 12 until I graduated from High School. My first summer I met a girl Named Sheryl from South Africa. She told me all about Apartheid - I had vaguely heard about it probably from the news or parents talking but to learns about something like that first hand was incredible - my whole world opened up and I became more aware of the fact that there really was an entire world of different places and cultures that existed. I grew up more in that first summer than I can ever put into words. Living and playing with people closely, some from the US and some not, was an experience I am so grateful for!


Our daughter has attended Camp Kippewa for 5 years. It is her “happy place” and she looks forward all year to her summer at Kippewa. She has made great friends and has incredible memories of her time there.


Tripp Lake Camp has changed my life as a former staff member. Everyday at camp was an adventure and TLC will forever be in my heart.


Tripp Lake Camp has been the best thing that ever happened to my daughter. The friendships made will be lifelong! The values she has learned will last a lifetime!


All of us Hayes boys worked as kitchen staff in the 60’s-we looked forward to it–Mike,Steve me(Jim) and Tim–we lived in the little cabin behind the mess hall with 4-5 other boys and made .12 per week after taxes and had every Sunday afternoon off—What a great job-we all became very successful business men and live all over the country and visit Maine whenever possible–South Portland was our home–we were 13-to 16 years old and are in our 60’s now


My experience at Kippewa was the best, I made so manu wondeeful friends and I really know I have a family at the camp, a huge family. I enjoyed every, single day and I just can’t wait for the next summer to come!!! Kippewa is the best!!!!!


I went to a Maine camp as a child and I loved and felt so fortunate to be able to go to a sleep away camp in beautiful Maine. Every morning when we woke up and I came out of my cabin, I always marveled at the beauty of Maine. I wanted my daughters to have that same experience and that’s why I only looked at camps in Maine for them. I chose Camp Kippewa and I love the facts that my girls wake up each morning and can see the lake from their bunks. Maine is a very special place as is summer camp!


My most meaningful memory at Camp Mataponi would have to be on the last night of camp. Even though its sad, my bunk and all the other girls in our age group gather into one bunk, hold each other and cry together. We are all there for each other all summer long, through the good, bad and the ugly and we are really united in that. We live together for 7 weeks and our friendships are different then those that we have at home. Living together forces all of us to know and accept one another for who we really are. We can try to hide at first, but sooner or later, there’s nowhere to go. We come from all parts of the country and are different, but we have one thing in common, how much camp means to us. We know we will be together again soon, but our hearts cry out for each other and we show it in our tears.


My favorite memory of my daughter’s camp experience was the first year she went to Kippewa. When she came home I asked her what activities she did at camp, thinking that she would tell me she played a lot of soccer and lacrosee and tennis as she does at home. However, she told me no, she does those things all the time, so instead she went kayaking and learned to fish and went on a canoe trip and camped in a tent and did all the things she had never done before and couldn’t do at home. At that moment I remembered why I sent her to camp and why it was such a great experience for me as a child and now for her. Now that she is 14 and going back for her 4th season, I am so glad to have the opportunity for her to unplug from electronics and social media and school and be able to dance and sing and be outside and do different things for a few weeks. Its a great escape.


I finally got up on a slalom ski the day before, but sadly none of my friends had seen me when I’d done it the first time. So the next day, we all decided to do water-skiing as our free choice activity. Finally it was my turn… So I got up, and stayed up. All my friends and counselors were cheering for me, and it was the best feeling ever.


Our daughter has had an amazing time at Camp Kippewa for the last few summers. It has helped her to grow and feel more confident in herself while developing some lasting friendships.


Hey people, Kevin here. Really wanted to share my beautiful memories in Camp Wildwood to everyone who’s reading this. You really, really have no idea how much this camp meant to me. The boys here are really well-disciplined, unlike the boys at my school. Though I picked a fight with a guy called James when I first arrive, but through some team-works, we finally managed to become best friends. I came from Hong Kong and I’ll be visiting James in New York soon, as he lives there. Really, if you haven’t already attended this camp, you must!! Trust me, you’re not gonna regret it.


Man, I can’t believe it! The camp is over and I really miss everyone there. It was a really incredible camp. It all started when my parents sent Murphy and I there, to develop some sort of leadership skills and teamwork, that kind of stuff. I didn’t want to come during that time because I thought camps are rubbish. Now I know the truth. It was so DAMN fun and exciting. I got to meet some new friends. Murphy and I really did not regret this. And we certainly didn’t regret meeting Tim, Connor, Darren, Sean, William, Jeffrey, Zac and Kent. We’ll come again.


Maine Camp is really indescribably fantastic! The staffs are really friendly and helpful, and I made many friends from around the world. This is really the best experience I’ve ever had in my life. I hope to come again, this time with a few friends.


When I was a camper trading stationary was a HUGE thing. You would get out all of your stationary and so would the person you were trading with, and you would carefully examine all that they had, as they would with you, and then you would try to make trades. This used to be a daily occurrence, and went on all of the years I went to camp. Talking to my camp friends now, and my sisters, we all mention this and still have some of our most special pieces of stationary.


Nashoba was great. They had many choices for activities and both campers and counselors alike were awesome.


Being a camper myself for 8 years… the minute I saw Camp Laurel I knew it was the right camp for my kids! My son had the summer of his life, and learned so many new fun activites that we can’t do at home…. The waterskiing and fishing are his favorite!


The first time walking into camp Laurel: I was blown away by not only the feeling I got from the beauty of the camp but the comfort I felt from the people we met. Everyone seemed so happy. I knew it was the right place for both gf my kids to get the full camp experience.


One night my bunkmates and I along with our counselors snuck up to the upper hill area and held a bunk meeting in the dark. We played games, told stories and ran the bases of the field in our pj’s. It really brought us together as friends. We were 11 years old. Camp is a magical place where you can run bases with your friends at midnight and share your innermost thoughts and not get judged. I love camp.


I can confidently say that my eight summers at Tripp Lake were the best and will be the best summers of my life. The traditions at Tripp connect all of the past, present and future campers, and everywhere I go, whenever I see a fellow camper, we instantly connect by bonding over our common love for camp. Tripp Lake is the haven where girls can express themselves however they chose, and be as loud and wacky as they want. Every type of girl is accepted at TLC, and Tripp Lake is the perfect environment for young girls to create the strongest bonds of friendship that truly do last a lifetime.


Tripp Lake has been the most amazing experience of my life! I have learned so many valuable lessons that I will carry with me forever. It is a place that not only fosters friendship and sisterhood, but is also a second home to all. I have made so many everlasting relationships at Tripp that will last a lifetime. Camp has changed me as a person and taught me to be confident in myself. It truly is the most amazing place and feeling in the world and I cannot imagine my life without it.


When visiting my oldest daughter during her very first summer on visiting day at Mataponi, she was so happy that we have coined the expression it is a 49 night sleepover. When we had to say our goodbyes, she was so sad to see us go, but she did not want to leave, but would rather us have stayed. Knowing she was so happy there made us feel a lot more comfortable knowing she had a second family –the entire Camp Mataponi community.


My daughter remembers when she first got up on water skis and she got to see the beauty of Maine on Sebago Lake while having the time of her life with all of her camp friends cheering her on!


Best summer camp experience ever! Our son is returning this year as a counselor in training. Highly recommend this camp.


My best memories in the world are from camp! I remember making ice cream at the sugar shack, putting on knee socks and blazers for socials, trick water skiing on the lake and getting canteen during rest period while waiting for letters. I am still friends with the kids/women from my bunk and I married the brother of two of those campers!!


Camp Mataponi has provided for my daughter an opportunity to develop lifelong skills beyond the physically active sports and such. She has learned kindness, resiliency and how to successfully live and navigate in a community without help from her parents. It had been a priceless experience for her.


I am a parent, but also an alumni of Camp Mataponi. The traditions and the values that were instilled in me and also my daughter are often overlooked when talking about summer camp in Maine. Yes the camp is absolutely beautiful and yes the dress up nights are a blast, the instruction is great and the friendships are unmatched. But my daughter became a better person because of camp. She is a better friend, she has more empathy, she knows what it means to “be there” for someone, she know how to give of herself. She learned self-advocacy and to roll with the punches. She is more independent and makes friends in an instant. Ii know this is not just one camp memory, but these qualities that I see in her will make me think of camp forever.


Celebrating 100 years of Camp Mataponi as an alumni with my daughter as a camper. So special to see so many former campers hand holding 20, 30, 40 years later. A special memory of a special place.


A favorite memory is mother/daughter weekend at camp Mataponi. After a fun dinner, we had a fire pit campfire on the beach. We roasted marshmallows, sat under a full moon and simply enjoyed our time together.


Our favorite memory is arriving at camp for our first visiting day last summer. We were so excited to see Maddy. It was incredible to see the confidence and independence she had acquired in such a short time. She was so proud to share with us all of the art projects she had completed and most impressive of all - showed us how she had mastered the ropes course - 50 ft above the ground. The other amazing thing about camp is the friendships. Maddy has gotten together with her entire bunk 2x since last summer. They are all amazing girls. Thanks for the opportunity to share.


My favorite camp memory was winning college league.


My favorite camp memory was when I won the most athletic camper award for my division. I was excited and proud.


Part 2. I hit submit accidentally aren’t ago. To see her up on skis, smiling confident and happy literally brought me to tears. Back on the boat she hugged me and my husband and said, “I am so proud of myself.” What more could anyone ask for from a summer camp experience. Lori Corenthal Westport, CT


I wanted to share my camp memory of my daughter when I saw her water ski on visiting day. I did not expect her to stay up on the water skis, as she’d never been water skiing at home. She was so proud of herself, and we were so proud of her as well. It was wonderful to see her trying new activities and building her confidence in herself.


I spent 7 summers at a camp in Maine. They were the best summers ever. 30 years later, I am getting together with about 10 of my friends from our last year in NYC for the weekend. We cannot wait


When i was in a band in camp. When we performed i had a blast, everyone was cheering and it was so much fun. I had a great time and enjoyed playing music.


When me and my cabin won battle of the cabins. It was amazing we were all soaking wet and we tackled each other. We were all screaming and laughing. I remember having so much fun and i got even closer to them.


I grew up going to overnight camp in Maine and even though I moved to Florida as an adult, it was important to me that my kids get the ‘Maine Experience’ too! The lakes, mountains, nature and amazing friends made during summer camp in Maine, are life-changing and life-lasting! I treasure all my wonderful camp memories…and my kids do too!


I brought my then 85 year old mom for mother daughter weekend. She had attended the camp when she was a child and we never knew it until after we signed up our girls!


The best summers of my life were spent at Camp Mataponi in Maine and there has been nothing more special than being able to send my daughter there for her first summer last year. Now, we’ve spent all winter cheering and singing camp songs. I wouldn’t have it any other way……


“my favorite part of Camp Mataponi is when the whole camp comes together for campfire every Sat evening. We sing songs and all come together as one big family. It is a very special moment shared each week with the entire camp.


The memory I have about Camp Mataponi is simply how much joy is on the faces of my two daughters when they excitedly show us around camp during Visiting Day, and we watch them go waterskiing and all the other activities. The camp owners, Marci and Dan, are the best.


2008, my counselor was terrified of chipmunks and one got in the bunk and she started freaking out and grabbed a towel and jumped onto someone’s top bunk. She was also screaming extremely loud!


Visiting day is a very special time. My daughter’s first visiting day is when I realized what an incredible effect camp was having on her. She was absolutely glowing. Camp has turned my daughter into a self-confident, self-reliant teenager. I will always be grateful for what Dan and Marcy Isdaner have done for her. It’s an awesome camp.


I will never forget the first visiting day, seeing how much my son had grown in the few weeks away from home. He took total ownership of the camp in showing us around, introducing us to his friends, his counselors, and his daily routines. Seeing him waterski, climb the wall, shoot a bullseye… all just the gravy when compared to the pride in letting me know that he was self sufficient and independent!


the first phone call. we waited an entire week without speaking to our daughter and then we called Matoaka, One Great Place. And waited. And waited for her to come on the line certain there would be some tears and to our wonder and welcome amazement she said “i am so happy and have much to talk about and little time so let’s get to it!” Zoe certainly lives 10 for 2 and spends much of the 10 keeping in touch with the friends she calls sisters–sisters for life. Maine is a breath of fresh air recharging her at the end of a school year and Matoaka is truly the Greatest Place on Earth.


Family visiting day–Walking through camp and looking over the lake–I mentioned to my son how lucky he was to see this view every day–beautiful evergreen trees, lining and reflecting on a crystal clear, calm lake with a mountain framing it all and my son said with a smirk of pride–yea I learned to water ski on that lake AND I climbed to the top of that mountain…..


My son won the “golden boot” award for hiking over the summer. He was so proud of himself, and I will never forget the amazing look on his face when he showed us the plaque on visiting day.


The night before Visiting Day, we had Campfire. I sat next to my Best Friend, Alexa. We have such a close bond. I was also next to the Timbers counsler, Laurel. We were singing the camp song, swaying back and forth, arms around each other. I didn’t know the words, but I was mumbling the tune. I was getting really sad because the session was over. I started crying and so did Alexa. We hugged and shared our favorite stories, and we got each others information and shared some laughs. Even though the summer was over, we promised to make the most of Visiting day. My other friends and I did the same. All of my friends from camp and I are still in touch. We can’t wait for this summer!


My favoriter camp memory is being able to go to camp and be crazy and do whatever you want and that be the normal. I love just hanging out in the bunk with my friends and having the feeling of a big family. We love Camp Micah and would love for everyone to experience it!


“My greatest memory of my daughter’s camp experiance last year, was picking her up. She was beaming, confident, and visibly filled with JOY. It is the way every parent wants to see their child, always.


Seeing the incredible lake setting for the first time! I wanted to attend as well!


According to my daughter, “My favorite memory was funyaking. My friends and I went paddle boarding and had a blast! It was awesome!!” As a parent & former staff member, I am grateful to share the camp experience with my daughter. My daughter had a great 1st summer at Wyonegonic and is looking forward to another year in Maine.


We’ve spent nearly eight wonderful summers traveling to beautiful Maine for parent’s visiting weekend. From the moment our car passes The Welcome to Maine sign there is nothing that makes us happier! Eating lobsters and fried clams in Kennebunkport we anxiously wait until the next morning to see our daughters for the very first time in four weeks. Spending a gorgeous visiting day with our girls by the crystal clear lake, under a blue sunny sky and breathing that fresh New England air. That is what summer camp in Maine is all about!


When I called my son to say hi and he said I can’t talk long, I have to go celebrate Shabbat by doing yoga in the woods, I couldn’t think of a better place I’d want him to be.


Oh how I long for another summer at Manitou! If I close my eyes I can see see the sun on the water, hear the birds in the trees…and smell the fresh scent of Maine.


My decision to go to Camp Nashoba North was honestly the best choice I have ever made. When I first drove up that gravel driveway, I had no idea what was waiting for me. I was extremely nervous, but once I saw so many smiling faces I knew everything was going to be ok. In the first few hours of my camp experience, I met many friends that I keep in touch with to this day. Everyone there is so welcoming and friendly, and I instantly felt included by the community. Nashoba is an amazing place. The cabins are perfect- rustic and spacious, and the other facilities are great too. I think the best thing about Nashoba is the ability you have to choose your own activities. No one is forced to do anything they aren’t comfortable with or don’t like, but there are so many great opportunities to step out of your comfort zone and learn so many new things. During my 4 years at Nashoba, I have learned how to slalom waterski, wakeboard, play some guitar, develop photos, and have improved so many other skills, including theatre and sports. I have made tons of great friends, and have learned to break out of my shell and feel comfortable expressing myself. The staff are absolutely amazing too, and support you throughout the whole experience. I would highly recommend Nashoba to anyone– it has truly become my home away from home.


I really loved my time at Nashoba. It was my first time staying away from home for four week, and I was quite nervous. As soon as I entered the Nashoba campus, all the handshakes and smiles eased my nerves. As soon as I met my counselors, I felt extremely comfortable. I made friends at Nashoba that I won’t soon forget. I never missed my phone or laptop, and didn’t even use my iPod. Nashoba offers great freedom, and an ability to create a new identity for yourself. I relish that it isn’t only sporty, or only centered on performing; you can be anyone or anything you want.


Camp Matoaka is a great camp.I can’t wait to go back to camp it is so fun i never want to leave i know camp is right around the corner I have a girl in my bunk and her name is Morgan.My mom told me that camp isn’t easy and it’s not but it is fun.I feel so bad that Queens left this year, it’s sad seeing them cry but I know that same thing will happen to me in some years when im 15.


Camp Matoaka is fantastic beyond words. Every day I wake up thinking “Why can’t I just skip past the school year and go back to my home away from home?” If you asked me the best part of camp, Id have to say everthing. The fourth of July carnival, college league, sing, banquet, Friday night services, campfires, smores, my friends, my bunk, all the crazy rainy day activities, sneaking in a bag of dum dums on the bus, but my favorite part is the Matoaka Magic.


There are no words to describe the feelings I have for Camp Nashoba North. Honestly, when I first got there (being that this was my first time at a sleep away camp) I wasn’t so sure if it was the right fit for me and I wasn’t sure how well I would adapt to the environment. I had to leave my life in the city and all of my technology behind. However, all of these thoughts were gone by the time the second day ended. It was unbelievable to me the amount of fun that I could have within the period of one day. I was still going through the feeling of missing my home but it became less of a thought. By the time my second summer rolled around, everything was different. I didn’t even want to think about going home. Camp Nashoba literally becomes a home away from home. You forget about the fact that you even own a laptop or cell phone. The entertainment that you need comes from the people around you. I’ve learned so much being at camp for the past two years. I’ve met people that have impacted me and have built friendships that I know will last a long time. I’ve met people from all around the world and have gotten to learn all about their customs and cultures. I have even learned more about myself from trying new things and making new achievements. Everything you do at camp is celebrated and everyone is included. It doesn’t matter how old you are or where you come from; everyone cares for you and appreciates you. Camp is a place where you can be yourself without fear of judgement and act as silly as you feel appropriate. This is going to be my last summer at Camp and I know it will be hard to let go of the place that has been so special to me but Nashoba is a place that I could never possibly forget.


Camp Nashoba North is a place I get to call my home away from home. I have met people from all over the world that I know I will keep friendships with for a very long time. Nashoba is a place where I experienced new things such as waterskiing, kayaking, playing the drums, developing photos, and so much more. I love how easy it is to go crazy and just be yourself, especially when it comes to dressing up for flag or performing in Arts Night. This upcoming summer will be my last at Camp Nashoba. It’s crazy to think that I will no longer be anticipating my trip to Maine, will no longer be sleeping in a cabin for a month with the friends i’ve grown to love, and will no longer be able to go away and act like a little kid again. Its crazy to think that such a place could impact your life forever. I will also miss the staff, who are always so supportive of us. Camp Nashoba will always hold a special place in my heart.


One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do was check off “alumni” instead of “camper”. This past week, my mom came into my room and told me that they had updated the ‘Matoaka Pink’ newsletter. As usual, I look through every tab. Seeing what people “heard on the bunkline,” and what Brett and Carly have been up to. Having a January birthday, I had been looking forward to seeing my name under the “Kings and Queens and Bishops to…” I clicked the link and noticed that my name wasn’t there. I thought to myself, “there must be a mistake.” I reread the page and something I hadn’t noticed before caught my eye. “(Campers enrolled for 2013).” At the sight of this, I broke down. With tears streaming down my face, I went on facebook to see who was on that I could vent to. That’s when I remembered, why just one person? I have almost 50 other girl I could share my reaction with. 50 girls I am comfortable with, 50 girls who I trust, and 50 girls that I consider my best friends. It’s not one camp memory singled out. It’s all of them. From my first day in 2006, all the way until sing, banquet, and even departure day of 2012. The past 7 summers have been the most incredible experiences. I have made friends who will be there for me, not just today, but for a lifetime. I was taught what it was like to have serious responsibilities, and how to be a leader. There are hundreds of things I did at camp that I would never have done if I didn’t go to Matoaka. I was in my first-and probably last-play, I wrote three songs (with the help of many others of course), I swam 2 miles just for fun, I accomplished a stepover on trick skis, and I walked around with a crown on my head like it was something I do everyday at home. I look forward to all of the cool things my parents have planned for me to do in the summer of 2013, but all i can think about is how this is my first time in 7 years celebrating the 4th of july at home. This is my first time in 7 years that I wont be able to see my best friends every day for 7 and a half weeks. Camp Matoaka has taken up my life. I don’t remember a world without it and I don’t know how I plan on creating one. I’m counting down the days until I can visit but even that will be nothing compared to spending every day at one great place. Being a queen was the greatest time of my life. Living with 50 girls under one roof was such an amazing experience. Leading a team of 80 girls was the most fun I’ve ever had. And the memories made from 2006-2012 were definitely the best part.


My daughter has attended Nashoba for the past two summers and it has been the best camp experience she has had in her ten years of summer camp. For a first time sleep away camper, she adjusted quite well which was due in part to the home away from home feeling that she felt early on. The staff is amazing and she has made friends from all over the world that she stays in contact with throughout the year. Nashoba has practically every activity imaginable – from various sports, water activities (on the amazing on site lake), and the arts. The variety of activities have enabled her to do things she has never done before such as water skiing. Surprisingly, what she talks about as much as the activities and friendships, is the ample variety of delicious food. She is looking forward to summer 2013 at Camp Nashoba.


When the Greyhound bus finds its way to Camp Matoaka everyone on the bus knows that the summer has officially begun! I live ten months for two, and every time I get to camp I know that there will be so many new memories that last forever. The friends I’ve made at camp have been the friends that I can tell anything to! Camp Matoaka is definitely the official camp of summer!


