About Crescent Cove
Camp Crescent Cove is an overnight 3.5 week session camp for boys and girls in Raymond, Maine. Crystal clear water on Crescent Lake for swimming, sailing, waterskiing, windsurfing, canoeing, and fishing. Energetic staff in a warm supportive atmosphere. Beautiful facilities. Come learn tennis, soccer, theatre, dance, archery, art, pottery, photography, woodworking, animal care, basketball, baseball, rock-climbing, overnight wilderness trips and more! Horseback riding and golf for all levels. Modern cabins with toilets and showers. Excellent health care staff. Wonderful food. Non-sectarian. A.C.A. accredited. 3 to 1 ratio. Two 3.5 week sessions. International campers welcome. Boys & Girls ages 7 to 16. Discovery 2 week program for new campers. Beautiful Sebago Lake region of southern Maine.
Our schedule is built around a 5 period day with focus on both core and elective activities. Our core activities include Watersports – Landsports – Arts & Crafts. We offer a full range of activities giving children many chances to try something new while creating Commitment, Confidence, and Community.
Join us at The Cove for a spirited, energized, and unbelievable summer where lifetime friendships and memories will be made.
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Contact Crescent Cove
198 Raymond Hill Road
Raymond, ME 04071
Google Maps
PO Box 77
Pleasantville, NY 10570
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