You’ve chosen to send your child/ren to overnight camp and picked a wonderful Maine Camp where s/he will have fun, make friends, learn new skills, gain confidence, independence, and resilience, and more. You and your child/ren are likely very excited, but also may also feel a little unsure.

Join psychologist, Maine Camp alumna, and Maine Camp parent Dr. Tracy Brenner, “The Camp Counselor,” for a webinar hosted by Maine Camp Experience on Thursday, May 9 at 1pm. Dr. Tracy will share information about how parents and kids can make the most of the camp summer, including:

- tips for departure - letting your child be “away” - dealing with homesickness - handling common triggers like letters home, camp photos, phone calls home, parent group texts, and Visiting Day 

The webinar is great for first-time camp parents and a good refresher for parents of returning campers.

Register for the Dr. Tracy Maine Camp Experience webinar here

Follow Dr. Tracy Brenner on Instagram: @drtracybrenner

Maine Camp Experience Resources & Tools

Looking for the perfect Maine camp for your child?  Try out our helpful_ tool where you can select a camp by choosing__: type of camp (girls, boys or coed) and session length (1-8 weeks).  It helps to narrow down a few camps to a manageable list that includes rates.  Then you can research these camps in more depth.  _

Next, be sure to contact our Maine Camp Guide, Laurie to discuss these camps as well as for free, year-round advice and assistance on choosing a great Maine summer camp for your child.