It would be impossible for me to pick just one memory that stands out for me from my experiences at Matoaka. It is truly the most amazing, magical, and wonderful place in the world. I really do not know what my life would be like had i not been able to spend five wonderful summers at Matoaka. I have made friends that i know will last a lifetime and achieved more things than i ever thought would be possible. Camp Matoaka is a place where girls go to have fun, make everlasting friendships, and get to learn valuable lessons in responsibility and leadership. I love Matoaka so much and ever since my queen summer ended in 2011 i’ve been looking forward to visiting and the day when i can come back as a counselor!


the first time i drove down that long dirt road, i was nervous. i didn’t know anyone really, and i was nervous. turns out, i had no need to be. my first day, i felt like i had been there forever. every year, i plan reunions, video chat, and text my camp friends practically nonstop. we even have a facebook group forever! every year i beg my parents to go back, no matter what. right now, nostalgia is filling me for the campfires with bunk costumes, reflections at friday night services, breaking out all the spirit we have for college league and color war, it is truly a unique and amazing place. when i started going, i thought it was just an escape from my normal life. but now that i have been there for five years, i realize it is another life of mine that i love and live not just in the summer, but year round as well, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. the name truly sums up the camp in three words: One. Great. Place.


The second the bus pulls on to the dirt road you can clearly see everyone’s face light up. All of your friends are there waiting and its the greatest feeling. Camp Matoaka is my second home and i love it. There is a reason it is on the road One Great Place.


Camp Winona, what a wonderful place! I remember my first summer there. I was about 8 years of age, I made so many friends and had so much fun that I had to come back the next summer and the next and the next and so on. It’s hard to believe that I started as a camper and now going back to camp as a staff member for my ninth summer. Camp Winona is such a wonderful place for a boy to know. The amount of fun that you’ll have is hard to put into words, you simply have to experience it. For someone who doesn’t do much in the summer (Which happened to be me) I advice you to at least try Winona out. You will learn so many vital things that you would have never knew by sitting around or going to the same old beach in you hometown every summer.


I adore camp! gonna be a flam this year and can’t wait. My favorite memory is stargazing and kayaking in 7th grade. Can’t wait to get back there! <3


CAMP IS THE BEST! I’m going to be a flam this year and all i think about is the cove, my 5 minutes to get from kayaking to gymnastics, and the insane ep’s. Cant wait for summer! xoxo!


CAMP IS THE BEST! I’m going to be a flam this year and all i think about is the cove, my 5 minutes to get from kayaking to gymnastics, and the insane ep’s. Cant wait for summer! xoxo!


CAMP IS THE BEST! I’m going to be a flam this year and all i think about is the cove, my 5 minutes to get from kayaking to gymnastics, and the insane ep’s. Cant wait for summer! xoxo!


I first saw Camp Vega in 2008 when I was visiting a friend. I was instantly amazed by the beauty of the camp. Nothing can compare to the crystal clear lake, beautiful green pines, and the sounds of loons echoing in your ears each morning. The following year my bags were packed, my mind was set, ready to have the best summer of my life. And I really did. There are not many camps that let you cook, waterski, ride horses, play tennis, and canoe in one day. Not only are the activities and sights of Camp Vega amazing, but the campers and counselors help make your summer the best too. I have never developed such great friendships in such a short time period. In only 7 weeks, you will have tons of memories that will last you a life time. Camp Vega is one of a kind!


As I sit here and try to come up with a witty way to start out my reflection about camp, I think about what I am up to in my life today. I open my door and see that my CBFF is my roommate in college. I open my Facebook and my inbox is blowing up with messages from my camp best friends filling me in on their lives. I look around my room and see collages of my camp pictures from my Queen Summer. I check my phone and look at the beautiful Camp Matoaka One Great Place sign as my background. There is no place in the world where I feel more comfortable, happy and independent. The people that are so close to me in my life I have met through this amazing place. I have so many memories at Camp it would be impossible for me to choose one. Camp has and always will be my favorite part of my life. I am sad that my summers as a camper have been over since 2009, but I know that Matoaka has not seen the last of me. There’s a place too big in my heart for me to ever give it up and I know that so many other girls feel the same way I do. Jason & Leslie have made Matoaka the best second home I could have ever asked for. I feel so lucky that I got to spend so many summers on East Pond. Being at camp is like another world and I wouldn’t change anything about it. I don’t know where I would be without the girls in my life I have met at camp, and the experiences Matoaka has let me endure.


I want to take the time to thank you profusely for the opportunity to work at your fantastic camp. I did not expect to love it as much as I did and there were many times during and after camp where I considered leaving my job to be able to come back year on year. There is a real community at Modin with such closeness, that it is something to be proud of as indeed I am proud to have been a part of it however briefly.


I just wanted to say thank you for the past 12 years. I have gained so much from being a part of the Modin family first as a camper and then as a counselor. There is something truly special about Modin and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to be in camp for so many years. Camp has impacted me in so many ways and the past few years as a counselor have been an incredible learning experience. As a camper I never realized how much time, effort, and devotion is required to run a camp, let alone one as special as Modin. You run an amazing camp that will forever be in my heart and every other Modinite who is lucky enough to have spent a summer there. Thank you for everything I’ve learned, achieved, and gained from my summers.


This was by far the best summer I have ever had and I dont know how the summer would be without camp. I dont know where I would be without Modin. I look forward to coming back to Modin next year along with seeing Modin friends at reunion.


How can I possibly put into words how thankful we are for all you have done these past years for our daughter? It is hard to imagine how sad she must feel tonight knowing that it is already the last summer banquet, since I am feeling so sad sitting home in NJ just thinking about it. You have given her the greatest times of her life, and the greatest friendships imaginable. She is truly a better person for every moment she has spent at Modin. I am eternally grateful for the care, and happy times you have given to her at camp, and for the incredible program you run. The closeness she shares with her counselors, is beyond measure. They have been amazing role-models for her these past years - the definition of “counselors”! There is no other place in the world like Modin - it is really beyond compare. Thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times.


The camp experience that you provide for our children each and every summer is truly incredible. What you did for our son this summer, is simply a memory of a lifetime. When we see that beaming smile on his face … well, it just doesn’t get better than that. And our daughters face in videos and pictures, smiling from ear to ear … makes us so happy.


When I drive to Modin tomorrow morning to pick up our daughter, I think it will be my 30th time visiting the camp. Unfortunately, there are no more of our little one are waiting to go to camp. Not having a kid at Modin, just a half hour away from our summer home in Mount Vernon, will feel funny for us. I want to thank you and the team you’ve put together every year for making our kids’ summers as special as they have been.


Of the things you do in and outside of school, what do you care about the most? “Far from cities, rushing streams, far from strife and care, lies the haven of our dreams, Wekeela Camp so fare.“ You may wonder why I have just written my camp Alma mater. You asked, “Of the things you do in and out of school, what do you care about the most?“ Camp is the answer. Camp Wekeela has been my second home,every summer, since I was seven years old. Sleep away camp has taught me countless lessons (independence, adaptability, open mindedness, maturity, and the appreciation of deep friendships) that have helped me become the person I am today. Most seven year olds would be scared to move across the country from their parents for four weeks, but I wasn’t. From waking up to the reveille to the chores that I was assigned (making my bed, folding my clothes, cleaning the bathroom, sorting laundry and cleaning my bunk) I gained the confidence to take care of myself and my space. With each year I learn more skills and become more independent. This year I spent more time in the culinary arts program learning to cook which I enjoyed and my Mother appreciates too. At sleep away camp you meet people that maybe you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet at home. This summer we had a group of girls from Spain who were in our age group and placed in the cabin next to ours. I don’t speak Spanish and they didn’t speak much English, but it’s amazing how quickly you find things in common and how quickly you bond. Before you know it you’re hugging and laughing with a group of girls from Spain who don’t speak English about an awesome pair of shoes. Living with a group of 10-12 girls in a rustic bunk sharing one bathroom can have its problems, but the rewards are so much more. Sharing secrets, clothes, tears, and laughs with each other are just a few of the things that I wouldn’t trade for anything. We are all very different, with different backgrounds, religions and beliefs, but we love that about each other. It’s fun to teach each other about our cultures. If there is a problem in the bunk we’ve learned to address the issue quickly and mediate if we need to. My bunkmates are my sisters and I know that they will be my friends for life. It’s the one thing that I can’t imagine not having experienced.


My children love this camp! They are very enthusiastic every year to go back to camp…they look forward to each and every summer! The camp is very well run, the counsellors are fantastic and the whole experience is excellent!


My favorite camp memory was when I first got off of the bus, first session 2010. As soon as i met my bunk there was instant bonding. I LOVE CAMP MICAH!!!!! NO OTHER CAMP!!!!! See y’all 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


After going to MTC in 2010 and 2011 I decide to apply for this awesome opportubity they give you of beinf an LT. It’s a program they offer to the oldest campers where we can show our leader skills at some level not as high as a counselor but being more than a regular camper. Never felt better in my hole lif. Being from Spain I tjough it was going to be very hard to get that apply done, but I try my best to accomplish and I get it, along with my best friend Borja. We both knew this was our last chance to spend our last summer at MTC as campers. As a 18 year old I am, I had to decide between my high school graduation or camp. I choose camp over my graduation and I dont regret ANYTHING. This place I called home, it’s just magical. You get to know the best friends in the hole world. The love of your life and as most important, YOURSELF. You get to know all this people from all arpund the world and get so close to them in such a short time, it’s just amazing. People might not understand how much you get to love this place, but it’s just because they have never been there. And it’s such a shame because I can truly say, MTC is the BEST place in the hole world, without any doubt. I can’t wait to be a counselor there and someday, when I have the pleasure of have kids, I would love to send them to MTC, so they can know how wonderful it is. LT’s 2012.


Going into my final summer at Pinecliffe, its a feeling so bittersweet. As hard as it will be for me to move on after this coming summer at camp, i know that everything i have learned and all the memories i have made will stay with me for the rest of my life. I have been so blessed to spend the past 6 summers at this amazing place learning to waterski, play sports, swim in Crystal Lake, make arts and crafts, and participate in plays in drama. Pinecliffe has made such an impact on my life and the friends i have made are much more like sisters that i know i can always count on. Embarking on this Pinecliffe journey 6 summers ago as a young, homesick new camper i had no idea what lay ahead of me but since then i can proudly say that Pinecliffe has made me the strong and independant individual and has become a second home for me and where i feel most comfortable. When at camp there is never a girl without a smile on her face and its truly amazing. The sisterhood, virtues, beauty, and traditions of Camp Pinecliffe are unlike any where else.


my favorite camp memorie from 2012 is every thing i couldn’t be in a better place


my daughter had an incredible first summer at camp mataponi. she hasn’t stopped cheering and singing since she stepped off the plane. what a beautiful and special place! she is already counting down the days until she goes back.


I love this camp so so much. I have made the best friends of my life there. If you are looking for a camp that is traditional but modern and so much fun I highly recommend Pinecliffe.The secrets are the best part. Shhh!


I attended Pinecliffe from start to finish. I arrived at camp my first year crying, already being homesick. I left camp two months later crying because I couldn’t imagine leaving. As the years went on, there were hardly any tears at all when saying goodbye to my parents, but there were always tears when it became time to climb on the Pinecliffe bus at the end of the summer. The seven summers I spent at Pinecliffe taught me more than I would have ever imagined. Every camper at Pinecliffe is taught morals, leadership, and responsibility on a daily basis. Lessons that were taught to me starting from age 9 at camp I still use to this day, now at 25 years old. My memories of camp are amazing. I am overwhelmed by positive emotion when I think of Pinecliffe, and still tears come to my eyes when I think about my experiences there. I wish I could still spend my summers with Patty, Susie, and Jim Lifter in the 04040. I highly recommend Pinecliffe to anyone who is looking for a traditional summer camp. All of the traditions and secrets of Pinecliffe are magical. I am truly grateful to have been able to spend my summers there. Pinecliffe has made an imprint on my heart that will never disappear.


On my way to camp I was bursting with excitement and nerves. I, being the youngest in my family, had watched my two older brothers leave for camp every year, and it was finally my turn! After three hours of driving, I could see the camp gate. There was lots of movement as trunks were pulled out of cars, campers and their families being guided away from the parking lot, and counselors rushing around overseeing everything. I became very nervous looking at just how big Runoia was. We pulled up to the first counselor who told us that I would be in first shack. We parked and then had to go to the health shack to get my head checked for lice. I got so scarred because i was afraid that i wouldn’t be aloud to go into camp if I had them! After finding out that I was clear, we headed down to my cabin. My stuff was already there so we began to unpack. That’s when it really hit me. I was going to be living in a cabin with no one I knew for three and a half weeks. I became more and more nervous. Outside, people were playing games and singing songs I didn’t know. My mom told me to go join them but i didn’t want to. One of my counselors came over, talked to my parents, and then reassured me that i was going to have a great time here. She pointed out girls who were going to be in my cabin and helped me learn all of the games. my nerves ha died down a lot as I realized how friendly everyone was. Girls were laughing and playing, and they let me join them. I said goodbye to my parents, and was ready to have some fun at camp. After 5 years at camp Runoia, I have grown and changed immensely. I’ve made friends from around the world that I will never forget and gained the confidence and independence to go out and do whatever my minds set on. Camp has been the greatest gift I’ve ever had and I hope to never forget a single moment of it.


Visiting Day was great - we walked around camp - couldn’t stop smiling as the girls showed us their activities. While I understood beforehand that the final Senior Service was yet another culminating experience for the senior girls (equal measures of responsibility and privilege all summer long it seems for the big girls) - I wasn’t exactly prepared for the remarkable speeches from ALL the girls. And how that too would create a culminating experience for the parents as well. Watching the little girls file in by age group - singing the “The Spirit of Fernwood Surrounds Us” set the beautiful tone. The words of that song are so so so powerful. They are ringing in my head since we have left. And then the speeches. Of course I was/ we were interested in our girls speeches….but what we really took away was the collective experience. All the girls spoke so beautifully. I actually want to write them a letter - send it to you - and ask that you share it with them. They gave all the parents - and the community of Fernwood - such a gift. They expressed vulnerabilities - overcame challenges - found ways to find humor even in hard times - and established great goals for us all to try to live by. We were sad indeed to leave camp. Andrew said “I hope that somehow we will be back someday…but who knows.” I am holding onto the hope that we will indeed be back someday. Maybe the girls will be counselors….maybe they will be blessed to have daughters who will be able to attend. We feel that while this is now the completion of our family’s chapter of Fernwood - the next chapter will be great too - because of what we all learned in our years at Fernwood. Sad yes. But we feel complete. And happy for all that it was - and will continue to be for all of us.


Please excuse the delay in the sending of this email; it in no way reflects the sentiments which we would like to express to you. We loved visiting day last weekend. We loved seeing Rachel and Julia so happy, so excited and so content. And we are so grateful to both of you for providing them with such a secure, thoughtful, fun, special and incredible environment within which they can thrive and grow. We know the road for Rachel was not as smooth as we would have liked the past two summers, but we are so grateful for the time and attention and care which you gave to her to always have the best set up possible. And it paid off: Rachel seems to have returned to herself and is experiencing camp with the same joy and enthusiasm which she did her first three summers with you and as she does at home with us. As for Julia?? Well, she could not be happier. So thank you, thank you, thank you not just for a wonderful day last Saturday but also for the wonderful way in which you care for our girls.


You are all beyond amazing. Your staff follows your lead, you should be so proud of your example. I am so thankful Chase found her way to Fernwood. There is no question in my mind that both Chase and Wynne will gain innumerable valuable lessons within your boundaries of camp. They are both blossoming into confident individuals with your encouragement. Thank you again and again!!!


I just wanted to thank you all for yet another fabulous parents day! I always enter those gates listening to the girls sing, with tears in my eyes (each year!) and leave knowing that Megan will be better person when she leaves in August. You have created such an incredible environment allowing for Megan to grow and learn as an individual in whatever ways she chooses. Megan seems to have really hit her stride this year as she is so happy, confident and completely relaxed with herself. She seems to have taken on the challenges of CVC, trips, tennis, etc as well as managing all the dynamics of her bunkmates with ease and finesse. She loves having a little sister and taking care of those around her. These summers are the perfect launching pad that enable her to dive feet first into all the challenges of the school year ahead. Mark and I are grateful to you all for the magic at Fernwood. Many thanks and enjoy the rest of the summer.


My first year at Nashoba, was my very first time at camp, let alone sleep-away! Being a city girl, the first thing I noticed was the quiet. There were no cars driving by, or taxis honking their horns. In fact, the only sound I heard was the sound of chirping crickets, and the buzzing of cicadas. At first, the quiet seemed eerie, almost unreal. But as the summer progressed, I learned to love the sound in its entirety! What was once eerie was now soothing! Although I was only twelve at the time, I was placed in a cabin that held thirteen and fourteen-year-old campers. At first I feared that I would feel out of place and estranged. However, I couldn’t be more wrong! The majority of the girls in my cabin, Yarmouth, embraced me instantly! Most had actually come from New York, just as I had. Even the foreign campers embraced me. I knew then that I had nothing to fear. Over the course of the summer, we grew a strong bond. The memories we created together could not be forgotten. From encouraging each other to partake in water sports, to cheering each other on before equestrian competitions, we were always there for each other. I don’t have any sisters at home, but I acquired a few at Camp Nashoba! This year, when I returned, I learned that we’d all be in different cabins. We didn’t let it affect us, though. We continued to enjoy all of the amazing activities Nashoba has to offer. Things such as horseback riding, swimming in a lake, archery and sailing were activities I had done for the very first time thanks to camp! Near the end, I had not only conquered my fear of deep water, but also grew a love for another activity: Tubing. I would constantly talk about tubing and how exciting it was. I’m sure my cabin mates grew tired of hearing about my wild and overly exaggerated stories. For the majority of camp, my cabin mates from Yarmouth and I were not affected by the fact that this was their last year here. Towards the end, however, reality set in. I would never see the girls from Yarmouth at camp again. None of us cry easily, but on the last day, we all shed tears. These were the girls I had shared my first ever camp experience with. It helped that we all live in New York, but the memories you create at Nashoba are unique. There are none like them. Next year will be my last at Nashoba, and I am determined to make it my best! I will try things I’ve never tried before, become a stronger swimmer, learn more spanish from the international campers, and make even more memories to last me a lifetime! Memories that I’ve learned only camp can create!


Tripp Lake is where I met all my best friends. Tripp Lake Camp has everlasting touch one me that will last forever.


Camp Matoaka is the best place in the entire world. i would not be the same person i am today if i didn’t go to camp. it is my home. each summer i go back for that amazing experience of being with my favorite people in the world. these people stay with you throughout your entire lives. there is honestly no place like Camp Matoaka. I truly love that place with all my heart. Each person there is so happy and joyful. I feel so proud to go to such a beautiful camp like Matoaka. If I could be there everyday of my life. I would be. Each camper waits 10 months for 2. I live for camp. It is all I can ever think about. Everything I learn at camp is taken with me throughout my entire life. I could not live without Matoaka existing. People ask, “What’s so special about camp? How could you go for 7 whole weeks?” I say “Go there and you will find out.” Camp is the best aspect in my life.


Each summer, Camp Matoaka exceeds all my expectations. Unbreakable bonds are formed, new traditions are introduced and countless memories are made. Summer after Summer, I leave camp looking back on one of the most amazing summers of my life with the best memories to show for it. I see a lot of my friends try multiple camps, meet a few friends and like a few actives. But i can honestly say only Camp Matoaka creates strangers that turn into sisters, a scary activity that turns into a hobbie or a counselor from another continent that turns into a best friend. Some of my best friends are three years older than me, two years younger than me, from a different continent or someone who lives in my town that I had just never met before My camp friends that i made at Matoaka are the girls I call when i have a problem, exciting news or i just miss them. I credit that all too the tight-knit, fun-loving culture Matoaka creates each summer. I cannot begin to imagine not going back each summer!


I met my son at Androscoggin for the father/son weekend at the end of his first summer there. He was so proud to show me around and have me experience camp with him for a few days - playing ball, eating in the dining hall, camp-fires and sleeping in the bunk. After the weekend, I realized how much he loves it there and what a special place it is for him. I’m glad that we are fortunate enough to be able to provide that experience for him and (now this year) his little brother.


My child lives for her 7 weeks on Sebago. Camp Mataponi is her home; the other 45 weeks just have her waiting in our house to return to Maine, Sebago and her best girls. There’s no place like camp… There’s no place like camp…


I remember falling in love with horses at a camp I attended when I was 12! That year I also got a big trophy for best rider at camp! Oh to be young and innocent-Live, Love and Laugh and make great friends at CAMP!!


I’m not even sure how to put it in words. Matoaka is my home away from home. It is were all my best friends are. It is were all my sisters are. It is were my second, third, fourth and even fifth sets of parents are. it is were i am the happiest person ever. it is truthfully the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. i have had the most amazing memories there. I LOVE MATOAKA. I WISH I WAS THERE RIGHT NOW. i try to explain to my friends why I love Matoaka so much.. they just do not get it. My aunt went here for 8 years and she wanted her daughters to go and all her nieces to go. I am the oldest.. and when I was 6 i started begging my parents to go… and when I say begging I mean getting on my knees everyday. Then the first day of camp came.. when I finally was old enough… and I was a little nervous.. but then I got there and I never wanted to leave. I just love Matoaka and everything about it. If you are trying to decide if you should go to Matoaka or not… DO IT! You will not regret it ONE BIT! YOU WILL BEG YOUR PARENTS TO GO BACK YEAR AFTER YEAR. YOU AND EVERY OTHER GIRL THAT ATTENDS MATOAKA WILL BE THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD.


My daughter, Rachel, LOVES Mataponi. This will be her third summer. When I asked her about her favorite camp memory, she said she had so many and needed to think about her favorite one. After several days, she decided that her best camp memory took place last summer. She and her friend were chosen to compete in an activity during their Western themed dinner. She was one of 14 campers chosen. They did the activity in front of the whole camp. It made her feel so special since she had never been chosen for something like this before.


Kyle Lee Going to Camp Nashoba for the first time was more a recreation. My first couple of days at camp was met with uncertainty. I wasn’t sure how adaptable my city lifestyle would be and if I would be able to find anything that interested me. Not only was I able to find things that interested me, I found a new side of myself; a side of myself that had been dormant for along time due to my city lifestyle. Nashoba could not have come at a better time for me; when I had grown weary of the things that I could do in the city I unknowingly yearned for a different lifestyle. Nashoba allowed me to trade in my phone and technology for a better understanding of myself that no matter how efficient or cool technology had become just could not be given to me in another way. I was drawn to the stage at Nashoba. I was in both of the plays during my two sessions and put on more than a few dance performances as well as singing in a band. It was one thing to image doing these things but to actually get on that stage and show all of Nashoba my heart and soul was indescribably freeing. Nashoba gave me among that countless new experiences. I enjoyed my first campfires there, I was able to have amazing times as a horseback rider, and my tow months were filled with amazing sports like golf, and tennis as well as many amazing waterfront archery activities. I honestly did not expect the bond between myself and Nashoba to grow so quickly. Within the first two weeks when I had originally planned to stay for only one month. I begged my mother to let me stay for the second session. The Nashoba atmosphere and attitude is an amazing one. Every day I woke up there I felt ready for what I did not know but the Nashoba attitude and community filled me with the sense that I was for anything. Nashoba changed me in a way that I could not full explain and yet will never forget. That is why; ever since Nashoba came into my life I knew that I had been truly charmed.


