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Business Partner Trade Show

Maine Camp Experience hosts an in-person business partner lunch and trade show every fall in Maine. Camp directors enjoy spending time with our invaluable business partners. The member camps find the best products and services for their camps, campers and staff. Quality is key, as well as working with businesses that maintain similar high standards in products and customer service.

Each year we have a packed dining hall with more than 30 partners who connect with member camp directors. Directors preview new camp apparel and software, see new watercraft options, and learn about great new resources for transportation, food service, court and field maintenance, and more.

Norway Savings Bank

I thought the MCE event was very professionally presented. Congratulations on a very fine event.

Northeast Charter & Tour Co.

I attended the Maine Camp Experience trade show. I was optimistic in how it would go because NECT already does a lot of business with existing camps. Many of these camp directors I have known and been doing business with for over 25 years. I went into the show open-minded knowing I was supporting many existing customers and hoping to meet a few new camp directors at the same time. Either way, it was important for me to be there and support them and their businesses.

Trade shows are hard to judge. If you want to know how the show is going to turn out you need to show up! The show was well-run and organized and I was able to network with existing customers (which does not always happen in the summer because the directors are so busy at camp), meet a few new camp directors and create some potential new opportunities. It was a busy couple of hours.

Well done Maine Camp Experience. I look forward to working with you in the future and next year’s show.