Camp T-shirt Day
November 11, 2024
Today, we’re celebrating Camp T-Shirt Day, a day that unites campers from around the world! It’s a day where everyone in the Maine Camp community can proudly support their camp. Current campers and their families and staff, as well as alumni campers, staff members, and camp enthusiasts can show their camp spirit.
Every year, participants wear their camp T-shirts and share photos online to celebrate the camp experiences that make an impact on our lives. The shirts bond us and remind us of the reasons we love our camps - meaningful friendships; beautiful crystal clear lakes; top-notch activities and instruction; S’mores by the campfire; memorable trips; fun special events; and wonderful traditions.
So wear your favorite shirt and share a pic - tag @mainecamps on Instgram and @mainecampexperience on Facebook. This day is all about coming together as a camp community.