I will never forget when we made our cabin into a Hospital for Cabin Night. It looked so real and we only used what we had in the cabin and our imagination! We laughed a lot and had a lot of fun just being together.


Manitou was such an important part of my growing up. What memories! I wish I were back at camp again.


I wanted to thank you for the most wonderful 10 summers I’ll ever have. Wyonegonic has provided me with an amazing past, present, and future…to be honest, I’m not sure I would have had the confidence or the communication skills to even attempt the PR/marketing frontier before coming to camp. So thank you for providing and guiding me towards a life filled with happiness.


Seeing pictures of my daughter waterskiing for the first time, the first week she was at camp. Visiting Day weekend - eating at fabulous restaurants in Portland and actually sitting in the boat watching her ski. Priceless.


From the time my daughter Jordan was born, I looked forward to the day I could send her to my own alma mater, Camp Matoaka. I often rocked her to sleep singing campfire songs and made sure she knew all about our traditions and what a special place Matoaka is. Finally, she was about to embark on her first summer at “One Great Place.” I was filled with emotional nostalgia—Â so grateful that my daughter and I would now share yet another bond. I sent her on her way with a plane letter. I wrote “Jordan, you are so lucky! Today you get to go to the greatest place on earth!” In those first days she was gone, I scoured searching for her face and ran to the mailbox daily. After a few days, her first letter arrived. I anxiously tore open the envelope, desperately hoping she loved Matoaka as much as I had 25 years earlier. Her first sentence said it all- “Mommy, you were right! Camp Matoaka really IS the greatest place on earth!” And I knew I had made the right choice.


During my first summer two years ago at Camp Matoaka in Maine, I was really looking forward to learning to water-ski. After many futile attempts to do so much as get up, a simple skill that nearly every girl at camp had mastered, I came to a conclusion- I was simply not good at water-skiing. Two weeks had gone by, and I decided to put down the water-skis and focus on activities that did not require such an immense amount of precision, skill, and balance. Still, I would watch my friends as they flew across the water and wonder to myself, Why can’t I do that?” This thought resonated with me throughout the fall, winter and spring. In the weeks leading up to camp, I made a resolution to attempt water-skiing again. The day before camp started, I was so excited about my decision; it was all I could think about. That afternoon, I went out rollerblading with my younger sister. As I was flying down the driveway, I imagined I was skimming across the lake on water-skis. I had hoped that by visualizing I would get somewhere closer to my goal. My rollerblading that afternoon certainly did get me somewhere- the hospital with a broken wrist. I felt frustration and anger as I sat in my hospital bed, wondering why I would break my wrist the day before camp began. I would have shaken my fist at the sky, but it hurt too much to bend my fingers. Thankfully, I received a waterproof cast so that I could go swimming. Despite the cast from my knuckles to my elbow, I was still determined to get up on water-skis. Sitting on the dock with my cast, I caught many confused glances from other campers and counselors, curious as to why I was attempting water-skiing with an injury. Originally a difficult obstacle for me, water-skiing quickly became my favorite activity. When I left camp last summer, I was working on crossing 7 wakes in 45 seconds on one ski. I won the water-skiing award at the end of camp, an award that has more than one special meaning to me. Throughout this experience, I felt challenged, overwhelmed and successful. Whenever I would execute a perfect run, I was so proud of myself. Neither my cast nor my fears inhibited me from achieving my goal, and I can’t wait to water-ski next summer at camp.


My daughter will be attending Camp Mataponi for the first time this summer. She watches the video yearbook all the time with a huge smile on her face. It looks like a fantastic experience. And Maine is such a beautiful place to spend the summer. I am very excited for her.


Always wondering why school had to be 10 months long and camp was a mere 8 weeks. Counting the moments until I could get back to camp again. Most wonderful moment was knowing that my 2 girls would be sharing the same wonderful experiences I did attending the camp I attended for so many years as a camper and a counselor. There is no greater joy to be able to share a lifetime of experiences, friends and family with your children. Camp life is an experience that lives on forever!!


The hardest part about summer camp is letting go of her. But when I saw her happy face and independence at pickup, I could tell that she had the best time of her life.


My sons returned safely and happily, thank you. They are happy to be home. Clearly they had a great time. They both seem physically so much stronger and fitter and their sport skills have improved tremendously. The looked through all the pictures on the website naming every kid as they went. My husband was joking last night, that they left as boys and have come back as men! Thanks again Sara


Ben and I share a different relationship than the ones I share with his sisters. We don’t relate on a “sports” level like he does with Jack. He doesn’t go or enjoy shopping with me. He is actually, except for his looks, the anti me. He is a goofball, he is funny, he is sarcastic, he has a little bit of the devil in him. He is also very sensitive and doesn’t like to try new things until he is sure he can do it right. He does walk around with the fear of the unknown. Ok - so maybe we are a little bit alike in some respects! But 3 years ago - Ben did something very un Ben like. He asked to go to camp with his big “brother/cousin/friend” Max. And to top it all off, he asked to go for the whole summer! I had never been to sleep away camp and thought he was nuts! But nonetheless - we let him go. So at 8 years old I sent my baby boy off to camp in Maine and he has never once looked back. He loves Manitou. It is his second home; the place he looks forward to for 10 months of the year. He has friends there that have been with him the whole time as well. They are a different kind of family but definitely a family. Ben loves camp so much he has been known to be late to his calling times to us, letters are very short, and when we do get to speak to him he is always running to get back to whatever he is missing. Thank you Camp manitou for another great summer, great memories, great friendships, and for taking care of my son and giving him a gift that it is impossible for me to give him at home.


What can I say that would explain the feeling that Jill and I got from sending Matthew to you this summer . Jill and I had never attended sleep away camp as kids. Our parents didn’t have the means to send us. We have never visited a sleep away camp until this summer. And, man, what an experience for US!. Just walking around and seeing the camp and the kids faces. That was special. All in all, they way you helped us in getting Matthew there, from the Winter walk on water, to his Medical needs, to the constant availability of you, the owners, the counselors, the staff, and especially those in the infirmary with their hands full of sick campers. And yet, it appears, Matt was liked (and sometimes loved) by EVERYONE in camp. We couldn’t believe just walking around on Visiting day. Hi Matt, Hey Matt, What’s up Matt, tell us another joke Matt, make that mean face Matt, hello Mayor Matt. It was absolutely overwhelming to us how everyone liked Matthew. I did 180’s on my skis! Are you kidding me?” Nope, I did it. Field trips, camping, what an amazing summer. He comes back to us taller in inches and in life. With a great spirit and confidence. Our son is a Man. Bigger than life. Jill and I thank you for what you did for Matt and our entire family. We are so happy that he gave something back to all of you as well. We will see you next summer. None of us can wait.


On visiting day, watching my son try the ropes course for the first time. He was completely determined to try the highest course at camp and was so happy when he did it successfully.

Debbie And Stephen

It is hard for us to believe that 9 summers ago we flew to Maine to look at overnight camps for our 7 year old at the time. We shlepped William around from camp to camp for 2 days, learned to eat lobster rolls, and let him drink his first soda to stay awake after visiting the 4th camp. He was such a trooper that after our last camp, which was Wildwood, we treated him to a game of putt putt and he had the energy to play!!! Plus he will forever remember playing hoops with Mark on the small basketball court. We will always remember our first visiting day when William first saw Michael and Bradley. He hugged them so tight and said “I miss you guys.” They played basketball on the small courts and I sat on the bleachers and sobbed for what a sensitive, independent and kind friend he was becoming. It was painful for him to say goodbye to all of us after our first magical visiting day. He sobbed so hard that Benjie had to pull him away from our arms. He picked him up and gave me the thumbs up that all would be fine. Just that thought still brings tears to my eyes. Well eight summers later and younger brothers, Michael and Bradley to follow, it is sad for our William to be graduating as a camper from his summer home, your Camp WIldwood. Each visiting day for the last 8 years we have taken a photo of the boys making a pyramid at the walk up to the lodge. The photos have been in both William and Michael’s Bar mitzvah montage. The first photo was taken when Bradley was just 3 years old. They hang in the house in the hall into the kids rooms. You have helped shape William into a caring, kind, competitive, good friend and fantastic kid. We know that his life at Camp Wildwood has left an indelible mark on him forever. He has made life long friends in Brian, Noah, Noah, Owen, Spencer, and of course Teddy. Teddy has been a role model for Will and a real friend. Each counselor that William had (other than the one who shaved his head when he was 9) were responsible, honest, good boys who cared for him and respected the camp. Michael and Bradley have definitely had the same positive experience. However you don’t have to say farewell to them on Friday, just “see you next summer.

Meg & David

Again, I want to thank you for taking such good care of Henry this past summer - I didn’t think it possible but he seems to have had an even better summer and was very sad to leave. Jack could not be more excited to come - he even told me when he got home today that I would need to put “little laz” on the back of his camping chair so it wouldn’t get confused. The four of you are very special people and we are just excited to be in the fold. As you continue your recruiting season, please let me know if there is anyone you want me to reach out to, or use our home to meet people, etc…we would be thrilled to help out.


“Your care and meticulous attention really show….Kohut is a wonderful place with an excellent program.” Amy from New York


“My daughter has yet to descend from her Kohut cloud…she could not have had a more positive experience. It was everything we hoped it would be for her, and more” Andrea from Connecticut


“Ever so expertly, we were gently guided into what our children now refer to as ‘the best summer of our lives’. There just aren’t enough words to thank you for the extraordinary month Jacob, Julia and David had at Kamp Kohut. My heart overflows with gratitude to you…we’ve finally found our summer home!” Harriett from Florida

A Family

“You have given us a safe haven and a place of respite, rejuvenation, and lots of fun! Camp Sunshine is a gift and we thank you for it. Know that you have helped more than we can express as we continue our battle with cancer and its aftermath.


“I am so struck with how happy my children are now, and how good they seem to feel about themselves. You offer an environment which is nurturing and empowers each camper in his or her own area of interest. My family thanks you!” Patti from Maryland


“Mike and I cannot thank you enough for having Alex each summer and allowing him to have a wonderful time while teaching him many of life’s lessons. We saw so much maturity in him as he returned home each year. Alex has changed so much since that first summer and we feel Kohut had a lot to do with the development of his confidence and character.” Jennifer from Westfield, New Jersey


“Jimmy arrived last night very happy. He said to us that these were the best holidays ever. He told us that everyone was kind and friendly and that he made a lot of friends (he invited each one of them to Peru). Again, Terese and I are forever grateful for the care and love you gave Jimmy and Rafael. I hope you have a chance to come to Peru one of these days.” Jaime from Peru


“Ali misses KK!! I can’t begin to tell you how much she loves her camp. It is so nice to know that she feels that way about KK. Sometimes school can be stressful and it is a lot of work. On the other hand KK gives her a sense of pure happiness and joy.” Laura from New York


I would just like to let you know how much I got out of Kohut. I learned how to waterski, which was HUGE for me, mountain bike, play soccer, windsurf, kayak, play volleyball, play softball and even learned some knew stitches for my friendship bracelets. I will never forget performing in the talent show in front of all of kamp, having a fire truck ride in when Olympics was breaking or getting up on those water skis and feeling like I was on top of the world. Memories like these will be with me forever. Ever since my first year at Kamp you welcomed me and treated me with so much kindness. I never felt hesitant about talking to when it came to other girls or just sharing exciting news. You were always there for me and I will always remember you as my mom away from home. Please tell the rest of the kohut family (Steve, Jenny, Dan, Joe) that I say thanks for everything! Thanks again, and I hope we can keep in touch!” Augie from Masschusetts


“Kamps like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. Seven years ago I came to Kohut, having never been away from home before. I couldn’t water-ski, I couldn’t row, and I definitely couldn’t do 200 pushupss in ten minutes Dan Meade! I came to Kamp Kohut because my parents believe that its one of the best, most unforgettable experiences of a lifetime. Of course, my first year I had no idea what they were talking about. I didn’t know many people, I didn’t know what to expect, and I certainly didn’t know my way around. And now seven amazing sessions later I know what my parents mean. Every day is truly a surprise. I never quite know what Kamp has in store for me, whether its a hilarious car wash or operation swamp kayak. And the memories never cease to exist. One of my favorite moments happened only a week or two ago. My bunk and I were flying across the lake in the Hunter belting out Bohemian rhapsody at the top of our voices (by the way thats how our bunk skit started). My first year I remember having a Gold Rush as a Kollege Days Special Event. I remember watching in awe as the older kids ran around Kamp, finding golden colored rocks and here I was, just nine years old, still trying to figure out what the heck was going on! My point is, I looked up to those seniors as role models and as friends. And now her I am, a senior, with younger kids looking up to me. Kamp truly does fly by and you have to savor every moment. Kohut has meant a lot to me over the years. Its a place where I can be me and not have to worry about what others think. I’ve tried new activities and gotten extremely close to awesome people. Id especially like to thank the bunk of Ohio. You guys are some of my best friends and we’ve had great times together. Id also like to thank my brother and sister, for being two people I can go to no matter what, and for making my time at Kamp that much better. And finally, Id like to end with one last piece of advice. Go outside your comfort zone. Dont be scared, because the things you regret the most are the things you dont do. Since day one of Kamp seven years ago, I’ve wanted to catch the trapeze more than anything. At first, I was scared and didn’t really believe in myself. I’ve taken adventure for one week every session since that first day and I finally caught it yesterday. Before Kamp, I never could have imagined myself jumping off a platform thirty feet in the air to try to catch a bar, seemingly impossible to reach. And thats what Kohut does for you; it makes you want to try things you’re not necessarily the most comfortable with at first. It gives you the courage to conquer anything you set your mind to. Kohut has turned me into someone Im very proud of, and I hope it has and will do the same for you. Thank you.” Jamie from Masschusetts


“When I was 11 I had been going to the same day camp for six years and I was perfectly happy. Then my younger sister Maddy decided to go to sleepaway camp and of course if she was going I had to go too. My mom did some research and found Kohut. After I saw the video, I was hooked. Both lisa and steve came to my house to tell us exactly what to expect: lots of sunny skies, fun activities and great bunkmates. Ill always remember things like the first time I got up on water-skis after a week of trying. Ill never forget our Milford Rock Lobster/Twilight bunk skit, which was probably the best I have participated in out of all my four years. During First-Year Senior year we all (some of us unwillingly) got up at 4 am, hiked up a mountain and watched the sunrise. Although it was literally the crack of dawn and our legs were exhausted from all the walking its something Ill always remember because my bunk and I did it together. The Bar Harbor trip this year were some of the best three days of my life- things like the Lumberjack Show are things I would never even think of doing it if it werent with my crazy camp friends. I think that Kohut has made me a better person in so many ways. Kohut gives you the chance to let your true colors shine through, even when youre rocking out to Taylor Swift in a canoe in the middle of the lake with Dana and Jill. Kohut gives you the chance to meet people from around the world and try things that you dont have the chance to do anywhere else. I always leave Kamp a more confident person because I know that people can accept me for who I am like they do at Kohut. I think what Ill miss most is the entire atmosphere at Kamp. Waking up every single morning and knowing that the day will bring new, exciting things. Also the people you meet here are lifelong friends even after only being together for 3 and a half weeks. At Kamp you can be and do whatever you want to, free of judgment, which doesnt happen at home. My advice to everyone thats lucky enough to be able to come back next year is that you need to just be yourself. Do things that you want to do and have fun. Three and a half weeks goes by faster than you know. When I first got here four years ago I was homesick and unsure of what would happen and suddenly here I am now.” Rebecca from Massachusetts


Each summer at camp matoaka is full of new and exciting memories that i will never forget. All the memories created from bunk 8 and now to bunk 15 have shaped me as a person and have filled my childhood summers with amazing memories. The friendships i have made at Matoaka will last forever and my camp friends are the best friends in the world. My favorite camp memories range from just haning out in my bunk, dressing up insanely for campfires, singing cheers in the rec halls, to getting up on waterskiis for the first time. One of my favorite camp memories was the moment that i learned to waterski. The moment that the boat pulled me up on my skiis i still remember the excitement i felt. I couldnt wait to go back to ski everyday to learn more and improve my skiing. Matoaka is truly my second home and it is constantly in my mind. The memories made at matoaka will last forever.


Over the past two summers Runoia has become a second home for my daughter and me. The directors are caring and know each girl. I teach horseback riding at camp as well as my daughter attending camp. I love the sense of community and look forward to many summers on the shores of Great Pond. I would recommend Runoia to any family looking for an amazing, traditional camp experience for their daughter. I have more memories than I can count, but watching all my horseback riders grow and learn, and accomplish their goals on horses, in and out of the show ring, has been the highlight of my experience.


My favorite camp memory was when I got up on my waterskis for the first time. It felt so amazing!! I made so many friends like Ruby, Kelela, Sarah, Francesca, Caroline, and many others. I can’t wait for this summer when I get to my favorite place and second home, Camp Matoaka!


Being a camper at Laurel South for seven years was the best years of my life. Out of the 12 months in the year, the one month spent at camp was always the one that I looked forward to the most! Because I was a camper for so many years, there are way too many memories. Camp always went by so fast and years later it’s like one big blur. When I think back, I get that “feeling” as I remember how camp always made me feel. That “feeling” I cannot explain, but anyone who is lucky enough to share it with me definitely understands what I mean. If I have to pick one memory, I’d have to go with standing next to my fellow Cit’s about to run Kaos on Spirit Day. I couldn’t believe after watching this for all my years at camp, it was my turn! I’ll never forget standing there and hearing the whistle blow. From the moment I started and cracked an egg on my head and ended by rolling in jello and tagging the next persons hand on my team was the fastest but best 10 seconds of my life! The adrenaline rush, was like no other. We all couldn’t tell you what was going through our minds, but it was a mutual feeling of so many emotions, that we have been waiting to feel for many years. As the years have gone by, I have returned to camp every summer since my Cit year, to pick up my little brother and visit. To me, summers are nothing without camp! It was all I’ve ever known. I cannot wait to hopefully return one day as a counselor and provide the best camp experience for my campers as all of mine did for me! As well as my friends and Roger and Dagni. I couldn’t thank them enough! Laurel South will always be my home away from home, and is the best experience a camper can EVER ask for!




Camp Nashoba Experience By James Sturtz My most memorable experience at Camp Nashoba happened last summer. I was at tubing and there was an odd number of people. The councilor at the raft was Greg. I ended up not having a tubing partner. He offered to be my partner. I took him up on his offer and we went tubing together. It was really fun tubing with him. We had a competition to see who could stay on the tube the longest. I lost, but he cheated by pushing me off. Since I kept falling he held on to my arm so I would’t fall off. Unfortunately, he fell off the tube so I fell with him. I had a really fun time and I hope I can tube with him again.


I have been fortunate to call Modin my home away from home for the past 6 summers. Throughout my life many things change; friends, interests, and hobbies but the one thing that remains definite throughout the years are my plans for the summer. Modin has offered me a warm nurturing environment in which I was able to grow both physically and emotionally. The countless friends I have made, both counselors and campers alike, are friends that I know I will keep in touch with forever. Not a day goes by where I do not day-dream or a reminisce of an event from camp. Just thinking about events such as world cup, rope burn, war canoe, and even the mundane makes me so fell so connected to the summer and my bunk. All the little things remind me of camp and make me wish I could be back in Maine again sooner. One of the most amazing things about Modin is how people from all different backgrounds are able to come together as one camp community and coincide as one. Both campers and counselors at Modin are always looking out for one another and they all truly care about each and every person. This trait is rapidly becoming less popular in this day and age and it is one of the many reasons that Modin is so special. These lessons will accompany me wherever life takes me, and for the rest of my life. And although I would be able to go on all day about Modin I choose to relive and cherish the times that were spent at camp and never forget all that Modin has taught me.


When we arrived at Camp Modin we were blown away by the poise and maturity of the staff and we extend our highest praise for the selection of an incredible team who appear to provide to the campers truly excellent role models. The Modin staff is exceptional and we offer our warmest compliments and highest praise to all my sons counselors who we believe each contributed to my sons sense of ease, security and comfort at camp. There is really no way to convey in words the range of emotions we feel about the obvious joy and exuberance our child felt at Modin. He loved every activity in which he participated; and enjoyed every out of camp activity including going down big water rides at Splash Town; and loved cabin life, meals, and the list goes on and on. He has also spoken movingly of the Modin Shabbat and Havdalah services. For all of this, we are deeply grateful. There is really no way to convey in words the range of emotions we feel about the obvious joy and exuberance he felt with you at Modin.


I want to write to you to express our admiration and gratitude for the program that you run at Modin. While each camp had it strengths, Modin impressed us with its wonderful programming, size and amazing (amount of and quality) of staff. The best testament is the letter we received this week stating in all caps “I AM DEFINITELY COMING BACK TO MODIN NEXT YEAR”!


Does the directors and counselors at Modin actually realize the depth of your impact on the psyches of your campers? Modin has and will continue to have a deep impression on the person my child is. I believe he made lifelong friends. Modin is a place where kids are willing to really be themselves, try new things, and learn to love others who they may not have otherwise chosen to be in their inner circle.


Each one of my kids is glowing. Every year, upon their return from Modin, I marvel at the look in their eyes, a look of total bliss. I always wish for them to continue the year with this feeling of absolute happiness. Their summers at Modin, in such a beautiful setting as Maine, have given them friendships that I believe will last throughout their lives. Thank you for providing our kids with a safe haven, summer after summer, I wish it could continue into their adult lives.


