Gearing Up
Here are a few time-tested ideas to make sure your kids have all of the personal items they will need for their Maine summer camp experience:

- Review your camp’s packing list early and make sure you know exactly what items you need to look out for to purchase.
- Some camps have required camp clothing that needs to be purchased from a specific camp outfitter. Your camp will notify you of this, but it is important to place these orders early in case there are sizing issues.

- Stick to the list the camp provides, but if your child has a tendency to lose personal items or damage clothing, you might want to add some extra necessities.
- If your child uses a retainer or wears glasses it is always a good idea to send a backup pair.

- Label EVERYTHING with your child’s first and last name—not just clothing. Use laundry proof fabric markers, or name tapes, depending on the item you are labeling.
- “Containerize” smaller items when packing. Put similar things together in see-through travel bags or Ziplocs so that they are easy to find and keep organized.
- Put stationery/stamps/mail in a plastic accordian envelope or in a clipboard case.

- Pack linens, sleeping bags, pillows and outerwear in a duffle bag together.
- When packing you child’s bag, place larger items on the bottom, folded or rolled and smaller items on top.
- If your child/teen will be traveling to camp with their luggage on a coach bus or flight, make sure that they can comfortably carry what they are bringing with them.