National Pet Day is this week and what better way to celebrate our furry friends than to talk about how much we love our pets at Maine Camps.

Pets at camp make a bright day even brighter and can instantly turn any frown upside down. Pets help kids acclimate to their new environment. Great bonds are formed between camper and dogs and also between campers who like to spend time with the camp dog(s). Those who miss their pets at home enjoy pets at camp. And, many campers who don’t have pets at home love experiencing life with a pet.

Maine Camp pets can be found “playing” Gaga or hockey, they are good office greeters, and love swimming, too. Campers can actively walk dogs around camp or even take a calm moment for a hug, bonding on a cabin porch.

When Maine Camp Experience asked our member camps to share their pet pics, we were instantly and enthusiastically flooded with images and info about the pets that are integral parts of the camp community.

Here’s some of the wonderful feedback about pets at Maine Camps:

- Our camp office dog who loves to greet our future camp families when they come to tour; our other camp dog, much like the campers, would love to spend all day, every day at the waterfront swimming and playing  - Our camp dogs help comfort campers and staff, and they help keep birds off the docks! - Pets at camp can really connect with kids who are missing their own pets as they try to acclimate in the early days of camp. Both dogs have enjoyed one-on-one experiences with homesick campers, who then became returning campers for many years 

And, camp’s not just “for the dogs.” Many Maine Camps have additional animals that campers enjoy spending time with including horses, sheep, goats, bunnies, and beyond!

So … to all the camp pets pictured and not pictured here – we offer a round of apaws (Lol – we mean applause). Our camp directors AND camp pets look forward to reconnecting with our campers and counselors again really soon!

Maine Camp Experience Resources & Tools

_Looking for the perfect Maine camp for your child?  Try out our helpful tool where you can select a camp by choosing: type of camp (girls, boys or coed) and session length (1-8 weeks).  It helps to narrow down a few camps to a manageable list that includes rates.  Then you can research these camps in more depth.  _

Next, be sure to  to discuss these camps as well as for free, year-round advice and assistance on choosing a great Maine summer camp for your child.