I just cannot thank Modin enough for all it has done for my children. Their experiences at Camp Modin have truly shaped who they are in so many ways. It is such a comfort for us to know they are really at home away from home when they are with you during the summer. Thank you for believing in our kids. It means so much to us! We are so grateful to have found Camp Modin and are grateful for their experiences.


Each summer I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that my children are safe and secure and fully engaged in camp and fun. When I look at the photos or read the blogs, I am often brought to tears over how great a summer these kids are given at Modin. My children really do live all year for their summers at Modin. They love the kids in their bunk like brother/sisters, adore their counselors, they love being in Maine and are beyond happy with every detail of the summer. I don’t know what the secret is in creating the Modin magic, but I am so grateful that we found Modin and appreciate all that you do to give my children such special summers.


Even though I just started camp 2 years ago it has been the best experience ever.I went to camp only knowing 1 person but soon I met a bunch of girls who soon became my best friends. Every summer now I can’t wait to go back. My favorite memory of camp was probabley getting up on water skis for the first time. I was kind of scared but with all the encouragment I got up fine. I love Matoka and can’t wait to go back this summer.


My favorite memories from Camp Matoaka are definitely the ones I shared with my friends. Last year (my first year), I met so many new people and we instantly ‘clicked’. It just made my experience even more enjoyable! I loved doing activities like gymnastics, waterskiing, banana boating, and tubing with my new friends. Camp Matoaka is amazing and I loved it!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to go back this year!!!!!!!!


I think about camp all the time and my memories of singing in OTW and sitting with my friends under the trees. I remember looking up to the older girls, looking forward to being in 1AB and being a role model for the younger campers. Tripp Lake has left me with some of the most incredible memories that I will keep forever.


I was a mataponi camper/counselor for 6 years in the 80’s. They were the best summers of my life. Still, years later, my mataponi friends are girls i know i can always count on for anything. and i know i can pick up with them right where i left off– even if it has been years. so, i am BEYOND excited to be sending my daughter there for her 1st summer this june. every night we talk about camp; i teach her the songs; we look at my pictures. there is nothing better…….


How many special memories from several Summers at Camp Laurel in the 1960’s and 1970’s…Here are 2 of my first camp memories - As I’m off to swim now (still!) at the beautiful Chelsea Rec Center in New York City, how can I forget all the learning on B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L Echo Lake - - looking up from the water at camp counselor (Barbara Archard!) on the dock, teaching me sidestroke with her gestures – her energy coming right across as I become a swimmer. Barbara, this morning’s sidestroke at Chelsea Rec. is for you. Memory - (one of so many ‘first experiences’ that happened there) of the sound of the Loons on the lake at night. Quiet, placid nights after full, busy days and then - the Loons’ song. I remember how mysterious it seemed, and also that I was part of an “audience” of campers and staff quietly hearing - that this experience was a shared one, as would be breakfast conversation the following morning. Memories of Camp are all there, and part of “ME” (which is a postal abbreviation for Maine, right?!)


Going to camp for 6 summers and having 2011 mark my final summer as a Laurel camper, I still can’t believe how many skills I’ve mastered thanks to the incredible activities and staff at camp. In addition, the warmth and love that is provided at Laurel is truly that of a family- when you sit down at that first all-camp campfire on the first night of camp, each camper is no longer new, experienced, from Acadia or Bago, or from California or from New York… we are all one family, spending our summer together in Maine. Although I am too old to return to Laurel this summer as a camper, I still carry the memories, skills, and traditions that I have learned at camp throughout the year, and talk to my camp friends daily. I cannot wait to be back at my summer home in four years when I am old enough to be a counselor at camp!!


Last summer was the first overnight camp experience for my 10 year old. It was scary for both of us! We were excited but nervous. At the last moment there was quite a bit of anxiety but the director and counselors made it all OK. They eased my mind and connected with my daughter to make sure her experience was positive. She said loved “campfire” on the beach when campers and counselors participated in comedic skits. She said there was so much to do to distract your mind from being homesick. She cannot wait to go back this summer. Summer camp at Nashoba North exposed her to some new loves too: pottery and sailing. Pottery is a new favorite! We enrolled her in a class in Portland this past winter. She ca’t get enough it seems. I would have to say the only challenge is deciding which activities to try! Hoping we can experience again this summer. We would highly recommend Camp Nashoba North!!


My favorite camp memory is when i first came to camp in 2011. When i got on the bus I met two kids Elliot Kaufman and Jake Sofro. We instantly became FRIENDS and when 2nd session came we all got to be in the same bunk. That is my camp memory from 2011. I<3 CAMP MICAH SO MUCH. GO CAMP MICAH!


Camp Matoaka has formed me to become the person that I am today. There are not enough words in the English language to describe my feelings towards camp. It is an indescribable feeling that we like to call “Matoaka Magic.” My first summer at camp was five years ago. I was eleven years old and was joining a bunk of all returning campers. I was excited and nervous all at once. But when i arrived, the smiles and hugs surrounded me and I was hooked. I will never forget that day. After returning summer after summer, I now find myself a queen, the summer that every camper dreams of. My favorite memory of camp has to be August 12, 2011. That is the day we were crowned, and in our little pink and purple bubble called Matoaka, that moment was all that mattered to us Bunk 14 girls. My best friends I met at camp. We talk to each other literally everyday and without them camp just would not be the same. So let your daughter experience the friendships, the outstanding activities, the pink cabins, the amazing councelors, the magic! Matoaka is our home. Not a day goes by where we don’t think about our unforgettable summers and sisters. Just 131 days to go!


I was a camper for 5 summers and a counselor for 4, and my only regret is that I didn’t start earlier. Not only is Maine a beautiful place to spend the summer, but Mataponi is the place I feel more myself than anywhere else. It’s the kind of place where your differences are cherished, and you are encouraged to be whoever you are. It is a completely accepting environment, and I know I will carry the friends I made with me throughout the rest of my life. At camp I learned self confidence, how to step outside my comfort zone, and how to set a goal and achieve it. I have similarly watched so many campers grow and accomplish their goals and overcome their fears. It has without a doubt been the most shaping experience of my life so far and has played a massive role in the person I am today. I only wish every camper could be so lucky to find an incredible place like this.


When writing about my summers at Camp Nashoba North, so many ideas come into my mind. From waterskiing to dressing up as your favorite cartoon character, it’s hard to decide. Out of the many activities to pick from at camp, some of my favorites are kayaking, rock climbing, playing koob, horseback riding, fishing and tubing. One of my favorite memories from camp was when our cabin went on a sunset kayaking trip on Cresent Lake. For cabin activity night, we picked sunset kayaking for our activity. When anxiously waiting on the beach, our counselor prepared the kayaks. When paddling out on the calm water, we could see the small fish swim beneath us. I started to paddle faster and harder. Then, I heard a thumping on the bottom of my kayak. As I looked into the back of my kayak, there was a big fish! I yelled for my counselor, and they rushed over. It was the first time somebody caught a fish with their paddle, they said.


Every day at Matoaka is a memory. Every day at my favorite place in the world is a memory. Everyday at my home is a memory. Water Skiing, College League, The Rock, Cheering, Sports Bars, Campfire, Activities, Matoaka Monday, the day I step off of the greyhound bus, falling asleep with my best friends, and waking up to their beautiful (…morning) faces. I can never forget the insane amount of joy that Matoaka brings to me. I’m in highschool, and this transition year is all about time management and dealing with stress. Last week, my teacher insisted we take a break and do some relaxation techniques. “Go to your favorite place in the world. Something peaceful. Something wonderful.” she said. “Matoaka,” I thought. And i was instantly at camp. It was the best feeling. Sitting next to my best friends on the floor alternating lines of “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus. I was teleported into that spot. It was then when I knew that these girls would have my back through it all. Who cares if I couldn’t sing? (I barely had a voice from all of the cheering!) We listened to eachother as if each line told it’s own story. And now, whenever one of us has problems, we do tell our stories. And I was right, everyone does listen. Matoaka means so much to me and to everyone else who attends. Without it, I would be nothing.


I decided to go to camp Matoaka as a nine-year old little girl. One decision about summer camp changed my life forever. As I stepped off of the bus for the first time, little did I know that I would eagerly return to this home away from home for the next seven summers of my life. My memories are unforgettable. I can still feel the Matoaka magic of the loud cheers in the rec hall, the excitement of college league breaking, and the accomplishment of becoming a Matoaka skier. Matoaka magic is’t something that you can feel every day, but at Matoaka it is almost natural to feel it. I made life long best friends and summer sisters who I can always count on, and who I will never forget. The friendships I have formed at Matoaka will last forever. People wonder why I would want to spend seven weeks of my summer at a sleep away camp, but without camp I would not be the person I am today. Matoaka has changed me for the better. It has turned me from a shy and timid little nine-year old, to a strong, confident, and outgoing fifteen-year old women. Last summer I was a queen. Words cannot describe how passionate I am about Matoaka. I would trade anything to be at camp just one more day. I will never forget the countless memories I have made at Matoaka. Matoaka will be in my heart forever.


As I pulled up to Camp Matoaka for the first time, I was beyond terrified. I couldn’t help but wonder, who would be in my bunk, would the girls like me, would I miss home, but when I stepped off the greyhound bus, and was instantly hugged by many girls I did not know, I knew Camp Matoaka was where I belonged. I bonded instantly with all of the amazing girls in my bunk, and returning back to camp every summer is like seeing not just my best friends, but my summer sisters. There is not a day that goes by, when I do not yearn to be back at Matoaka, and every day that I am at camp, I cherish so much! It is so hard for me to pick my favorite memory of camp, but if I had to choose just one, it would be when I water skied for the first time in my life! I was so scared the first time i water skied, but the AMAZING ski staff helped me to accomplish my goal throughout the whole process! I LOVE Camp Matoaka so much, and I can’t wait to return each summer, to make even more memories with the amazing group of girls that surround me everyday. Camp Matoaka really is “One Great Place”.


When I first arrived at Camp Matoaka, I knew no one and was eager to find out who was going to be in my bunk for the summer. The bunkmates I met were so welcoming and friendly. We all became friends within minutes of meeting each other. Little did I know at the time, these would be my lifelong friends, who I would share the most amazing memories with. There is not a day that goes by when I do not think about Camp Matoaka and look forward to my queen summer to come. Although it is hard to pick just one memory from the hundreds I have experienced at camp, one stands out in my mind. The first time I was able to get up on water-skis was such a proud moment for me. I had been working to accomplish my goal all summer and when I finally did, I was overjoyed. When I told my bunkmates, they were all so happy for me. It is so amazing to be able to come back to a place every summer I call home and have great friends who are always supporting you. Camp Matoaka is the greatest place ever!!


When I came to camp on the first day, I was terrified of what was to come. I spent the eight hour bus ride fretting, worrying, and reading. Who was going to be in my bunk? How was I going to make friends? These are two of the many worries I had. When I got off the bus and into my assigned cabin, I met some of the best friends I have. I can remember being so relieved and happy. It was one of those moments when you know that no matter what happens, everything is going to be alright. This is something that is true to the entire camp. Bad things can happen. I have friends who got swine flu during the summer and spent a good two weeks in the infirmary. They were sick and obviously not having the best time, but just being at camp makes it better. During the summer, lots can go wrong, but I know that because of Matoaka and the first day of camp that everything is going to be alright.


This is my second post about Camp Vega. As both an alumn camper and camper parent I have seen how the Courtiss Family has carried forward the traditions from years prior to their 35 plus years at the healm. Fun,new traditions have been seemlessly added to the old including Linda’s most treasured Vega story about Varna. FRom the minute Linda stepped foot on Vega Camp ground she has spread her love, respect, and affection to all the generations of girls at Vega. Her son and his wife do the same. Girls here are taught to be fearless, to try all sorts of new challenges, and to recognize their impact on the Vega community and the community at large. All of the couselors support the vision, every summer. Maine is a big state and there are so many wonderful lakes and mountains for camp life. Vega is certainly one of them on a nearly private lake, water that warms up quickly in the summer months, a beautiful hilly setting with sprawling wooded areas for camping, biking, observing wildlife, birds nesting,and hiking adventures.


Visiting day was such a highlight of the camp experience. Our daughter really wanted to share her daily activities with us. She had made a schedule to the minute and took us by the hand to all her favorite spots. I remembered how she particularly wanted to introduce her to her bunk councillor Rae. She was a wonderful young woman and reflected the care that Emily and Kyle take in hiring. Our daughter had gotten her water craft badge that very morning as well so she could take us out alone on Echo lake. The water crafts teacher told us this story after introducing himself in a very mature manner. At every step of the way this last summer Emily and Kyle made Vega an outstanding place for our daughter for 7 weeks. Moreover, without any hesitation they answered each and every question we had to reassure us since this was the first year our daughter went away. Camp Vega is the way to go!


Five years ago we were looking for our daughter’s first sleep away summer camp experience. We looked at literally hundreds of DVDs of camps in Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts. We had two “camp ladies,” the scouts who take into account what you and your child are looking for in a summer camp and try to match you up with the perfect camp. We also continually quizzed friends and relatives, taking all recommendations in. We also asked our best friends for their take on the camp my godson went to and they could not say enough nice things about it. We looked at Camp Micah’s video and found it to be amateurish and that is what we liked about it. The kids were not “staged,” but seemed genuinely expressing their feelings about Camp Micah. Well we scheduled a trip to Maine and went up that summer and went on a tour of Camp Micah. We had lunch with one of the owners who happened to be visiting and the other owners/directors. The grounds were beautiful (and still are), but we observed the laughing, singing and true warmth of the kids having lunch. Our daughter on the car ride back to New York said, “I want to go to Camp Micah.” The utterance was totally unsolicited and that was five years ago. Our daughter has been going to Camp Micah every Summer, has made great, lifelong friends and her memories each Summer change as she gets older, but she has never looked to go to any other camp because she finds Camp Micah to be her Summer family and the values and traditions are things she cherishes, probably always will…


During my daughter’s second summer at Camp Matoaka, she received a fantastic part in the camp play, her first big part. She was so excited to tell me - which meant lots of letters home with the play’s progress. And just last week - in February - we received the DVD and got to watch her wonderful experience. Just one of the many things she loves about camp.


This will be Anna’s 4th or 5th year! All I can say is Anna looks forward to the summer with such enthusiasm and zest. She begs us to send her full sessions each time and each time I have to say only one! She loves the camp, the girls, the food, the activities. Not once has she ever said anything but glowing remarks. I only wish I could have gone to Matoaka during my childhood! I am happy to experience through Anna and the joy and lasting friendships Matoaka has given her! Lynn


Camp Matoaka is the most incredible, fun, happy, place in the entire world. You feel so connected with everyone around you. It is impossible not to make friends there. I have friends that I made there that I talk to EVERY DAY. I couldn’t imagine my life without all of these phenomenal people. The directors have the best job in the world. They bring happiness to 300 girls every summer and the staff! Anyone who goes to Matoaka feels the spirit, love, and passion. I love that place with all my heart. I feel like I grew up at Matoaka. My life would be incomplete without it. My camp friends are my life. Camp Matoaka is my life. Anything that involves Matoaka I am obsessed with. I save every picture, award, art project, and anything else you could think of. I have learned so many new things there that I couldn’t have learned anywhere else. All of the traditions make camp that much more special. When I leave camp I cry for days and days. Once I leave all I think about is going back. Matoaka is the best place in the entire world. I travel across the whole country just to spend 7 weeks with my camp friends in our favorite place in the world. I could write pages and pages about how much I love Camp Matoaka. There is simply no place like it. I know that I will send my daughters there, and their daughters will go there and so on. I love Camp Matoaka more than anyone could ever imagine. It is the best place in the entire universe. The night before camp starts I can’t sleep because I can barely contain my excitement. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about Camp. It is an extremely special place. I count down the days until I go back to my favorite place in the world. Camp takes us away from all of the negative things in the world. It gives us a break from all the craziness and lets us relax with all of our favorite people in our favorite place. Only 139 days, 7 hours, and 56 minutes to go!


My best memory at Camp Matoaka was meeting all my great friends. I was almost 10 years old and went to camp by myself, leaving every person I knew back in New York. Camp Matoaka is 8 hours away from my home. I will never forget getting off that bus, many states away from home, and looking at all these new people. They ALL knew my name! I couldn’t believe it. They welcomed me with open arms from the minute I got there. Funny thing is that I did not know any of them! I was never homesick. I had a new home for the summer. The friends I made in the short time I was there will always be my best friends. I am looking forward to reuniting with my CBFF’s (camp best friends forever) in June. I have 5 more summers at Camp Matoaka and will cherish every one!


Our daughter looks forward to returning to Matoaka all year long, and this summer, she will return for her fifth and final summer. My husband and I were not Maine campers ourselves, but we thoroughly researched summer camps, and we chose Maine(as opposed to a more local camp) for our daughter for several important reasons. While the expense is about the same as the camps more local to our home, the scenery, facilities, and relationships that she has had, living with people from all over our country and the world have made this an especially unique and valuable experience . There is something so special about leaving one’s familiar stomping grounds and old friends for the beauty and countryside of Maine, and bunking up with new kids from all over the country and world, rather than those of just one’s local community. This has been a welcome and wonderful growning experience for our daughter. This summer, we will send our 10 year old son as well for his first summer in Maine(Camp Manitou). We know that we are very fortunate to be able to provide this unique and incredible experience for our children!


I was fortunate enough to spend 9 summers of my childhood at an amazing camp in Maine. I genuinely believe that my experiences there have influenced who I am today. There have been so many times in my life where I’ve thought, “Where did I learn that? Gosh, I still remember that from Camp.” There are so many things I can’t remember from my childhood but I can’t seem to forget the first time I got up on skis, my first bulls-eye, my first solo-sail, and my first dance. I hold these memories so dear that I feel so grateful to be able to offer my two daughters this same experience. My oldest went for the first time last summer and had the time of her life. In fact, when she stepped off the airplane I couldn’t help but say, “Oh how I missed you. I bet you didn’t miss me as much as I missed you.” She immediately responded in a somber tone, “Mom, I don’t want to hurt your feelings but I didn’t miss you at all!” It seems weird but those were amazing words to hear. She came home a more confident and independent child. And these new attributes have carried her through the school year. She is so ecstatic to return this summer that her 8 year-old younger sister will also join her. My youngest told me, “There’s no way I’m missing out on something this fun!” I don’t blame her. Wish there was a camp for me!


Sending my twin girls off for 7 weeks of summer camp was not easy, but we knew that camp would help them grown and mature as individuals like no other experience. Fernwood exceeded our and their expectations more than we thought possible. I will never forget the phone call from one of my daughters who is not one to love physical exertion or challenges, and when I picked up the phone she screamed with excitement, “I climbed a mountain!!” She was so proud that she had gone on an all day hike and made it to the top of the mountain - something that she would normally have shunned. Now she considers herself a camper, is way more willing to try new physical activities and has so much confidence socially too. It was an incredible experience and we can’t wait for summer 2012!


Too many to recount here. I spent 14 summers at Manitou, from the age of 6 until I was a counselor myself. My best friends are from Manitou, and even at the age of 40, with my own two children now attending Manitou and Matoaka, I just texted earlier this morning with a former counselor (and my former College Dean and Color War Chief), many years after my last summer there as a camper. Hard to believe that we first met in 1978 and we are still in touch today. It is these connections that have truly lasted a lifetime and will as well for your child.


Sending out children to Camp Matoaka in Maine was one of the best decisions (and investments) we have made as parents. Our girls leave the heat of the Florida summer and instead enjoy the fresh New England weather; swim in one of the most magnificant lakes we have ever seen; learn a myriad of new sports and activities; embrace competition and the beauty of team spirit; and make friendships that last a lifetime. Their friends are their “Matoaka Sisters” and these experiences and relationships gained in just a few short weeks are truly “priceless.” The Camp Matoaka spirit of friendship and commraderie has become part of their moral fabric and everyday we see a part of the “Matoaka Magic” shine through in their everyday life. They have become more independent, more apt to try new sports (and foods); and reach out to potential friends that they may have never even thought of before. They are confident, motivated, and love to act silly (a major feat for the oh so self conscious tween/teen). The other best part about sending our girls to camp in Maine is that we get to come for visiting day and spend some time on vacation. We anticipate all year long our Maine getaway, and have spent time at some of the most beautiful resorts, hotels, B&Bs and Inns. Lobster Rolls, fried clams (with the bellies and tartar or should we say “tata” sauce) and fresh blueberries are some of our favorites. We truly believe that the Maine, summer camp experience is the greatest gift we have ever given our 13 and 11 year-old daughters. Our girls are counting down the days until they return to their summer home, Camp Matoaka.


As a child, camp was the best time of year. Now with 2 girls, I am so pleased to pass this special time on to them. I love singing favorite camp songs with them and sharing stories of what we did all summer. I tell them how my bunk and I snuck into the kitchen late one night and brought all the giant tubs of icecream back to our cabin. And, they tell me all out the games, trips and activities that have be added since I was a camper. So much has changed, yet so much has stayed the same. We are all lucky girls to have gotten to experience Matoaka. Karen


My son counts down the winter days left until he leaves for camp! Manitou is truly his summer “home” and the campers, staff and counselors are his brothers! What more could a grateful mommy say except thank you Manitou!!


For me the most beautiful thing about Camp is that my girls are creating fabulous memories at Camp Matoaka with children of women I went to Camp in Maine with (sadly our camp is no longer open). To see the friendships forming in this next generation is wonderful. And for the children to be able to enjoy the outdoors, learn new sports, bond like sisters, laugh and giggle and just plain have good old fashioned fun is what Camp in Maine is all about!


I spent many wonderful summers at Camp Matoaka as a child. The friends I made at camp are still among my closest friends. It is so wonderful to now share the same traditions with my two daughters as they experience “Matoaka Magic” and form their own lifelong friendships and create their own Matoaka memories to cherish.


There is nothing like spending the summer at camp in Maine! I did it myself for years, and it’s a joy to see our daughter enjoying herself at Camp Matoaka! What a wonderful opportunity to bond with other girls, learn new sports, enjoy the beautiful Maine summers and embrace the team spirt and values of Camp Matoaka! It really is “one great place”! YEAH Maine, YEAH Matoaka!!


