Top To Do’s and Resources to Prep for Maine Camp Summer
May 14, 2024
We’re less than six weeks out from the start of Maine Camp summer ‘24, so we’re in the home stretch of getting your camper ready! Check out MCE’s list of to do’s with some additional resources, too.
To do’s:
1. Submit medical and health history forms through your camp's management system - many use [CampMinder](https://campminder.com/solutions/camp-families/) 2. Fill out your camper profile (let’s directors and counselors know goals, interests, challenges) 3. Transportation - communicate with camp to arrange your child’s camp flights, buses, or timing for arrivals by car 4. Set up a login to view photos if your camp posts pics 5. Trunk shipping - many camps work with **[Ship Camps](https://www.shipcamps.com/)** 6. Clothes and gear from your camp outfitter per your camp’s list - many through MCE partners **[Amerasport](https://www.amerasport.com)** and **[The Camp Spot](https://www.thecampspot.com)**; other popular items for campers through **[Crazy Creek](https://crazycreek.com)** chairs, **[Campfire Player](https://shop.campfireplayer.com)** music players, and **[HiViz](https://hivizswim.com)** neon swimwear 7. Label everything! 8. Make your Visiting Day plans (hotel, car, flights) 9. Select your child’s first rotation schedule (some camps have kids/parents complete now while some do it once campers arrive) 10. Get stationery and stamps and even pre-label a few letters home for first time campers. A clipboard case or accordion file are good receptacles 11. Potentially print out a few pics of friends and family from home to put in an envelope or mini album for your child to bring to campResources from MCE business partners to consider:
OrthoNu : Want something safe and effective to help solve your children’s braces and aligner emergencies and discomfort while at camp? OrthoNu’s Oral Relief Kitz are curated just for your campers. Here is a link to buy now and get in time for camp. https://orthonu.com/camp-collection/
Don’t bug out! Lice can happen and our camps are well equipped to handle it. Some parents like to screen for lice before campers head to camp and/or when campers return. We have a couple resources in the NYC area for preventative care and post-camp checks:
- **[Lice Mamas](https://licemamas.com) -** A new lice treatment and scalp health clinic in NYC on West 21st Street. It’s a warm, comfortable, spa-inspired experience for kids and their family to become lice free using non toxic treatment at an affordable, transparent cost with a 30-day guarantee. They offer full service and same day delivery DIY lice removal options. [https://licemamas.com](https://licemamas.com/) - **[Lice Treatment Center](https://licetreatmentcenter.com)** - The Lice Treatment Center® in New York is a full-service, head lice treatment and head lice removal company offering 24/7 services and a complete line of natural, head lice prevention and removal products. Available in NYC and Fairfield County, CT - families can book an appointment at one of their three locations. They also work with several Maine Camps onsite during the summer. [https://licetreatmentcenter.com](https://licetreatmentcenter.com/)A great MCE travel partner - Atlas Travel - helps several of our camps transport kids to camp. It’s also a nice resource for pre- and post-camp families trips and/or for parents who may want to plan a little getaway while the kids are away at camp. Dianne Doucette and Tara Vaz are two travel specialists who work well with our MCE community. https://vacations.atlastravel.com
Maine Camp Experience Resources & Tools
Looking for the perfect Maine camp for your child? Try out our helpfultool where you can select a camp by choosing_: type of camp (girls, boys or coed) and session length (1-8 weeks). It helps to narrow down a few camps to a manageable list that includes rates. Then you can research these camps in more depth. _
Next, be sure to contact our Maine Camp Guide, Laurie to discuss these camps as well as for free, year-round advice and assistance on choosing a great Maine summer camp for your child.