From family-friendly excursions to thrill-seeking adventures, there is something for everyone to see and do in Maine.

- Acadia National Park
- Bar Harbor and Camden, quaint seaside towns
- Biking tours
- Baxter State Park
- Championship golf — 140 courses
- Children’s and Maritime museums

- Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
- Culinary tours
- Deep sea and freshwater fishing
- Duck boat tours
- Freeport — home to L.L. Bean and fabulous outlet shops
- Hot air ballooning
- Lighthouse tours
- Lobster boating

- Portland Sea Dogs baseball
- Portland’s quaint cobblestone streets, shops and galleries
- Rock climbing
- Sea kayaking
- Whale watching tours
- White water rafting
- Windjammer cruises

The Maine Office of Tourism provides a rich and comprehensive website of all things Maine — from dining and lodging to every possible activity imaginable. The Maine Camp Experience encourages visiting their website.
We Love Visiting Maine
As parents, we loved Visiting Weekend. We surrounded the time with vacation days in Maine staying at beautiful places ranging from quaint B&Bs, to luxury resorts. Our memories including biking along the coast, having lobster dinners in Camden, and visiting the L.L.Bean store in Freeport.