Matoaka is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about camp and how different my life would be had I not been a Matoaka camper. I am so thankful for everything Matoaka has done for me and all of the opportunities I’ve had at camp. My camp friends are my best friends in the whole world and I talk to them every day. Matoaka is the best place in the world and I am so sad that I can’ t go back this summer! CMQ ’11


My 15 year old son PJ has attended Camp Laurel South in Casco, Maine for 6 years. He will tell you the highlight of his year is the 4 weeks he spends in Maine at camp. Not only does he get to spend each day on Crescent Lake, but through Laurel South activities he has visited Acadia, Fun Town Splashtown, and Freeport. He gets to escape the DC summer heat and humidity for the cooler comfortable climate of Maine. He will tell you the best part of Laurel South is the friendships he has made with the campers who come from Florida, New York and California. It’s a short 1hr 15 min flight to Portland from BWI. My wife and I love going up to Maine to pickup PJ from camp. No beltway traffic issues, LL Bean at midnight, and lobster rolls for under . What’s not to like!!


Being a camper at matoaka I have created soo many amazing memories. I could never just pick one moment because every minute I spent at matoaka was amazing. I made the best summer sisters that will be my best friends forever. Not being able to go back to camp this summer is so hard because matoaka is my home away from home. I have already started a countdown until the summer I can return. Matoaka is where I grew up and experienced the most outstanding memories. Take me home greyhound bus QUEENS 2011 FOREVER. BEST SUMMER OF MY LIFE


CAMP MATOAKA IS THE BEST CAMP EVER. every single memory i have at camp brings tears to my eyes to remember. i miss camp so much and am counting down every single day of the four years I have to wait to become a counselor at one great place. every single person i have met at camp matoaka has a special place in my heart. I thank camp matoaka for making me the best friendships I will ever have and giving me the most memorable summers of my life. take me back to camp. now. QUEENS2011RULE.


I love everything about camp! From the moment I got there I knew this was going to be my second home. Even though I got homesick in the beginning, the counselors helped me realize how much fun I was going to have!


All my memories of camp are so wonderful it took me so long to pick just one that I would send to you guys. I think this one is my favorite. Even though it was my first summer, I was not homesick at all until the night after visiting day. That night I cried after my parents left. Everybody in my bunk was so good to me. They all comforted me and after that I felt much better because I knew that they really cared!


Every child who has a chance to spend their summer at camp in Maine is very LUCKY! Matoaka is a wonderful camp on a pretty lake. What a “great place” to make new friends, waterski,climb the pamper pole and have fun all day and night long!


There are too many amazing memories I have made at Matoaka to just pick one. Matoaka is the best camp you could ever send your daughter to. I have made friends there that I talk to every single day and tell everything to. It is a home to me where I have learned to do so much and have had the best time in the entire world.


i do not think i could ever pick a favorite memory from camp matoaka. asking for my favorite memory, is like asking my favorite memory from childhood. i could never pick just one. matoaka is another home to me. i guess one of my favorite memories would have to be stepping off that greyhound bus every year and seeing all my summer sisters and running into their arms. it is just the best feeling ever.


After camp ended, when I arrived home, I noticed how “nice” and “well-behaved” I was, compared to everyone else in my hometown. When I went to the town pool and saw some of my friends sitting together. I went over and we hugged, teared up, and re-connected. Then, they all started gossiping about the people we saw in the pool or walking around. They were making fun of some of them and saying very rude remarks, and I felt a bit awkward because at FC, everyone gets along with everyone, so it felt weird. Then I thought about how FC is such a un-judgemental, and excepting place it is. I felt thankful that I wasn’t like them, and that I got the experience that definitely purified and changed me for the better <3.


My favorite memory of camp is sitting around the campfire and singing witchcraft. It’s kind of like in movies when the moment is stuck in slow-motion and you are in normal speed. I feel such a strong bond through everyone’s inter-locking hands, and the raw sense of community that is intangible, but you just feel it in the moment. In that slow motion period, you feel SO lucky that you have all of these friends and 2nd parents that love you for you so much, you get that warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach that makes you feel like YOU belong here. I can’t wait to go back and see the new Chick………and sing “There was a great big moose, who liked to drink a lot of juice!


It is hard write about just ONE fun camp memory, because there are so many to choose from! The one that I will share was from this past summer (2011) on one of the last nights of camp. After having an amazing 7 weeks at Wyo, our age group and the age group counselors all got a chance to go up to the upper tennis courts and stargaze. We snuggled and reflected on the summer, shared funny moments and cried over the awful fact that we had to leave our summer home. That breezy august night made me realize that all of the girls in my age group would be my friends for the rest of my life. These girls are some of my closest friends, even though they live in all different states and out of the country. I cannot wait until next summer when I am a CIT, and am counting down the days until my return (175 to be exact!!). I cherish my time spent with them and will always be thankful for Wyonegonic and the impact that it has made on my life. Thank you for being the perfect summer home, Wyo!!!


I have so many memories of Fernwood Cove. But I think the best one is something that happens every year. It is the feeling I get when I step off the bus into the extraordinary world. You just know that it is going to be a great summer and that you will have so much fun. Its great when you see your friends that you haven’t seen in a whole year, and you can feel the magic around you. Even though you might not be in the same bunk or classes with your friends from the year before, you still know that you’ll make so many new friends and have another great summer at the cove. I always look forward to this feeling, and I miss FC everyday.


The ONLY way to experience summer camp as a child, is to head straight to Maine! There, you fall in love with the crisp evening air and sun drenched pine needles, all surrounding deep blue lakes. Jog through the forest to stay fit for the tennis team, feel the freedom that only gliding across the lake in a sail fish can enlist within, or just try deciding which beautiful scene to paint. Camp is a place to explore, relax, enjoy and grow. As a former Maine camper, on Lake Sebago, I am beyond excited for my daughter to discover the beauties of camp this June at Fernwood Cove!


My favorite camp memory is the feeling I get when I step off the bus and into the lucious Maine air, and realize I am home. I get a fresh start every time I come to the cove. It is a break from everything that goes in back home and all I have to worry about is just how I can be a better person and help those around. Realizing that I am home is my favorite camp memory.


Winona for me was where I spent the best days of my life. They don’t greet you with just a handshake, they greet you with a handshake and a hug. It may sound crazy, but not long after I arrived at Winona, it felt like home. I felt like I belonged. The Ordways are the best employers, they really do know how to treat their staff, they know how to handle them when they are inappropriate, but more importantly, they are also a friend every one. Everyone that works there work as a team, everyone looks out for one another. There are no fakes. The Winona experience just cannot be explained to anyone, you have to live it to truly know what magic it holds. My favourite thing about Winona is staff, the friendliness and the warmth. My favourite thing to do at Winona, sitting on the docks in the evening, looking out across the water and reflecting on everything in my life. Winona is the place where you can escape reality, and no one judges you.


Take a step into the extraordinary world and the instant you do, your mesmerized. Rock climbing, water skiing, horse back riding and much more. There is so much to do, in just 3 & half weeks. It flies by so fast. Especially when your having the greatest time of your life. It’s winter now, and I miss having campfire and singing camp songs. I miss sitting outside for dinner and staring up at the baby blue sky, without a single cloud. I especially miss my dearest, extraordinary friends, and counselors. Also known as my family. Your bunk is your home. You live with 2 bunk moms, an aunt, an uncle and a cousin.Fernwood Cove is the place to be. I look forward to it everyday. Putting on my uniform, and setting out to a unpredictable, extraordinary, magical day. I will always love Fernwood Cove. Until the end…


My favorite camp memory is the anticipation I feel as the bus from New York pulls into camp. After 7 hours,I see the green grass and the waterfront, something that’s been in my memory for the past year.I’m anxious to see my camp friends and learn which bunk i’m in. I actually look forward to unpacking and putting on my green and whites and to have our first dinner together as campers. Spaghetti and meatballs of course!! They say Disney World is the happiest place on earth but Fernwood Cove has it beat hands down!


My favorite memory at camp is the feeling you get when you pull into camp. You know you are finally home again and ready to start an extraordinary summer. Once you pull in you run as fast as you can across camp to jump on your friends or counselors. It is a feeling that makes you so happy. Camp is something I look forward to all year and driving into camp is a sigh of relief that I have made it. While pulling into camp I think of all the unforgettable memories I have made and the unforgettable memories I am about to make. Camp means so much to me, and that feeling is like the icing on top of the cake.


Every year I am so excited to be back at the cove. where everything is magical and amazing. When summer finally comes and I am in the car going along the turn of the road and I see the first sailboat in the dock, and the first water front bunk, and I fully realize how much I’ve missed camp through the long year. Soon I see my friends again, and we run towards each other and hug each other, because that’s how much we’ve missed everyone. We all run and tackle each other and laugh and scream and says how much we’ve missed each other because we are all so glad we’re back together again. That is how amazing camp is.


Every year I take the bus from New York to drive up to Maine with a lot of my other friends from the city. I always enjoy being on the bus because it is a great feeling to get there and be able to catch up and chat with all the other girls. After the long bus ride we finally pulled into the gates of Fernwood Cove. When the bus came to a stop waiting there for me was four of my closest camp friends and a counselor who is basically my sister. The excitement and love built up inside me and I ran to great both of them the second I hopped off the bus. I don’t think I have ever been more excited to see anyone in my life and for me that was a very magical and loving experience at the Cove.


Tucked away in Harrison, Maine lies a peaceful little family. It consists of hundreds of sisters, thirty or so aunts and uncles, and about a hundred parents. Though we may not be related by blood, it doesn’t change our love and commitment towards each other. Fernwood Cove is one giant family that comes together every summer to create amazing and unique memories that everyone takes home to reminisce over until the next time we all get to meet with each other again. A memory that I myself am very fond of is one that I will never forget. It was late one night, after taps had played and the younger children had gone to bed. Our bunk moms gathered the nine of us in a small circle in the center of our bunk, whispering silently that we were going to sneak out tonight. We all started talking in hushed whispers excitedly, trying to guess where we were heading, all the while slipping on our sweatshirts and shoes. Our moms told us to be silent as our group walked past the younger bunks. Trying our best not to be caught, even though the people on duty (ODs) knew what we were up to, we winced every time one of us slipped on a loose rock or our muffled feet snapped a twig that lay hidden in the half-light our lanterns cast. We walked in twos, and my best friend and I surveyed our surroundings carefully, trying to find out what adventure we were heading towards. We walked along the dirt road, our path twisting and turning. At an intersection, we turned instead of going straight, which confused all of us. From what we could remember, we had never been this way before. Our multitude of questions was soon answered as we stepped out of the sparse forest onto a large hill. The grass was tall, coming up to our knees, tickling the tips of our fingers. The deep blue night sky was above us, each star shining brightly down at us, smiling and twinkling happily. We looked across the wide expanse, amazed at how beautiful it was. The quiet crackling of flames came from our right, and we turned to see that a large fire was built, our uncle poking at it with a long stick. He grinned, and we headed over to see to our happy surprise that the ingredients for s’mores were lying on a large rock. The rest of the night passed quickly next to the bright light of the warm, cozy fire, all of us laughing and eating our fill of the delicious snack. Looking back on that memory now, I realize how close we have all become with one another, and I look forward to returning to my family and home for many summers to come.


Fernwood cove is more than just a camp. It is a place where memories, long time friends and magic is created. Fernwood cove is so un describable because no one can truly experience the meaning of the cove without going there. The message that the cove sends to all of its campers, including myself, will forever be in our hearts. They have taught us to learn to love each other not for appearances and to always remember to be thankful. My life without the cove would never be the same.


There are so many great memories from Fernwood Cove that it’s hard to count. I could tell you all about the time in my first year where our whole bunk went down to the tennis courts and watched the stars for an hour, or the Carnivals we have had with themes ranging from Superheroes to the Beatles, but I think the strongest in my mind happened this past summer. Bunks every year are allowed to “sneak out” one night without being “caught” by those watching over the small cabins. We pulled off an easy one, racing down the dirt road to the waterfront where we boarded the waterskiing boat. Even now I don’t remember what it was exactly, but it rode smoothly over the tiny ripples on the pond and made no noises above a hum. We all went to the center of the silent lake and watched over the camp. I felt like a guardian angel that night, sent out to protect the Cove from any troubles that may follow them from home to the Extraordinary World. We all got back in our beds at around eleven after talking in quiet whispers, playing camp games, and sometimes breaking off just to gaze across the still water. It was the most magical experience I have ever had in the 12 years I have lived, and at Fernwood Cove, I sincerely doubt it will be the last.


My favorite memory from camp is when my friend and I were sitting on the green hill. We had just finished lighting sparklers and she and I were playing in the sprinklers. Soaking wet my eyes flashed up to her ecstatic grin and I knew I would be coming back to the extraordinary world of FC forever. Then she and I stayed out having fun in the sprinklers for what felt like forever. Our counselors finally waved us over. They dried us off and told us to sleep soundly. We didn’t sleep. We went back out and laughed endlessly!


My favorite camp memory was on the last night. We all arranged our bunk beds into a circle, with the heads all pointing in. Chelsea (our bunk aunt) sat in the middle of the circle and continued on with the tales of Sara, Lizzie, and Ross. This story which had begun on the 3rd night of camp, was continued throughout the entire session. As we all intently listened we fell asleep one by one. The only one to stay awake was Rowan. When we all woke up in the morning next to each other, we were sad to say goodbye, but we all agreed that it had been the best camp summer yet.


I was a camper and returned as a staff member because I just could not stay away. I had been to other summer camps growing up but once I went to MTC I knew it was a unique place. I was able to really come out of my shell in an environment that supports self-discovery and growth. Also, at camp I learned skills that I now apply every day. I chose a career in business but the graphic design skills that I learned at camp have given me a very unique skill that is very valuable at my workplace. My three summers at MTC were the best summers of my life and although I am unable to return because of my career it will always hold a very special place in my heart.


My absolute favorite memory from Fernwood Cove is when me and my bunk were going on a ‘sneak out’ and had no idea where we were going. Our bunk counsellors told us to get dressed in camoflauge colors and go down to the lake. When we got there we saw two counsellors and hot chocolate with a boat ready for travel. We were so excited!! We all hopped onto the boat and went on a trip around the whole lake. During the trip we talked about our favorite experiences at camp, while drinking the hot chocolate. That is my favorite memory!


My favorite memory from camp is the last night of camp every year. We get to stay up later that usual, sleep in our drawers, and just have a good time. It is our final night to be together, so there is a sad aspect to it, but also it is my favorite night because we want to make the most out of it. Every summer, my bunk plays truth or dare. The dares are so funny and the truths are amazing. When it is our turn to sing a song we wrote for our bunk family to the staff, we put our whole heart into it. The last night may be a little sad, it is by far my favorite.


My favorite memory at camp was when I was hugging my friends and crying because camp was almost over, and wish boards with candles in the center were floating out towards the lake. Wishboards are pieces if wood with a candle in the center, and you write wishes on it. I listened as my counselors told us that the wish boards have never been found after they had gone out onto the lake. And I remember, in that moment, as I watched the candlelit wishes float out onto the moonlit lake, that it was simply magic. That this camp was more than just a camp. It’s something much deeper, something magical. And it’s that inexplicable feeling that brings me back to camp each year. The feeling of knowing that you have friends halfway across the world that are there for you no matter what. The feeling of knowing that if you roll down the hill and are covered with grass, people will jump right up and do it again with you. The feeling that your family of 300 girls is one of the closest families you could ever imagine. This is the unexplainable magic of my home away from home.


Fernwood Cove- “No Other Words To Describe It” It’s all a dream, one big, magical dream. After spending 3 and a half weeks in my dream-I wake up and go back to reality. But for those 3 weeks in the summer, it’s all worth it. I would do anything to go to Fernwood Cove. It’s not just the friends that make it magical, it’s the campfires, the bracelets, and the memories that make it what it is. Every single person will tell you a different story about Fernwood Cove because there’s so many different ones you can make. Between singing in the rain and painting green on your face, there’s no way that you ca’t smile. I bet if you counted every time someone laughed or smiled at camp for those 3 short weeks, it’d be more than 1,000,000. After waking up from reveille, and yawning “5 more minutes!”, you do’t realize you will only get to say this 25 times. That’s what makes Fernwood Cove so special. It’s the fact that you feel like you’ve lived a whole lifetime in just 3 short weeks. You do’t realize how short your time is while you’re dancing or singing or playing games. You do’t realize it while you are skiing on the lake, or singing the pizza song, or even climbing the wall. You take it all for granted because you feel like it’s a regular routine. You feel like everyone at camp knows your name and you think that every counselor knows where you live. Actually, this is true. Because we’re all such a big family, you learn all about your sisters. You learn their favorite activity, their grandma’s phone number, and even their pet’s middle name. The best part about camp though, is that everyone has a friend. Actually, everyone has at least 10 friends. At camp, there’s no gossip, there’s no rumors, and there’s no hatred. You feel like there’s a magic force field around the camp that keeps out evil. I do’t know how it works, but one of these days I’m going to figure it out. At camp, you can forget about everything. No math, no worries, no struggles. You can just let it all go. You can show who you really are because you make real friends. In the real world, things are different. But at camp, it’s what the world should really be like. I could never choose a favorite camp memory, because there’s way too many. It’s like choosing between Sylvie or Gabi-you could’t do it. Every camp memory has a special meaning to it that no one else would understand. To me, camp is’t about one individual memory, but instead it’s about all the memories put together.


One of my greatest camp memories was on the 4th of July! Me and a couple of my friends each had one sparkler left, we lit the sparklers off each other and sat down on the big hill together. We talked about how much we loved this magical place and how much fun we were having until our sparklers ran out. It was then that i realized, this wasn’t just my summer home, it was my home. I realized that this wasn’t just a place i went to spend my summer it was a part of me, and these girls who sat beside me, they weren’t just my “camp friends” they were my sisters. They still are and will always be. The little moments at camp that we spend laughing and smiling together are the ones we should really cherish, because they are what make your life truly special.


Fernwood Cove is my 2nd home I love it! Lets see where do I start? There are so many memories to think of! One I will always remember is when me and my friend Virginia were walking to the bathroom in the shower house because the toilet was clogged in our bunk. It was nighttime so we couldnt see much exept for the small light from Virginia’s flashlight. So we were walking…. But then I felt something wet and slimy in my shoe I started freaking out and screaming not knowing the younger kids were sleeping. I took my shoe off looked in it and there was a dead frog BLAH! Thats right a FROG! At the time I was so creeped out but now when I think of it I laugh and laugh and laugh. So a councelor came and hosed it out That will never get old. I can’t wait to go back next year and have all my troubles melt away and just focus on friends and no school.


Fernwood Cove is definitely one of the best things that happened to me. The memories I have experienced I will hold onto forever. One memory I will cherish forever is when our bunk surprised one of our bunk mom’s with a scavenger hunt on her birthday. Our bunk had been planning the event for days! From the endless dance parties, performing nights, campfires, and banquet, the memories that I have made at Fernwood Cove always put a smile to my face when I think about FC. The memories I have had at the extraordinary world will stick with me forever; I cant wait to drive threw those stone pillars again this summer!!!


doing fun games with my bunk and hanging out with my friends :)


I will live forever with the expressions of pure joy that my daughter exuded on our first visiting day at Fernwood Cove. From the moment that she burst from the chick, huge, unfettered smile across her face, slightly browned from her many days outdoors in the Maine sunshine. It was the first of countless moments that day, followed by her confident leap into Island Pond to demonstrate her new water skiing skills, to her unabashed glee at making it to the top of the high-five, to the joy that she felt to show us the front tuck she had mastered. But more than all that, there was for me, no greater pleasure in life than to see my daughter nuzzling with a horse: happy, relaxed, confident, peaceful. Away from the busyness of her city life, life in Maine and at FC so clearly offered her access to her pure, simple, joyful self.


Well, first off, let me start by saying FC is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. The moment you step into the camp boundries you feel this surreal need for happiness that is instantly given. As soon as you shed a tear there is always someone there standing waiting to give you a shoulder to cry on. Camp is extremely difficult to describe in one memory. If I had to pick one meomory I possibly couldn’t. But a few of the best moments have been waking up on a lazy Sunday and a 1000 wat smile is planted on your face. Then waiting in the crazy rush to get a cinnamon poptart. I love camp so much! It feels so good to be there and to make friends that you know will last a life time. It is such an amazing experience that everyone should have.


My favorite memory of Fernwood cove is sitting at the water pump my first year and chatting with my friend…. and not noticing that it already dinner time! Time just flies at the cove I guess.


It is sooo hard to pick a favorite….but hiking in the Whites with the dedicated tripper girls…and canoeing on the ocean are at the top. Also….my very first summer in 2001 was probably the best of my life….a great cabin, lots of new friends from all over the world & lots of new things to learn about. It really opened my eyes to the magic of camp in Maine and I couldn’t help but return year after year. Thanks Wyo.


The campers at MTC are also my brothers and sisters throughout the rest of the year, and the staff have become some of my closest friends. MTC guarantees STRONG international friendships, with a community spirit like no other! The only bad thing about Maine tEEN Camp is the fact it ends too soon!


My favourite memory of camp is the look on a camper’s face when she swam across the length of the swim dock by herself for the first time. At the beginning of the summer she had been so terrified of the water she wouldn’t even get in! I know I will never forget the look of joy, achievement and pride in her face when she got out of the water that day, knowing she had finally done it! This is undoubtedly one of the best memories of my time at camp, and really, one of the greatest moments of my life.


Maine Teen Camp, was the absolute best summer experience i have ever experienced. Between all of the friends I made, to the experiences to the activities, the awesome out of camp trips. This camp has been a truly amazing experience for me. There is not one bad thing I have to say about this camp. The staff is fantastic. Location is phenominal. Go MTC!


There are not enough words in any language that could explain or describe how amazingly magical and serene but also at the same time-crazy-in-its-own-special-way Maine Teen Camp is. Everyday is a new experience and a new way of seeing the world, never imagining what might happen next. Every morning That wonderful bell rings and i know that no one is going to let me down. When I am there it is a world in itself and no other place can simulate that. it is mine and so many other teen’s run-away-place to hide form their problems, but in my case where i work out my problems with the unyielding support of my councilors, the office staff, and the Magical ropes staff. My Family is here and sitting every day atop the climbing wall that is the most magical place in the world. Nothing can beat it.


Our two sons went to Androscoggin for seven years each and we (my husband, myself, and my boys) could not have been happier. If you are looking to send your boys to a place where they can play sports, form strong friendships, experience the outdoors of Maine (nothing beats the senior year rafting trip), then this is the place for you. I always felt completely secure knowing that Roberta and Peter were looking after my boys. They hire terrific counselors. It was very sad when their years at Andro came to an end. I loved visiting weekend for a great excuse to spend a few days in Maine every year. It’s the best place to send your children for a summer outdoor experience.


My favorite memory was when I did something called the Gauntlet. It is a kind of competition. You’re supposed to find little wooden gold coins. At the end of the Gauntlet the whole junior camp did a food eating contest. After that, everybody went to bed. In the morning coach Jim told us the results. And my team got in second place!


My favorite camp memory is of my first day there. I am a proud Mainer, but I can ensure that the feeling in the air had nothing to do with our location – a mere thirty miles away, as I constantly reminded myself. The sweet mixture of happy voices and the lap of the lake against the shore is a sound I will always remember. I immediately sensed that this was a different world, one where I could become my own person, free of the ties of everyday life.


In the summer of 2007, just before my freshman year, I went away to Maine Teen Camp. I left as one person and came back as another: I found the funny man inside myself. He’d been hiding there for quite some time, unable to show himself because middle school had put him in such a funk. During the beginning of this awkward stage, known as adolescence, I felt that I was not smart enough, not mature enough to handle life, not old enough and not accepted enough. The time spent at this camp changed all that for me. For the first time ever, I stepped onto a stage and knew what it was like to have an audience reward your performance with a thunderous applause during the curtain call of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (I won’t lie, playing Willy Wonka was awesome). For the first time ever, I fell in love; it happened over an immensely wacky rendition of вЂ?Like a Rolling Stone.’ For the first time ever, I understood what it meant to be someones best friend. It happened while creating a comical boy band, The Brokebacks. If you ask the owners of the camp, they will happily give you a play by play of our debut performance. Today, I am a working actor in New York City, that all began at the MTC theatre (located right next to the outdoor basketball court). Today, I am a happy man who is in no way ashamed of his unusual sense of humor. Maine Teen Camp helped make me the man I am today; I will never forget that.


I am from Scotland and I was quite nervous about going all the way to MTC and not knowing anybody when I got there. But the minute that I arrived at the airport, I felt at home. MTC is the most wonderful, magical place I have ever been and I feel unbelivably lucky to have had that experience. I tried so many things I would never have tried before and I loved absolutely every minute at camp. Beautiful surroundings, lovely food and the most amazing people! There really was something for everyone and I would encourage everybody to go, or send your kids. If I could go back in time I would only change one thing - I would go for the whole summer! Without a doubt, best two weeks of my life!


My favorite camp memory is hanging out with my bunk! I have sooo many amazing friends that i miss soooo much when im not with them. I’m so excited to go back to camp this summer and have more of those amazing moments!


I remember my first day of camp in 1996 when I walked into my cabin for the first time. My counselor introduced me to my cabin mates-they said ‘hi’ and ran out the door. My friend Sara, who I specifically remember saying hi to was probably the fastest out the door. Things changed so fast and we had been inseparable every year at camp as campers and then as counselors. To this day we are still in touch and I will never forget that day, a lot of new friendships were made and I will never any of the great memories I had as a camper or counselor and hope to pass everything to my daughter one day.


My favorite memory at camp is hanging in the cabins with my friends and having ukelele jam session! I also love having cabin time with my cabin. Wyo is an overall awesome place to spend your summers and i can’t wait to go back next summer!


My best camp memory is of hanging out in the cabin having a ukelele jam session with my friends! We were playing our ukeleles and singing and just generally having a great time!!


Dear Eph and Lori, I am just writing to thank you for such an amazing summer. As I get older, I not only have more fun at camp, but I also appreciate it more. Each day spent at camp - whether you’re a camper or on staff - is an opportunity to have fun and to learn something new. I am confident that I would not be the person I am today if I didn’t have the gift of being a part of Wekeela. Wekeela is the place I learned to be strong, free, and brave. All of my “coming of age” or “growing up” moments happened at camp. Wekeela has shaped and changed my life for the better. I think people often forget how much work goes into making Wekeela run. I personally had no idea until I became J.C. I still don’t fully realize how much the both of you put into Wekeela. I am nevertheless thankful that you do. The both of you create more than just a summer camp. You create a magical place away from the real world where you are able to be whoever you want to be. All of the memories and friendships I’ve made over the past 9 years have been possible because of the place that you two transformed. Wekeela is the only please I feel I can be completely myself, and that is why I have been able to make such great friendships. The point is, I just wanted to thank you guys for making Wekeela my favorite place in the world. I can’t wait for next summer!


I am an alumnae of Highland Nature camp, now Camp Mataponi. My love for my summers in Maine caused me to use Google to try to find out what happened to my old camp. I was delighted to learn that that beautiful place is still a camp. I remember the beauty of Lake Sebago, the smell of Maine pine trees, the cold crisp mornings, and the ideal location of the camp. Too many wonderful memories of camp to retell in this space. The songs, the bugle calls, the bunks, the friends,the swimming in the lake, the rowing and the boathouse. Unforgettable memories. My best to all. Joyce


the summer of 2011 was my final year of 7, and i can honestly say that there is no better experience than a summer at Camp Cedar. Cedar goes beyond where other sports camps go, and make it a home. No other sports camps i know of have so many ex-campers return as counselors. Growing up around so many incredible people from all over the world has left a greater impact on my life than anything. i’m most grateful that i was able to meet 39 kids who i would have never known, and live with them for 7 weeks a year. they become a part of your family. I know that it has only now been about 3 months (it is november, 2011) since i have returned from my final year, but not a day goes by where i don’t miss it. I’m counting down the days until i can return as a counselor. my greatest memories from my years are not the multiple tournaments that we won, or the color wars, but rather the little things. the talks, laughs, jokes. all of them build you into an individual


I think my favorite memory was - well I have a lot but there are a few I want to share. My first one was in my second year of going to camp (I am now in my fifth) and being in Laurel Central and hanging out with a bunch of new people whom some of them became like my best friends. My other memory happened last year and it was the entire camp experience I love it and all of my friends - and to all of my camp friends who might be reading this i love you guys and I miss u like crazy! <3


It is not the one specific memory that makes me miss going to Camp North Star; when I think about camp I remember all the times I would be walking to my next activity, smiling and laughing with friends, not a care in the world: star gazing at night, banana boating with my cabin, even just having lunch,because I was with some of my best friends of all time.


I’ve been gong to Camp North Star in Poland Springs, Maine for 4 years. It’s been a really great experience for me. It has allowed me to learn to be away from home for a long period of time. At camp, my bunkmates are like family to me. We’re really close, and I feel comfortable talking about anything with them. The things I can do at camp, I can’t do anywhere else. I can be the star of the musical in the morning, and then sail and rock climb in the afternoon. A few years back, I even learned how to play Cricket. When I first put down Cricket as an activity, my mom actually called the camp to see if they put me in the right class. She never would have thought that I would learn to play a foreign sport like Cricket. Overall, I love my summer camp (Camp North Star). It really is a home away from home.


I was a camper at Nashoba North for 6 years and then was a junior counselor. It was the best experience I could imagine and while I am now 21 and started going when I was 10, I think about camp everyday and talk to my friends from camp all the time. I learned new activities and hobbies that are now my passions, such as sailing, and made lifelong friendships and memories. I wouldn’t trade my camp experience for anything, it was the happiest times of my life and where I felt most like myself.


I am an alumni camper, and alumni counselor; my sister is an alumni camper; my mother is an alumni counselor; 2 of my daughters are alumni campers; one daughter is still a camper….what can I say? Mataponi is forever! Tradition abounds at this camp, which just celebrated 101 years of awesomeness. Mataponi is the most beautiful camp. It is located on gorgeous Sebago Lake and has an unbelievably picturesque waterfront. There is a wide range of activities available to the girls: swimming, boating, waterskiing, tennis, ropes, rock climbing, lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, drama, arts and crafts, zumba, etc. Extraordinary weekly campfires and numerous fun theme nights create a bond between all the campers and staff. The camp owners, Dan and Marcy, are excellent leaders who emphasize loyalty, compassion, creativity and cooperation. Most importantly, the camp is filled with friendly, down-to-earth girls from all over the country who are obsessed with silly fun and all things camp.


I have gone to Laurel South for the past 7 years. When I first started out, I was an annoying, obnoxious 8 year old who needed a place to grow. Laurel South provided me with an opportunity to become a better me, and I would not be the same person without it. I have made amazing friends with other campers and I can not imagine my life without them. I can say from personal experience that they have the best theatre program in the entire world, it shows campers how much fun it can be to be part of a team that it working towards 1 goal, to put on the best show ever. The sports, arts and crafts and all of the waterfront are unbelievable. The camp itself is absolutely beautiful, almost as beautiful as the memories made there.


All four years of me being at Laurel South were the greatest 4 summers of my life, but the best was my CIT year…everything about it. Running chaos in Spirit Days was so insane, my heart was pounding the entire time. I don’t know if i could really pinpoint my favorite camp memory because everything about camp makes me so happy and I love it all. It’s so sad that I can’t come back. I’d do anything for one more year, even just one more A day, or one last slice of CNCP, or even just one more hug from all of friends I’d give up everything just for a small part of camp. It’s honestly my most favorite place on earth. I love it more than my actual home.


my best camp micah memory is the first of camp in 2009 even though i missed my parents i had the best time ever and i never wanted to leave I LOVE CAMP MICAH


As an alum of Camp Micah, a recent college graduate and a young professional I often don’t take the time to look back and see how my Micah experience has highly impacted my young professional experience. I had an amazing four years in Bridgton, ME filled with laughter and excitement that served as an introduction to what my life would encounter. As a camper at Micah I was involved with EVERYTHING; the plays, the soccer team, Color War, Micah Minis (although I don’t think they were called that back then), Banquet etc. As a counselor and a member of the Administrative team I had the opportunity to work with campers and create memorable events that shaped their summers. Now, four years out, I work for my alma mater as Program Coordinator that plans events that shape our campus community. While Central New York is lovely, I often find myself looking out my window wishing I were looking at Peabody Pond. After careful comparisons I can confidently say that Maine was the best place to go to camp - it was an escape that allowed me to grow in the young woman I am today. The trip days, days off and overnights gave staff and campers a chance to experience everything Maine had to offer. The sun didn’t hurt either.


My favorite memory is when in my fifth year at camp for a evening program, we went to the chicken coop and went chicken chasing. At first the chickens were really fast but once they got tired they were much easier to get. At the end of the night i caught four, and hypnotized one. I love camp because of the little random things like chicken chasing that just pop up out of nowhere in the daily schedule. It could be something like pizza night or a carnival on sunday, there just really fun and though there something little, they could be the highlight of your day. Thinking about that you can probably picture that the overall camp experience is amazing (which it is). Every year i get camp sick and can’t wait for the summertime where i can return back to my second home.


There are way too many good, funny, and happy memories to fill this little box, but I’ll give it a shot. As a camper, some of my best memories are of bunk bed “sleepovers.” I don’t know who thought that two teenage girls sharing a tiny bunk bed would be a comfortable experience, but they were wrong. That being said, as much as they were uncomfortable, they were fun and I always fell asleep with a smile on my face. Camp is the place where I became the crazy (in a good way), loud, confident person that I am today. Camp is the place where you get to be completely you, and learn how to be you at home despite the pressures of the outside “ordinary” world. Camp gives you friends that are from all over the country and all over the world, but somehow manage to understand you better than the friends you have at home. Camp took brought me out of my shell and made me energetic, enthusiastic, and positive. After all, it’s hard to be shy when your camp nickname is (affectionately) Dew-Dew.


There is no other place in the world that is happier than Maine Teen Camp. I remember the first day I was there. I was of course, sort of like a freshman at a new highschool, unaware of how the term was going to play out and in awe at how amazing the atmosphere was and still is. Mind you, THe difference between MTC and Highschool is, well everything. There is not one person you dislike. It is an experience that needs to be had by every teen That is passionate about love, Fun, sports, art, music, dance and so many other things that without we would not be individuals. I alone have written Three songs at camp and have realized that i have a passion for guitar. MTC has changed my life and without it I would still be that Shy small girl with no voice and nothing to leave in the world but a quietly said opinion that no one hears. I have life long friends that i would have never found at school. I love Maine Teen Camp and you should go or send your child as well. -Stokesie


Eleven years ago I arrived at Camp O-AT-KA apprehensive, and doubting my decision to attend an overnight camp. However, no more than five minutes after my parents left, I was whisked away by a group of campers to go play soccer on the Junior Ball Field, and an hour later I was covered in soap attempting to beat my counselor in a water slide race. My angst quickly escaped me. I loved camp so much my first year, I wrote my parents a letter pleading with them to allow me to stay another three weeks. When they arrived to pick me up, I broke down into tears because I did not want to leave. Ever since, camp has become my second home. One of my favorite parts about camp is the wide spectrum of activities. During my seven years as a camper I participated in activities such as tennis, soccer, and boating, but also activities that I could not take part in outside of camp such as photography, stain glass, and racing sailing. I tried sailing eight years ago, and now I am a racing sailing instructor. The instructors in the activities have a profound knowledge of the activity, but more importantly they have passion and zeal. However, from my perspective the best part of camp is the people. The diversity of the counselors and campers creates an amicable atmosphere that is ubiquitous throughout camp. Living in a cabin is a unique experience, which allows one to learn about various cultures, develop independence, and truly find one’s own identity. It is amazing how within just three days of being in a cabin, one feels as if he is already friends with everyone. One of the most rewarding parts of camp is the long lasting friendships that are made at camp. Without doubt some of my best friends are from O-AT-KA. Although one does not have the opportunity to see ones friends throughout the year, it makes arriving at camp exciting, and the three, four, or seven weeks of camp that much better. My favorite moment at camp was the day our sailing instructor told us we could attempt to sail across Lake Sebago, which is an impossible task to complete in one 55minute period- but he still managed to instill confidence in us that the task could be completed. It was one of the final days of sailing, and it was an opportunity for us to implement everything we had learned during the session. We embarked on our journey to the other side, and unfortunately we never made it. However, we had so much fun on our boat, talking about memories from camp, and also about life at home. We also were allowed to sail freely in near perfect conditions, while still being monitored by a counselor. Eleven years later I still find myself returning to camp year after year. I have been a camper, a C.I.T., and now I am a counselor. People always ask, “Don’t you want to do something else with your summer?“I immediately answer with a fervent, “No”. Camp fosters such a comforting atmosphere that, everyday I am not at camp I am longing to be there, and every day I am at camp I regret the day I have to leave.


For me Camp Winona means an opportunity to be who I am, for me to express my self and be myself without worrying about being judged by others. It also means I can learn new things that I would never have a chance to learn if was not for Camp Winona. When I first went to Camp Winona last year, which was my first year, by the end of the summer I felt as if I was a part of the family. This year it felt like I was returning to a family reunion and I was seeing all my old friends. Someone who has not been to Camp Winona cannot fully understand or appreciate what camp does for a boy and his trip into manhood. Camp not only helps a young boy become a man, it makes a man. The friends you make at camp will be friends you’ll know and keep throughout your life. As years go by many changes happen in my life, but one thing doesn’t and that is my love for camp. I can’t possibly put into words how much I love and care for camp but I hope that this enlightens people about the kind of family-base that Winona has and how The Ordways have touched many young boys lives. I’ll wrap this up, but basically what I am trying to convey is how much I love camp.


Winona is not something that can touched or seen. Its a feeling, an emotion that will forever stay with anyone who is lucky enough to spend a summer or 30 on the shores. The amazing thing about Winona is that no matter how long you are away, you never forget the smells, the sounds and the friendships. I get butterflies every time I drive across the causeway and see Moose Pond. I get tears in my eyes on the same causeway when I leave. What type of place can evoke so much emotion? Winona has a special aura about it that makes young boys feel happy and safe. It allows you to forget about the trials and tribulations of daily life. It offers an opportunity to make bonds with people that you would normally never run into in “real life”. Boys from around the world come to this special place to laugh and play and THAT is what Winona is all about.


My experience with Winona started during the early 70’s. My Mom was the nurse at the sister camp, and I landed on the shores of Moose Pond at the age of eight. My fondest memories are of riding in the red stake truck, chasing the medicine stick, and wilderness canoe trips. I have had an opportunity to return to the shores as a counselor over the past two seasons as I have two camp age children. I discovered that there is a lot of work and planning that goes on behind the scenes to insure that the campers have a safe, and productive summer. What I have witnessed countless times is rapid transformation in the boys. In just a few short weeks I have seen shy boys go from being quiet, to dancing in front of the unit in a “Muscle Beach” contest. Boys who have never shot a rifle become competent marksmen. Boys who have grown up in major cities become comfortable on the trail, and on canoe trips. As a parent I have seen the transformation that camp brings in both of my children. My son who also started camp at age eight has become competent in many of the activities that camp offers. In addition his social skills have improved, and he has made some special friendships that have lasted over the 4 seasons he has spent on the shores. To my niece, who has come to live in our home, camp has been paradise. A place where she can go to be with friends and forget about the pressures that can sometimes come too early in life.


The camp life at Winona was the best time of my life. I was never sad or nervouse to leave home, one because my brother was there and i new that he would be close, but that I knew that I was going to have a good time. There was always somebody to talk to or to do some activity with. The one thing I always liked was that there were kids from all over the world, and you could always talk with them and find out about what it was like in ther country. The food was always one of my favorites along with the banana split nights that happened twice a year and if I know tradition they are probably still happening, Brix Brax to Banana split Night!! The activities from Horse back riding to swiming and rifelry, and archery,and campcraft. There are just to many activities to list. At the end of camp was always difficult because I never wanted to leave because I was haveing so much fun and didn’t want to leave my new friends. All I can say is that going to WINONA was the best Time of my life, besides my children being born.I loved Winona and I know that any child that goes will have the time of there lives.


I loved the smell of the pine trees, oh, and the food too baby yeah !!! :-)


Winona has been better than a home for me. Although I have moved several times though out my life, Winona has always stayed the same. A significant event that happened in my life was going to Winona. Usually for papers like these I am not sincere and I say things that are not necessarily true, but in this I am one hundred percent honest. Winona has helped me for the better in so many ways. The goal of this paper is to prove how significant going to Winona was, and is to my life. My first year at Winona I arrived unsure of what was going to happen. I was anxious until the smile of Uncle Buck Russell when he unloaded my trunk from my car while he talked with my mom. I met my counselors and said goodbye to my parents. When they asked if I was homesick I replied, “I do’t have time to be, I’m having way to much fun!”. And so was the story of my camper career. In no time I was “in the swing of things” at Winona and having the time of my life. My parents had originally signed me up for half season, but by the end of the week I was begging my parents to stay full. That year the entire tent one stayed full, and we had a blast! One day as an Inty camper I asked Uncle Packard (my tent one counselor back in 2004) what kind of a kid I was back in Junior. He responded, “You were a ball of fun and rage”. But though out my junior career I learned how to control my anger and use that energy positively. My second year in junior I was a sub-chief and had kids that looked up to me. This was a new feeling to me being that I have an older brother. Having this leadership taught me how to be responsible. It helped me use my energy for instead of anger, for optimizations and leadership. As an Inty camper my body matured to where I was an active member of the EPs, Oscar showings, ect. I had made a few friends in junior but it took me awhile to get kids to like me. It was in inty where I realized that just because I was bigger than another boy does’t mean that he should look up to me. This taught me to be kind and make more friends using my personality. Because of this my personality greatly improved, and I was friendly to more kids. By the end of my three years in Inty I had a good number of close friends. During senior I used these lessons I had learned and applied them to all aspects of camp life. I found a passion in sailing from which I spent most of my activity periods. I continued to build bonds with my fellow campers, and counselors. Senior did’t really teach me a lesson until the end. I learned that opportunity seldom repeats itself, and to take advantage of everything you can before it is to late. At my last awards night as the tears streamed down my face, arms locked with my two best friends Cam Perkins, and Blake Randall, I realized how blessed I was to have the opportunity to experience Winona. And after my CIT year I helped contribute to make the experience for some campers great. Winona has probably been the most significant event that ever occurred in my life (eight times). The lessons I have learned and for the young adult/teen whom I have metamorphisized into a man, and although I have moved going to winona was the one place where I could feel at home no matter where I lived, as I do now. To be honest I’ve never seen my house, since I went directly from Winona to boarding school. But that house no matter how great could never compare to tent, the wind of the pines, and campmates with which you are holding idle conversation. Although I may have many houses throughout my life Winona will always be my home.


The following is a copy of an email I sent to Linda, Kyle & Emily following visiting day 2011 (the temperature was close to 100 that day): Dear Kyle, Emily & Linda, Yesterday we spent a marvelous day with our daughter, Devon. The camp grounds were beautiful. It is the laid back approach and diversity that distinguishes Vega from other camps. Nobody was ordering us to go anywhere and we were free to enjoy any activity that Devon wanted to do. We took our beach chairs and spent the afternoon at the waterfront. Sailing on a hobie cat with Devon gave us a chance to bond with her in a picturesque setting. That memory will last a lifetime for Devon & us. We truly thank you for the work you do to provide our daughter and all the girls with this great summer experience. Last week I was in court talking to a colleague about visiting day and mentioned Camp Vega. A young law intern sitting to my left said “excuse me did you say your daughter goes to Camp Vega?” She went on to tell me that she spent many summers at Camp Vega and that she has great memories of Vega. Thanks again and enjoy the rest of the summer. Jay & Monique


Yesterday, I returned my youngest son to MTC after taking him out of camp for 24 hours for college interviews in Maine. First, he wants to stay in Maine for college after four wonderful years at MTC. Second, he radiated happiness the entire time we were with him. We talked to his brother who’s been at camp for three years so they could catch up on all that he was missing. It was a very animated conversation. When we returned our youngest to camp or home as my husband and I both said, he was quickly enveloped by his friends in a typical MTC welcome and his smile got even larger. The camp has wonderful offerings but as a mother the best testament to camp that I can give follows. Both my boys lives have changed due to their years at MTC and are finer young men for their experiences. They have formed friendships that have altered their lives. I feel privileged that Matt and Monique are role models in their lives. I highly recommend MTC!


Dear Ron and Camp O-AT-KA Staff, My husband and I cannot begin to express enough gratitude to all of the camp staff for keeping our son safe, healthy, and happy at camp this summer. Our son, Chris, is 10 years old with anaphylactic food allergies to milk, egg, and nuts. He is also contact allergic (will get hives on his skin if he comes into contact with the above). He is extremely responsible, but until camp, he has only had 2 people cook for him; myself and his god-mother. We arrived at camp to have Heather (the Camp Mom) and Nick (the head chef) greet us and spend many hours going over the menu and his diet. A list was created of all the foods Chris is able to have in the kitchen and on the menu. We discussed what would be substituted in the event the meal was not appropriate and the system for how Chris would be served safely! Having food allergies can sometimes cause one to be weary about trying new foods. Chris went to camp with an idea of being independent and eating camp food. I was not sure if this expectation would be met, only because of his food allergies. It all came true. Chris not only ate camp food, but tried some new foods that Nick prepared for him. (He even asked if Nick could come live with us :) Thank you so much for allowing Chris to have an independent and safe experience at Camp. His counselors (Bryan and Russell) were incredible in understanding his needs and meeting them, the kitchen staff at preparing safe, delicious food, the camp nurse for always looking out to make sure every situation was considered, to the Unit Head and Camp for making sure Chris was taken care of on trip days and camp outs. Being a mother of a child with severe food allergies, I am over-protective. I am extremely impressed with all of the staff at Camp O-AT-KA and feel blessed that Chris was able to have such an incredible experience. Sincerely, Helen Ward

Kathleen And Paul

The boys both said they were having a great summer and like their bunk mates as well as counselors very much. It gives us such a sense of comfort to hear the funny stories and the enthusiasm in their voices when they are recalling a story to share with us. We always know they are in good hands with you guys at the helm and want you both to know your efforts are recognized. I can’t imagine the amount of planning and plain old elbow grease it takes to get a camp of Wildwood’s reputation together every year and consistently make these boys and their families want to return year after year. It truly is a special experience and you guys should be proud!


Tripp Lake Camp… what can I say, some of the fondest memories of my life. Experiences that made me who I am today. There was no question I would send my daughter to the Promised Land! To share in the 100 years of traditional ME camping at its finest. I get chills when hearing the cheers. Tears come to my eyes when I watch the summer video and pass by 5 corners just as I arrive at camp on visiting Day. Tripp Lake Camp is simply Maine to me. It’s still the same. The natural beauty, the cool lake. Doing triangles of the dock the first days of camp, Little and big team swim meets. Sailing a sunfish, tipping your canoe. Learning to water ski for the first time. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. My mother, sister and 11 year old daughter in her 4th year wouldn’t have it any other way!


It was a bold step for me to send my 7 year old off to a 7 week sleep away camp, but my bright, energetic, inquisitive daughter insisted. So off I went in search of the place which would be safe, warm, supportive, encouraging, fun, and stimulating. Other items in my very particular list of qualifications included that my daughter be with similarly inspired kids, whose parents wanted a wonderful summer for them, but who also wanted bunk mates with real personalities and a desire to do well in life. I have found all of this in Camp Vega. My daughter, Suzy, now age 10, loves Vega. She is a rider and this year took her horse to camp. She loves lots of other sports too so Vega is perfect for her. She was followed to camp last year by her sister who now is 8 and in her second year. This child, more artistic, less athletic, more “girly” and more into friendships, is equally at home an in love with camp vega. Maine is a gloreous spot where children can hold onto their idealism just a little longer. No electronic monsters luring them away, and they don’t mind a bit. Heading the camp is Linda Curtiss and she is the key. She personally oversees the entire operation with an eagle eye. She knows each child personally and can tell you in a minute how your daughter is doing. While som camp blogs report that these upper level camps tend to be clicky and exclusive, I have never found that at Camp Vega. Yes, the girls are smart and like their friends who tend to continue to go back to camp Vega, but they openly welcomed my daughters who feel right at home.


Both of my sons have spent multiple summers at Maine Teen Camp and I think my youngest son’s latest observation about this his last year sums it all up; “ My biggest regret is not having gone every year that I could have”. Beyond all the music, water skiing and just about any other activity you could imagine they both expressed the thing they will always remember most is the deep friendships they have made with fellow campers and counselors. Maine Teen Camp worked very hard to ensure all the stereotypes they dealt with at home were left behind and the camp allowed them to behave and express themselves without the fear of being judged. The cliques were left at home. The experience for my oldest son was so powerful that for his college essay he wrote about a friendship he made while at Maine teen camp.


For New York City kids, there is nothing like a summer in Maine! We send our three children to Camp Modin, and they love the camp with a passion I have never seen before! I never went to camp, and I would have loved Modin myself Modin’s incredible group of kids and staff is bolstered by the beautiful surroundings in Maine. The campers get to climb Mount Washington and Mount Katahdin. They swim, sail and waterski on Lake Salmon. And we as parents get to visit the beautiful state every year when we make a mini vacation out of visiting weekend! And then there is Giffords. Wow! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING tastes better! Modin is such a big part of our kids and our family’s lives. How about week long camp for parents???


Is the best expirence the we can gift to our daughter.


I was a counselor at Vega and I am currently a parent of a camper in the oldest age group there (Tamary). I am a little biased toward camps in Maine because I was also a camper as a child at Camp Takajo (also in Maine). As a parent, I wanted my children to have the same type of experience that I had as a camper. I knew as a child that I would do everything I could to send my children to camps in Maine when I became a parent. My daughter absolutely loves Vega. Her favorite color is “green and white”, which are the camp theme colors. She has made so many great friends over the past 7 years as a camper there and has developed so much as a person based in large part to her experience at Vega. My wife and I have also been fortunate to have met other wonderful parents there, who have continued to maintain contact with us over the years. Her camp life has influenced her so much that her room at home is filled with Vega memorabilia. She even has a countdown clock that counts the days and minutes until camp begins in June. Every year that my wife and I visit her at camp, she glowing with happiness. We observe her participate in her camp many activities and are always astounded at her growth and dexterity. There is so much to choose from at Vega and there is always room enough for a girl to avidly participate in the activities of her choice. My daughter has developed many different skills, both athletically and socially, and she is a sweet, caring, socially conscious person. The facilities at Vega are state-of-the-art and in great condition. The bunks are clean, roomy and allow for a true pioneer-like camp experience. The food is greart and offers a wide variety of healthy choices. The counselors are from all over the world and are extremely supportive to the girls’ personal growth. It is quite a treat to watch my daughter interact with young women from all over the world and gain insight into their lives and their respective cultures. Simply put, I cannot say enough positive things about Vega. The camp slogan is true to form and speaks for itself: “The one thing a girl will find at Vega is herself”.


My daughter is having another WONDERFUL summer at Matoaka! What an outstanding program, well suited and contemporary for today’s girls, with some “old school” components that keep a consistent experience for multiple generations!!!


We have so many wonderful memories about our visits to Camp Vega over the past years. Though If I had to pick one, I would choose my time with my daughter, Sari at the Mother/Daughter 2010 Weekend. The mothers all arrived at camp together ready to share our daughter’s Camp Vega experience. We quickly dropped our bags and signed up for various camp activities. We all took advantage of all that Vega had to offer. More importantly, our daughters enjoyed having us there and sharing what summers in Maine are all about. It was so special to experience Vega with my daughter, her friends and their Moms. We love coming to visiting day and spending time in Maine, but I can’t wait for another Mother/Daughter weekend at Camp Vega.


Vega, named after the brightest star in the summer sky, has provided many bright moments for me as a camper and more recently as a parent of campers. A flood of childhood memories came back to me this past weekend while visiting our children. As much as the world has changed, the tradition of residential camping in Maine has not. Sure, some of the tangible items have changed in 32 years such as faster ski boats, advanced theater lighting, lit tennis courts, state-of- the-art dance studios, and an expansive equine center, to name a few. However, the core Vega traditions of 75 years are still strong. Living in a bunk, campers learn how to cooperate & communicate effectively while developing a sense of respect, patience & compassion. The counselors are not only skilled in their specific program of expertise, but are trained to encourage each camper to do their best, trust themselves and try new things. Having this experience as a child helped me to navigate through life’s different chapters and experiences. I remember my tennis counselor encouraging me to play in high school and I did! I remember the first time I waterskied and how nervous I was, only to keep with it and become an instructor while in college. My daughters are experiencing those same type of “firsts.” A first for me as a parent, as well, while I watched my 10 year old bungee from 50 feet with 6 ropes instructors anchoring her! After she exclaimed, “I’m so proud of myself! At first I didn’t think I could do it!” This is something she can draw on forever and hopefully share with her own children. It brought a smile on my face hearing the loons, smelling the pines, swimming as a family in Echo Lake and listening to the girls sing Vega’s rendition of “State of Maine” this past weekend. All those senses remain constant. Wherever I am I look up at those stars at night and think of Camp Vega and the beautiful state of Maine.


As the husband and parent of Vega campers, my memories are many! My wife,Gail went to Vega 35 years ago. It is the reason our girls continued with Vega. Her experience, as related to me, was second to none. Everything she ever talked about was realized with our 2 girls. The setting, the facilities and the staff have always been first rate. The overall available instruction in every area was given by superior staff members. Learning to water ski, gymnastics and virtually all of the activities. My older daughter was Tamary in 03 and our youngest is Tamary now. (Oldest camper group is Tamary). Last Saturday at visiting day we had the incredible experience of watching my daughter water ski off a 5 ft. ramp and land the jump for the first time. It was a goal of hers to experience something she had never done before. Not only was she over the top with excitement but imagine how we felt. The experience that she had was not likely to come from anywhere but a camp like Vega. We are gratefull for many positive influences that Vega gave our girls. Being in the fresh country air, with the lake right there to enjoy only helped make the whole experience even better!


I am an alumni of Camp Vega and also a parent of a current camper. I attended 3 camps in Maine during my childhood, Mudjekeewis, and Trebor, but only Vega still remains in action. All of these camps offered me the opportunity to “find myself” as the Vega motto says. Having the freedom to experience the summer away from my parents and away from the academic and social pressures of the school year always afforded me the chance to meet people I would not have otherwise met and in doing so to define for myself what was important to me in a friendship and in myself. Living along side of a group of girls taught me how to navigate within a community, and all of those lessons have helped me to enjoy the people I met in college and in the workplace and in my current community. Specifically, these camps in Maine allowed me to experience natural environments and to learn to feel safe and comfortable in the woods, on the water, at the top of a Mountain etc, lying under the stars, falling asleep to the call of the loon, and so much more. Every year more and more natural habitats are being destroyed, it is so important for children to develop a personal relationship with nature so they will understand the value. The natural landscape of Maine is so varied. I was very lucky to have experienced so many aspects including sliding down waterfalls, canoeing in both calm and white waters, swimming in the freezing yet exhilirating Maine ocean, sleeping half way up a mountain, standing at the summit and looking across the landscape, swimming in the clear lakes etc, hiking thru paths of wild flowers, catching fire flies. Many of these opportunities are still there for Vega Campers. Also, the traditional activities like waterskiing, sailing, swimming, arts and crafts, landsports, etc.were all there to explore and to challenge me. I took more chances when exposed to new things at camp because I was comfortable with myself and loved my friends. The directors of Vega pay very close attention to the natural world right there on the expansive camp property and have a vegetable garden,bird houses, nature trails, and many green initiatives, and continue to pay homage to the traditions that keep current campers and alumni connected for 75 years. While the world today seems so different from the world 75 years ago, the message is clear, we are not so different as a people, and the things that bring us together as a community can be our experience and appreciation of the natural world around us,(in Maine!)


Meeting new friends and having friendships that will last forever oh yeah and raiding the canteen and kitchen…shhhh


I went to camp in Pennsylvania and my husband went to camp in the Adirondacks. When we started researching camps with our children we decided to see what camping in Maine was like. Well, it was love at first sight! The first thing that struck all of us was the natural beauty. When we visited Camp Laurel, we were so impressed with the majestic lakefront and the impeccable grounds. The facilities there are first-rate. My then 7-year-old son even said, “Mom, these are the nicest baseball fields I’ve ever seen!” Our son and daughter went the first year they were eligible up until they could not attend as campers anymore. The friendships they made are everlasting and the memories of everyday activities, as well as special events and trips, are unforgettable. Laurel offers fantastic programming - something for everyone - and heartwarming traditions!


I attended Camp Laurel in Mount Vernon, ME for 8 summers. They were some of the best summers of my life. Obviously I loved my friends, the activities, and the “I-don’t-have-to-do-homework” part of camp, but what I unexpectedly enjoyed was the freedom, beauty, and air of Maine. The nights were beautiful with crisp skies and a plethora of stars. The lake at Laurel was surrounded by gorgeous, bushy trees and the water was a dark blue. There was always a smell of fresh cut wood that is somewhat hard to describe, but whenever I catch a whiff of it these days, my memory immediately jogs back to summers in Mount Vernon. In addition, the trips that we took around Maine were amazing. The amusement/water parks, like Funtown/Splashtown and Aquaboggan, were every kid’s dream with rides like “The Excalibur” and “The Taco.” Overnights were spent at campgrounds, such as Blue Rock and Acadia, where we went hiking on beautiful mountains and swam in clean lakes. Overall, my experience in Maine was definitely one to write home about - and I sure did!


As a former camper myself (C-E-D-A-R, you’re the best, cheer Camp Cedar, 2-3-4!), I was so excited that the time had come for my own daughter to experience the joy of overnight camp in Maine herself. Well, joy is most certainly a great word to encapsulate her first summer. In only three short weeks, she has learned to waterski, picked up new sports, starred in the camp musical, learned a new level of responsibility and accountability, formed strong relationships with new friends and caring staff, and asked us to sign her up for next summer! I can’t wait to hear what the second half of her first summer is like!


One of the best memories I have of Camp Matoaka is the excitment on my daughter’s face when I arrive to visit. The traditions of the camp are a part of the camp’s highlights. It is those links from year to year that create lasting memories.


My son has spent six summers in Maine at Camp Skylemar, and each year has truly just gotten better and better. Every summer when we drive up to visit him, we slowly shed our city skins as we enter the state and the beauty of Maine washes over us. There is just something different about the air, the sky and the colors in Maine. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen, and I am so grateful the my son has been able to spend part of his summers here year after year. Going to Skylemar has been one of the most important and formative aspects of my son’s life. While he definitely gets a full menu of sports and fun in the sun, the magic of Skylemar emanates from owners, Arleen and Shep, who love and give and share in a manner I’ve never experienced. Caring for others, the importance of sportsmanship and brotherhood, and an appreciation for the natural beauty of going to camp in Maine are values that are instilled in the young men of Skylemar, and have had a huge impact on my son. My son counts the days until camp begins then spends the “best weeks of the whole year” (his words, not mine…) in one of the “best places on earth” (again, his words!) We love what Skylemar has given our son and our family: a lifetime of memories that include swimming in a crystal clear lake, seeing the brightest stars in the sky – and the feeling that summer is never sweeter than being at Skylemar.


they day starts with the saying, another beautiful day in the state of maine. and it always is. i was lucky enough to spend a summer here as a counsellor in 2007. although it has been a while since camp i still keep in touch with others and have even had a co counsellor visit me in south africa where i live. it is a magical place where teenagers can be who they want to be. there are so many activities to try and much laughter to be had. it is one big family. MTC always in my heart.


It’s hard to put into words what Birch Rock Camp means to our family, but it is easy to say that it holds a very special place in all of our hearts! My husband and I have three sons, aged 17, 14 and 10, and all three have spent various amounts of time each summer at Birch Rock Camp. Our oldest son started as a camper at age 9 and has never missed a summer. (At age 9, not knowing anyone at BRC, he waved and said “Bye mom!” and never looked back!). Last year he was a CIT, and this year a counselor loving every minute of his summer. He even took a final exam early so he could get to camp as soon as possible. Birch Rock has helped make him the person he is today - balanced, confident, thoughtful, spirited and above all, happy! Our middle son has spent four summers attending BRC for a half session and he can’t wait to see the friends he has made over the years. A wonderful experience and opportunity for a kid from a small town. He absolutely loves all of the activities! Seeing his older brothers leave for camp each summer, our youngest son couldn’t wait to go to BRC! He will be experiencing his second half session at BRC this summer and he can’t wait to get there! As parents, one of our most important goals is to prepare our children to be independent in this world. Birch Rock provides a safe and fun place for our boys to explore and learn away from home. The first time we arrived at Birch Rock Camp and were greeted by the most unbelievable staff of young men, I remember saying to my husband, “This is what we want our boys to grow up to be like!” The campers are friendly, confident, excited, happy, and enjoying what they are doing. What more can a parent ask for! Birch Rock has had the most positive influence on our entire family and I would recommend it to any family of boys! I wish I could go!


I am not only a parent of two campers in Maine but also an alumni of Tripp Lake Camp in Poland, Maine. Just like my mother, aunts and cousins before me. There was never any doubt that my daughter (and son) would spend their summers away at camp in Maine. My camp experience is still held near and dear to my heart and it is the same for both of my children now. Each summer has been a growing experience for both of my kids in different ways. Camp is a place where they can be independent in a safe and loving environment. They are unplugged, away from the noise of the internet. But it isn’t just about being away at camp, it is where they are away at camp. There is nothing like the sweet smell of pine in that Maine air or doing a cannonball into a lake. Maine is a world away. It is 3000 miles from where we live and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I’ll never forget the sense of wonderment I experienced when I was driving through the state of Maine for the first time. I was 15 and on my way to an art school outside of Waterville. All of my senses were heightened, my eyes took in the tapestry of greens and colors as we drove through the woods. I couldn’t get enough of the scent of pine and the stickiness that I associated with pine trees and pine cones. If you can believe it, there was a loud silence. I longed to call out so I could hear my voice echo through the forest. My imagination ran wild with thoughts of bear and moose sightings. I never saw any moose but I did see coyotes and bears…The year I lived in Maine was one of my most memorable. I learned how to ski, snowboard, and snow shoe. I camped in the rain and snow. I learned how to appreciate the warm days and the evenings-that quickly changed to crisp and cold. It was a magical time for me, I remembering begging my parents to buy land in Maine.. being from NYC they just didn’t get it. Fast forward 32 years. My husband and I start to look at over night camps in Maine for our 8 year old son. We were scared and really didn’t know if our son would be a “camp type” of kid. We start asking friends for recommendations. Camp Caribou’ s name was suggested by several friends and a neighbor. We decided to spend a few days in Maine visiting Camp Caribou and several other camps. As soon as we pulled onto Camp Caribou’s property we fell in love. The drive to the center of the camp is about 1 mile long with majestic pine trees lining the dirt road . During that time, we drove past an archery and rifle range and large totem-poles with a camp fire as the central focus..We met the owners of the camp had the grand tour and ended up spending 3 hours just chatting and becoming familiar with Caribou’s philosophy. We didn’t need to go any further, we knew in our hearts we had found a home away from home for our son. Eight years later my son is now a CIT at Camp Caribou. He fell in love with Maine and his second family at Camp Caribou. In the eight years since he started his Maine adventure, our son has rocked climbed in Arcadia National park and had the thrill of white water rafting on the Kennebec River. He canoed in New Brunswick, went whale watching in Bar Harbor and enjoyed the beach there as well.He hiked in Camden Hills,climbed Tumble Down mountain and Mt. Katahdin. He also explored the St Croix River in northern Maine by canoe. There are so many memorable adventures to be had within and hours drive of Camp Caribou! Our son has developed a real respect and love for the outdoors resulting from his experiences at camp. My personal slogan would be: “Camp Caribou - adventures, friendships and memories made every day,. every summer”. Sandy and Jack Swartz


Our daughter has been a camper at Pinecliffe for four summers. Camp is such an important part of her life. We describe Pinecliffe has her “Happy Place”. We were looking for an all girls uniform required camp where all the girls arrived on the same day and departed on the same day. The size needed to be big enough to be financially viable, yet not too big. We wanted our daughter to feel like she knew everyone. We wanted a traditional good old fashioned camp. No pool, no trips to a mall, no air conditioning. Oh yes, did I mentioned that the camp had to be in Maine?? Pinecliffe fit perfectly for us. Pinecliffe could change the name to Traditionalcliffe…..they operate today in the same way that they have for years(this is a good thing). The campers learn great life lessons and have fun at the same time. Pinecliffe is all about having the girls have a great time and staying safe at the same time. Each year the girls are given new roles and more responsibilities. There are traditions which they “own” and continue to bring to life. There are opportunities for leadership development even as a first year camper. We have loved the families/girls at Pinecliffe. I am not sure how they manage to get such a great group of campers. A friend of mine helped nudge me to make my final selection of Pinecliffe when she said” I send my son every year to his camp and hold my breath that everything will be okay. When I send my daughter to Pinecliffe, I do not worry because I know that Patty and Susie will handle any situation promptly and properly.” She was right. I highly recommend Camp Pinecliffe. It has given my daughter the wonderful Maine camp experience which I was lucky enough to have had!


I loved summer camp at Wyonegonic. Nestled in the pines of Denmark, ME, Wyonegonic was a classic girls camp experience. Archery, tennis, canoeing, swimming, arts and crafts and so many more activities. Hikes up Pleasant Mt. and overnights on the Saco river were highlights of the summer. Rainy days in the “Wiggie” were spent playing jacks, the piano and other games. Once a week we were allowed to pick our candy at the “candy line.” Camp is divided into Jr. Intermediate and Sr. camps, so each group was similar in age. We were heavily supervised but not at the expense of learning responsibility, how to make friends and choices. I only wish I continued to be a counselor.


I have sent my five children to camp at Camp Modin and personally wish I had the opportunity to attend the camp myself. Camp Modin has given my children a sense of connection that cannot be duplicated. Their commitment to people has been fostered by the very nature of Modin’s program, as well as their overall enjoyment of life. Along with that has been the opportunity to experience the wonders and beauty of Maine; from the adventurous trips such as Acadia to the simple outings to Giffords. Traveling to Maine for visitng day has also afforded us the opportunity to explore the surrounding area. Benig a Modin family for 12 years has given us 12 great vacations, from Camden to Bar Harbor. I am so grateful to Camp Modin for being partners with us in raising our family.


I spent 18 summers at Camp Cedar. Seven of those years were as a camper and 11 were as a counselor and head counselor. My memories are of friendships that are still alive and well today. Furthermore, I spent time in one of the most beautiful places in the US. Camp for me was a place where all of my everyday concerns were put on hold and time was well spent learning and teaching. As a counselor and head counselor, trying to teach kids not only how to play sports but to also get along with each other was a daily goal. There was no better feeling than seeing a 9 year old learn how to catch and throw a lacrosse ball or a 15 year old play a winning role for Camp Cedar on the way to winning the 15 year old lacrosse or basketball tournament. More important than winning and losing was watching and playing a role in a Camper’s or a bunk’s maturation process over the years. There are many “teaching moments” that were afforded to me as a member of Camp Cedar which is why i enjoyed going back year after year. My wife was the camp doctor at Cedar 3/4 years ago for a week. This was a chance to bring my 2 daughters to Cedar and show them how great Cedar is. I look forward to the day the my 2 girls can have the same experiences at a Maine girls camp and when my son can attend Cedar. Hopefully their camps will give to them what Camp Cedar has given and continues to give me.


The greatest gift my wife and I have given our children is sending them to Camp Laurel in Maine. The stories our kids tell us about their summers at Laurel are priceless. The close friends (even now - 15 years later), College Days, Super Seniors, camp outings, the musicals and plays, tennis, soccer, water skiing, arts and crafts, the lake, Cove, the counselors, Keith and Jem - the stories go on and on. The experience of being outdoors in Maine - the majestic natural setting with the beautiful lakes and forest, days which are never too hot or humid, and nights with the clear crisp air and stars shining bright is something that our kids will never forget. As parents, we loved Visiting Weekend, driving up to Camp, running into our kids open arms, meeting their bunkmates and counselors, taking a tour of the grounds and beautiful facilities, talking to the health professionals who took such great care of our kids, and having lunch by the lake. We surrounded visiting days with vacation days in Maine staying at beautiful places ranging from quaint bed and baths, to luxury resorts. Our memories including biking along the coast, having lobster dinners in Camden, and visiting the L.L.Bean store in Freeport. Sending our kids to Camp Laurel is truly one the best decisions we have ever made.


My oldest daughter is finishing up her last year at Tripp Lake Camp. Both my daughters now say that Maine is their home away from home. My children have had incredible experiences and opportunities to make them feel connected to the camp and the state. Tripp Lake, located in Poland is a very special place. A place that fosters traditions, sisterhood and spirit. Their very special camp experience has molded them into caring, empathetic and independent young women. Through camp, my girls have had the opportunity to explore some of the beautiful beaches in Maine. They have wonderful memories of Old Orchard, Popham and Ongonquit beaches. The trips to Camden and Bar Harbour made them feel even more connected to Maine. In my opinion, what makes camp in Maine and especially Tripp Lake, is the beautiful lake and trees and tranquility. There is no place other than Tripp Lake in Maine where I would want my children to have their special camp memories.


Going to summer camp in Maine has been a wonderful experience for my family for the past 35 years. I went for 10 years (as both a camper and counselor) and now my son is in his 5th year - all at Camp Cedar in Casco, ME. In fact, many of my friends that I met as a camper, now send their sons to Cedar too. Maine is spectacularly beautiful and calm, providing the perfect back drop to disconnect from the daily schedules of school and work. I think its the hill-surrounded lakes that are the best part. As a kid, I’m sure I didn’t appreciate the beauty, but loved playing in Coffee Pond with all of my friends. Visiting as an adult, I can’t help but notice the serene beauty - and love that my son is spending his days laughing with his buddies under the towering pine trees. I can’t wait for visiting day!


Selecting a Maine camp is an important investment in your child’s development and future. Camp Skylemar is committed to providing individualized attention where the focus is on acceptance and friendship rather than competition. Boys are given the unconditional guidance and instruction needed while also being challenged in a safe and nurturing environment. Skylemar takes advantage of the beauty of Maine and its natural surroundings ensuring boys have a full appreciation of their pristine surroundings. Arleen and Shep are tirelessly dedicated role models, parents, and camp directors. They are two of the finest people I am privileged to know. As an alumni of Camp Fernwood, I honestly can say attending camp in Maine was one of the best investments my parents made and I am committed to securing this opportunity for my own children. I know they will reap the rewards of attending a Maine camp throughout their lives as I have.


I have 3 daughters, all of whom have each attended Fernwood for 7 years. That means i have trusted them with my children for a total of 11 summers. 7 years go we told our daughters that we were moving from NJ to CA. The first thing (I swear this is the truth) they asked was,“Can we still go to Fernwood?”. I have had only one child who needed to go outside the camp for emergency medical treatment and I felt it was handled professionally and responsibly. I was consulted and kept up to date as I was 3,000 miles away. I truly feel that Fernwood has been a life altering experience for all of my daughters. The staff in particular is wonderful. We have had several counselors visit and stay with us in CA. My favorite memory of Fernwood follows. We were not sure on our first visiting day how long it would take us to get to camp so we left the hotel very early and ended up being the second car on line. We discovered that this was a BIG deal as we had arrived only a few minutes after the first and they had been first every year that their daughters had been there. The next year was the same but that was their last year - and they handed their #1 spot to us. Forvthe next 9 years, we were always the first car to arrive, bringing doughnuts for the counselors who stand guard at the gates until it is time to allow us in. On our last summer, our daughter was told by another camper that this year HER parents were going to be first because when her mother attended Fernwood, her parents had always been first. One of our favorite male counselors was as upset by this as our daughter, so they called to warn us. The counselor told us,“I think we will put up a tent in front of the gates. If anyone gets here before you, we will tell them that you were here all night and that you just went to get some coffee.”. Of course we thought he was joking, but when we pulled up the the next morning, there was the tent with a big sign with our name on it. Fernwood has not only left our children with priceless memories, but us as well. We have met some of our closest friends at camp and my daughters have already informed me that they intend to send their daughters to Fernwood.


Whether a camper or a counselor, I could always expect the state of Maine to provide me with superfluous positive energy. The air is crisp, the sky is clear and the people are so admirably simple. You learn a lot about yourself when you are living in this natural environment.


When I sent my kids to camp, I was hoping they would feel comfortable enough there to call it their second home. Well, that is what Micah has become to both of my boys, ages 17 and 15. Over the past 6 + years, they have found their friends, enjoyed their sports and had lots of laughs in a place where kids are encouraged to be themselves and appreciate each other for everything they bring to the table. Micah fosters an environment that blends fun and good times with an appreciation of the world around them. My kids love that they can go and play hard and let it all go at the same time. When they come home from camp and tell us stories that have them laughing in stitches, you know it’s all good. The administors have always been very available for myself and my kids and taken a truly genuine interest in getting to know who they are and what they’re all about. Comfortable, safe, free and easy are words that come to mind when I picture Camp Micah, it’s beautiful surroundings and, most important, the people who go there and call it home.


I did not grow up going to overnight camp so I had no idea what it was all about. My husband was a Camp Takajo camper so when we got married it was already decided that our children would attend a camp in Maine. Upon our first sons birth, he was already signed up for Camp Takajo. Now with our second son at Takajo it is clear to me now why he felt so strongly about sending our kids to a Maine camp. There simply is nothing else like it. My children would never have had the opportunity to experience so many different types of activities from sailing and water skiing to different types of sports, to hiking and rafting. I already can see the positive affect camp has had on my children. They hold their heads a little higher, are more confident tackling new challenges and have made friends from places they never would have had the opportunity otherwise. Camp Takajo is a special place, that despite the dramatic changes in our society, remains uniquely unchanged for the last 65 years. Our kids leave behind their laptops and cell phones and for 2 months get back to experiencing life the way it used to be. Sending my kids to Takajo has been the best thing I could have done for them.


Going to sleep away camp filled my summer memories growing up. Thus, it was only natural for me to want my children to have those same wonderful experiences and memories throughout their own childhood. Although I am not very organized, I did all the research from Massachusetts to the outskirts of Maine to see the different summer camps and what they offered. My family and I saw the camps, got the complete tours and met with the directors. It almost became a full time job for me! When it was time for my husband and I to choose the best camp for our child, the choice was as natural as it was obvious-Camp Caribou in Winslow, Maine. When we visit in the middle of the summer, we see first hand not only how happy our child is, but the patience,love and enthusiasm the directors, Bill and Martha Lerman, as well as, the entire Caribou staff exhibit. When my son talks about camp and the experiences he has had all year long and when we see the special bond he has with the boys in his bunk and those not in his bunk, it further solidifies the fact that we made the correct decision five years ago to send him to Camp Caribou. My son is learning and experiencing the positive effects of building friendships, working together, achieving goals along with enjoying picturesque Maine with out the burdens of cellphones and I pods! What more could a parent ask for?!


For the last 34 years, Maine has made an indelible impression on my family’s heart. Maine represents so many positive experiences and happy memories that we will cherish for the rest of our lives. Of all of the experiences I have had in my life, having the privilege of calling Camp Takajo my home for 8 summers still remains the greatest experience I have ever had. Now, nothing gives me greater joy than watching both of my son’s share the same Takajo experience. Nowhere else but Maine can you compete on the athletic fields in the morning, swim in the crystal clear waters of a glacier lake in the afternoon, whitewater raft down the Kennebec River the next day and watch Moose graze on your way to the summit of Mt. Katahdin. As a parent, the highlight of my summer every year is visiting my kids at camp in Maine. Starting off our trip in the coastal town of Kennebunkport on our way through Portland to the Sebago Lakes region, brings back all of the happiest memories of my childhood. The day my sons return home from camp in August begins their countdown to the next summer. These camps build more than just muscle. They are founded on rock solid principles that build character, self-esteem and relationships that will last a lifetime. The greatest gift anyone can give to their child is the experience of attending a Maine camp.


Our boys are 3rd generation campers at Camp Androscoggin. Our youngest son is in his last year as a camper and we will miss our weekend of visiting camp in Maine. Even though our sons are very different, Camp Andro gave them the skills and independence to thrive. Peter and Roberta have a special relationship with the boys. When it is hot and steamy in New York, we knew our boys were participating in their activities in the beautiful, cooler, climate. Our boys have formed life-long friendships and each is a better person for their time at camp in Maine.


Some of my favorite memories of Camp Micah revolve around Visiting Day, the half way point during the full session where parents are reconnected with their children for a day of activities, songs, plays and performances, and of course good food! There’s always a positive energy in the air, perhaps inspired by the gorgeous view of the lake and the cooling sensation of a Maine summer breeze. The sight of so many smiling children happily interacting with fellow campers and with the wonderful Micah administration and staff is heartwarming and satisfying. At Camp Micah, every child is made to feel special and loved for who they are. For that reason, I believe the lyrics in the Camp Micah song we all join in singing capture the essence of this truly special place. “Camp Micah is our comfort zone, our home away from home, and when we’re at Camp Micah we will never be alone.


Where to begin? My mom who is now 86 years old went to camp in Maine in a place that actually became Camp Mataponi and although she spoke of it often she sent me to camp in the Catskills. I liked it but when choosing a camp for my three girls we chose Maine and Camp Mataponi and I can honestly say it is one of the best choices I have ever made for my girls. There is something about it that can not be replicated elsewhere. The air, the lakes, the kids all just seem a bit purer. Skeptics often make negative comments to me about treking up there for visiting day- Not to be corny but I am so glad we went the extra mile for our girls- and for ourselves. My visiting day memories are fantastic, we have stayed all over Maine and every summer brings a new experience, mew memories and always the most delicious lobster rolls!


MAINE Teen Camp is a breath of fresh air, not only with the scent of pine trees everywhere, but with the refreshing faces of campers and counselors alike who are enjoying the summer! WOW…to be with other people who want to sing, dance, play music, ultimate frisbee and tennis ….a place where everyone can try new things from and black and white photography to the challenge of water skiing…. swim in the lake and SWIM in laughter!


Maine and their camps, is there anything better? No, not by our standards. Pine trees, beaches, lakes, lighthouses, and deep blue skies are all welcoming sights when you arrive, not to mention the vast wildlife. Within this great state are the Maine camps. Maine camps are the best of the best with years of experience behind them. Generations of families return to the same camp because it is such a positive life experience for their children. Camp Androscoggin is that camp. We have been involved with Androscoggin for two generations, my brothers and now my sons. It has never let us down and continues to exceed expectations. Androscoggi’s unique program has a winning formula allowing its boys to grow and mature through friendships, camaraderie, and every day fun in the great Maine outdoors. It gives boys the chance to believe in themselves, to face challenges and become masters of their skills. Whether their skills are sports, music or visual arts, boys come to realize they have the ability to conquer all while building self confidence and gaining independence. Androscoggin and Maine go hand in hand, it is a blueprint for happiness, positive memories, and life -long friendships. Boys never leave Androscoggin. They return year after year, first as a camper, then as a counselor, always as alumnae and lastly as a proud parent. When I see these boys and men return year after year, I notice that little bit of Maine and Androscoggin feeling has never left their soul. It is the kind of camp which helps to create joyful memories that are never forgotten; Tubby’s, the Allagash, The Seadogs, Color War, the Lodge and more! For my family there is no other camp like it anywhere! Thank you Camp Androscoggin for giving my boys the summers of a lifetime!!


When I first received this I thought I can’t keep this short. I could go on forever about why my girls, my husband and myself love Maine camps. My oldest was a camper at Mataponi for 8 years and now is a second year counselor. My younger daughter has been there for 8 summers. Their stories of camp in Maine begin with the beautiful lake to wake up to every morning, the comfortable temperatures during the day and ending with the clear nights where they can see every star in the sky. That is only a small part of why they love Maine. The trips the take out of camp are so memorable. They whitewater raft, they go to Montreal, they hike Mt Washington. These are things that they would never do without being in Maine. The stories of these trips are told over and over when they come home only wishing to be back at camp. The friends they have made at Mataponi are from all over the country of all ages and they visit them during the winter. As for my husband and myself it is a great reason to make a vacation every summer for the week around visiting day. There are so many places to see that we have not even covered yet and are looking for many more years of our girls going to Mataponi.


What kind of mother would send her child away from the comforts and safety of home for the summer? Surely I would never do that. So when my husband suggested that our boys should have a summer camp experience, as he had as a child, I balked. No way! He insisted. I packed the trunk, but refused to be the one to drive my 8 year old north, drop him off, and wave good-bye. Three and a half weeks later, I couldn’t wait to pick up Alex. Upon our arrival to Birch Rock, Alex proudly showed us around camp, introduced us to the new friends he had made, then began the pitch to allow him to stay for the rest of the summer! Fast forward nine years, and my three sons have been spending their summers at BRC for a combined 18 years! This year Alex is a CIT, and Patrick and Trevor are in the “upper camp”. Despite being varsity athletes, they have chosen to forgo specialty sports camps. Maybe they don’t recognize the value of the simple, clean-living, cooperative environment that Birch Rock provides in the same way that we do as adults. They certainly know that being at BRC - after a year of stressful academics, competitive athletics, and the whirlwind schedule that our family of 6 keeps - is renewing, refreshing, and relaxing. All things that kids these days need. Birch Rock is more than just a camp. It is a place where our values are embraced, where boys are challenged and motivated, and molded into fine young men. It is a place where modern technology and creature comforts take a back seat, in order for nature to come forth in all her glory. It is truly a special place. So I am, after all, the kind of mother that would send her child to camp for the summer.


We can’t say enough of what a fabulous experience it is for our two boys, ages 13 and 15, to go to Camp North Star! Over the past five summers, they have enjoyed so many wonderful experiences that we could never have provided here in NJ. Their days are filled with exciting and various activities including waterskiing, and cricket! In addition, the quality of campers and counselors is second to none. They have developed relationships with campers and counselors over the years that are more like family than friends…this includes both Sue and Jay Goldberg! One of the things we especially like is the international exposure that CNS provides. Our boys have met people from all over the world and have come to appreciate the cultural diversities that they have been exposed to. Camp provides a complimentary experience to the other ten month’s that they spend in NJ. I am lucky as well, I get to spend a month each year as the CNS camp nurse!!! It is my favorite time of the year. Clean air, bright stars, happy kids and a lot of laughter. That’s living!!! As a family, we have all agreed that Maine (and CNS) is very special to each of us. I know that my boys will be there for many years to come. Both boys have expressed a desire to become conselors someday. I would love that.


This July will bring our final pilgrimage to Maine for visiting day. It has been twelve years of a great family tradition. All three of our children have loved their Maine camp experience. Androscoggin is a special place, from the campers to the counselors to the directors. There is no other place our son would rather be than Andro. We will miss our visiting day traditions, driving to Maine and rewarding ourselves with Tubby’s lobster rolls and ice cream.


My daughter started at Camp Runoia in Maine when she had just turned 10. This is her 6th summer and she begged us to send her for the two sessions and we caved in and agreed. From the first time we saw Camp Runoia we knew it was the camp for Olivia. It is physically one of the prettiest camps I have ever seen. The cabins seem to fit into the natural habitat as though they grew there like the trees. The waterfront is breathtaking. Maine has always been a special place for our family and therefore, sending our daughter to a Maine camp was a no brainer. She took to Camp Runoia like it was a second home. The directors are fantastic and they are all so involved in the daily routine. They do not sit on the periphery and just watch. I am so glad to have found this camp for Olivia and I know that she will be connected to Runoia for the rest of her life. She already talks of sending her own daughters someday!


I started at Camp Runoia at age 8 and was a camper and then a counselor until my last summer at age 21. In large measure, all those summers in Maine impacted my ultimate decision to move to Maine and raise my family here. It’s a decision I’ve never regretted. I sent my daughter to Camp Runoia when she was 8, and last summer, at age 27, she was an assistant director. Both my sons went to camp in Maine as well. I find that my kids share with me the unique experiences that came from having been part of Runoia and part of Maine camping. We all learned at an early age how to play well and live well with others. We learned skills that schools are unable to impart, so that now we are all adept in a canoe, in a sailboat, on a tennis court or on a camping trip; we all agree that many of our closest friends are still our camp friends; we all make a heck of a campfire and know every single camp song there possibly is to sing around it; but best of all, we all got our self esteem, our respect for the outdoors, our confidence and our positive spirit from being at camp. Next to my kids, Runoia is the best part of me….what’s better than that?


For our family Maine and Camp North Star (CNS) have been invaluable. Our now 12 year old will spend her 3rd summer in Maine and she has been waiting to return since last summer. CNS is her safe haven, she will spend 6 weeks enjoying her favorite activity, waterskiing! We couldn’t have asked for a better place or a better camp for our daughter. We know that she will return to CNS for many summers to come and if the Goldbergs will have her, as a counselor some day!! Maine now holds a special place in our hearts!


Seven years ago this week, our 10-year-old son Gabe stepped out of the car at Birch Rock Camp for the first time. He knew no one. But from the first handshake greeting with the Head Counselor before he even unloaded his trunk, Gabe felt at home and we knew he had chosen the right camp. This was proven when during the last week of the session, Gabe called home crying that he didn’t want to leave. After that summer, and for every summer since, Gabe has happily unpacked his trunk at Birch Rock, this year returning as a counselor in a bunk of 12-year-olds. This camp has become for him, a community of fellowship and male bonding…. a place where he is at home in the woods… a place I know he dreams about during the 10 months of year when he is not at Birch Rock. He has made life-long friends at this camp, boys and now men who are his support network, his family. As a single child, I know he values these relationships. They ARE his brothers. As parents, we have also watched Gabe thrive on the challenges that this camp has offered. He can build and light a campfire with one match…. survive in the woods… read hiking trails…. and most importantly, teach others these skills. He is proud of these accomplishments and we know that much of the self-confidence he has built over the past seven years comes from his time at Birch Rock. We know that Gabe is the man he is today because of Birch Rock, the camp that values, above all, ‘helping the other fellow.’


My three kids have gone to camp in maine for the last 7 years… My son at Takajo. It has been the best experience of their lives and ours. We love Maine and the camps we have picked for our kids. The camps are very fitting for our children. Both have specific things our kids like. My son’s experince at Camp Takajo has, bar none, been the best thing that has ever happened to my son. It offers everything, and the best counselors and staff I have ever seen. He has been with great kids for the past 5 summers and is looking forward to continuing his great run there.


There are so many reasons why we choose to send our daughter to Camp Mataponi in Maine. First and foremost, we love the owners. We feel so comfortable knowing that they are there for us and our daughter every single day. Sending our daughter to camp at Mataponi has enabled her to try many new sports and activities on a beautiful lake in a beautiful setting. She is able to explore Maine on the many outings and overnights that the camp exposes her too. And, our daughter has met her best friends at camp Mataponi, We have grown to love Maine so much that we plan a vacation around Mataponi’s visiting weekend each year and explore a different city within the state. Being able to send our daughter to camp in Maine has proven to be the best gift that we could give to her.

A Family

As a family learning that our little girl was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma was very difficult. We did not even know what it was or what it would mean for us. Camp Sunshine is an awesome place that lets us embrace and interact with others going through the same or similar things.

A Family

The energy, atmosphere, and loving community gives me hope in the world again- this place is Hope in the World. I cannot express how thankful we are. Thanking you so much for blessing us with your donation. I know that we will pay it forward soon — and make way for another family to have an amazing experience.

A Family

Because a lot of our finances are focused on medical related visits, our family does not travel. To come to Camp, to have the week so generously donated and to experience this as a family has been priceless. Your generosity gave more than just some days in Maine. You gave us courage, strength and energy to keep going and keep fighting.”

A Family

Words cannot express what this week has been for us. Spending time with other Retinoblastoma families for six full days has been unbelievably strengthening and life changing. Our families and friends that surround us can only understand up to a limit what we have been and are going thru. They can only walk beside us in efforts to be there for us. Spending time with the families this week has been such a support as there are people that actually walk in our shoes; apparently there are others that share our hard time and we are not along in dealing with this in the world.

A Volunteer

“I was fortunate enough to first volunteer at Camp Sunshine in September 1999 during my senior year of high school at Holy Name. Not knowing what to expect I was incredibly nervous and anxious. That session forever changed my life. Volunteering at Camp has been the most rewarding experience and over the past 10+ years, the families and volunteers I have met have truly been an inspiration to me.”